Does sails-arangodb support waterline index? - waterline

I've tried to set up an index on a field using the index:true attribute but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Is this something on the TODO list or am I missing something?
Secondly, is there a way to specify the edge collections as models? Currently, I'm hooking sails bootstrap.js to create edges and insert index fields but it would be nice to avoid that.

There seems to be a number of features missing from this package. The sails-arangodb package is a work in progress and needs some assistance and TLC to finish.


DynamoDB Update Item

Could someone please give some basic code on how to update items? I am using it an have an app that needs to add/delete values to list and map properties on table items without completely deleting the value. I also have a number property that I need to use as counter. In AWS documentation it simply states to re-save the entire object. I know it is possible to update items in this manner however I cannot seem to find any code. My app is in objective c however this seems like a problem for many people using many languages so this may be a great place to answer this for any and all languages. Thanks.

Symfony2 Filter Table with KnpPaginator

I am trying to filter a HTML-Table I build wit KnpPaginator.
In their docs they tell you it would be possible to Filter: Possibility to add custom filtering, sorting functionality depending on request parameters.
My current solution looks like this:
I read the request parameters myself and adjust the query by hand. However I would love to be able to Filter my whole table without adding my own logic for every column (My Table has more than 50 columns!).
Is this possible by default or do you have any other solutions available?
Maybe it would be even possible to use a Plugin like this: Filterable.
All right after some research I found this post at the Github Page of the Paginator. However I still hope there could be anything else?

Extending table columns in collection view in Plone 4

Collections provide an option to select columns to be display within the table view of collection.
We are extending most content-types with two fields using archetypes.schemaextender: teaser image and teaser text.
Is there a sane way to extend the list of available table columns?
Is there a way to display the teaser text and teaser image inside the table view of the collection with out further customization? Is the logic of the table view flexible enough in order to support a schema extension?
In the control panel -> collections ( typically /portal_atct/atct_manageTopicIndex) you can define every metadata you need. Collections depends on portal_catalog metadata and indexes, so you've to add your custom fields there. Use GenericSetup in your module profile to tell ZCatalog to create the new indexes, or create them by hand. In the former case, beware that reinstalling the module could wipe out the new created indexes ( ).
You might want to take a look at collective.formcriteria. I haven't polished it nearly enough and installing it can get you in some uninstall trouble so don't install it without first backing everything up. That said, it gives you more than enough rope to do what you want using column expressions. Of course this is also more than enough rope to hang yourself with.

Blackberry data binding?

I think I already know the answer, but does BB (5.0 or earlier) have any support data binding to fields?
For example, if I have a vector of items, could I bind that to a list (or some field) that will get auto-updated when new data is placed into the vector?
I'm thinking that is something I'd have to write with the ListFieldCallback or it's equivalent in other fields.
You could implement this using a homemade observer. ( You could use a custom vector which was aware of the observer if you wanted to. I've done this before and it works.
Unfortunatelly such funcionality is not available right out of the box.
As a starting point to ListField implementaion on BB, take a look at Simple ListField example by peter_strange.

Drupal Views api, add simple argument handler

Background: I have a complex search form that stores the query and it's hash in a cache. Once the cache is set, I redirect to something like /searchresults/e6c86fadc7e4b7a2d068932efc9cc358 where that big long string on the end is the md5 hash of my query. I need to make a new argument for views to know what the hash is good for.
The reason for all this hastle is because my original search form is way to complex and has way to many arguments to consider putting them all into the path and expecting to do the filtering with the normal views arguments.
Now for my question. I have been reading views 2 documentation but not figuring out how to accomplish this custom argument. It doesn't seem to me like this should be as hard as it seems to me like it must be. Leaving aside any knowledge of the veiws api, it would seem that all I need is a callback function that will take the argument from the path as it's only argument and return a list of node id's to filter to.
Can anyone point me to a solution or give me some example code?
Thanks for your help! You guys are great.
PS. I am pretty sure that my design is the best I can come up with, lets don't get off my question and into cross checking my design logic if we can help it.
It's not as easy as you would like to make it.
In views, arguments are used to return objects, fx user, node, term, custom object. So you could make some custom code, to get the "query object". That would only be first step. You then need to get the info from the query object. You could either try making a custom relationship bond with the nodes or build your own filter to make the SQL needed. This can quickly become a confusing time sink.
Instead, I would suggest that you use hook_views_query_alter, which will allow you to alter the query. Since you already have the SQL, it's just a matter of checking for the hash, and if it's there, alter the query. Should be a pretty simple thing to do. Only thing that is a bit tricky, is that you have to make the query with the query object that views uses, but it's not that hard to figure out.
