UMBRACO - Adding Google Analytics e-commerce code to Umbraco transaction confirmation - google-analytics

From what I understand, to track successful e-commerce transactions using Analytics, you need to insert the tracking code into a 'thank you for your order' type confirmation page/template.
I'm pretty new to UMBRACO CMS and can't seem to find this confirmation page anywhere. There's just a template for a re-direct to SagePay which is the payment gateway. Also, the site doesn't seem to be using any kind of e-commerce 'package'.
Anybody have an idea where I need to go or what I need to do to successfully implement the GA e-commerce tracking to Umbraco?

A couple of questions.
When a user has completed an order on your site, what would be the url where he gets the order confirmation displayed?
A common way of using Umbraco is to dynamically change the template of a page, by adding it to the url, so that might be what is going on here. An Example.
The content tree would look like this:
- Home
- - News
- - Cart
Now the cart page would have a url of /cart.aspx as default. But you could access the same page, with a "confirmation" template by using a url like /cart/confirmation.aspx. in this case, there would be no "confirmation" content page, but there would be a "confirmation.master" template in your "settings" section in the Umbraco backend. And that would probably be the place to insert your google tracking code.


Tracking login in user time on page on Wordpress

I have a simple informative website built in Wordpress. Users must login befor they can view pages ,I would like to track the time each user is viewing each page. Is there a simple plugin or JavaScript I can use to make a database of this information.
Would something like the following suffice?

Login to wordpress website using an existing google

I have a wordpress site.
currently I don't have any login/registration page/form in our website.
I need to create a login page where user can login using an existing google account. it should be the only way to login to our website. Please note, I'm not talking about login page to wordpress admin pages...I'm talking about login page for website.
1) user goes to my website
2) click login link
3) navigates to goole sign in page
4) sign in
5) back to the website , the user is logged in
Is there any WP plugin for such case.
TIA, Anna
Bear in mind that the login page for the WP admin pages is the default login screen for users as WP understands them. I don't know what you expect logged-in users to be able to do or see, but you'd have to manage that access at a different level if you're not using the WP users.
If you just want commenting but with Google logins (and others) I'd recommend Disqus.
You need to sign up with Google for this: There are several options there like using Google+ log-in, etc.
I haven't seen a wordpress plug-in for it, and even if there is, you'd probably have to register with Google somewhere in the above link because they need to give your specific website permission.
If you want to cut to the chase, look at this link which talks about installing the google button using HTML

Unable to "login" via twitter API

I have implemented a twitter login for my site, using a plugin called "Simple Twitter Connect".
Now what this plugin does is create a twitter login function for my site above the the comments section which allows users to use their twitter details rather than filling out name and email boxes.
Now the problem I am having with it is when it gets to the authorize page on, after entering the details and then going back to the site it loads page.
On the contents of the page it says
Failed connecting. Please try again later
I initially thought it must simply be something wrong with the plugin, however I have contacted the plugin author and he as said that gigya has nothing to do with his plugin nor does his plugin link to it.
I havent signed up to gigya nor implemented any of their functions on my site, so I'm not sure how this site gets into the equation.
If anyone wants to recreate the issue, the click here and login via twitter.
Can anyone suggest what the issue may be?
After the successful OAuth-Login you are redirected to the Callback URL associated with your Consumer key. The Callback URL can be configured - here's how you do it:
Log in to
Select the application which you are using in your blog
Go to the "Settings" tab and you'll find the Callback URL under "Application Type"
Set the URL to your blog base directory (where the index.php is).

Google Analytics not tracking a Wordpress directory

Just wondered if there is a known issue with GA having trouble tracking a site which has a Wordpress directory?
It seems to be able to track all of my other pages on the site, but we have a /news/ directory which is powered by Wordpress and it doesn't pick this up at all. It is obviously an issue with the fact that this directory is a Wordpress blog, but there must be a way to track it with all of the other pages.
Aaahhh... Sounds like the google analytics tracking code is present on your main site pages, but is not included in the wordpress template that's applied to that sub-section of your site.
The GA tracking code must be visible to google on every page you want to have tracked.
Try 'View Source' in your browser, and check wether the analytics tracking code is present.
If not, you could hard-code the GA tracking code in, or use one of the free WordPress Plugins to do it for you, like 'Google Analytics':
Hope this helps - post back if you're still having problems!
It may not be related, but did you check if your blog is indexable? Under Settings -> Privacy you can check if its enabled.
Another option is to install a google analytics plugin for the blog. If you enter the same credentials from your already-in-use GA it should be combined. I'm using this one on my blog and its working. iframe page payment gateway integration

I am implementing ebook website, where we allow other partners' website to add our book advertisement widget.
When people click on the book adv, redirect back to our website and continue the checkout process with PayPal.
One of our partner does not want to checkout from our website. He want the checkout flow inside his website itself.
I provide the iFrame page to embed in. However, PayPal checkout is not displaying inside his website. It show as full page and after successfully payment it redirect back to our website download page.
Is there any way or other payment gateway which i can use in iframe?
Give your client an option, to change the redirect page to his site including your page in iframe, or what ever you design,
Then add this return page to the parametre you send on PayPal the "return" with this parameter. Also the cancel parameter must be similar, the "cancel_return" parameter
The same way I believe that you can design a page on your site that looks like your client, setup by your client, and do the job, entering and exit to your client site.
