Contact Form 7 - press button to validate fieldset - wordpress

I've used Contact form 7 (wordpress plugin) to create a single form with multiple fieldsets.
The fieldsets are then split (using jquery) like this:
What I want to do is validate all the fields in the fieldset (without submitting the form) - is there a way to
1) validate fields using the validation in contact form 7 manually?
2) specify which fields to validate (based on only those in a fieldset)?
Ideally I want to be able to do it with flexibility in mind as I will be creating 2 or 3 other forms that perform the same way.
Edit: by validate I mean check that the field is:
a) filled in, if it's a required field
b) valid data (so making sure its an email address etc).
My problem is I want to validate the fields manually, without submitting the form, so I can stop them progressing on to the next step of form filling if they've not completed the current fieldset of fields correctly.

What you want to validate ?
If you want to validate an email address. You should write input type = email in your email textbox.
HTML will validate textbox itself, that it should be in email format.
Same as for digits. If you want to validate that a textbox should contain only number.
Use input type = number on your textbox.
Here is an Example:


Submitting "complex" forms using cURL&PHP

I'm trying to create a bot to submit a form using cURL and PHP. I'm able to do this with simple forms but I got stuck with one email form that uses a grid. Looking the network traffic when submitting the form I found this as one of the parameters posted to the form:
panForm$cbpEmail$FormLayout$grdFaleConoscoDestinatarios: {"selection":"T","callbackState":"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","groupLevelState":{},"keys":["201259","201260","201261","201262","201263","201264","201265","201266","201267","201268","201269","201270","201271","201272","201273","201274","201275","201276"]}
This data represents a grid that is part of the email form where user is able to select who will receive the email.
My question is how can I mimic what do to create this data from the grid that is on the page to be able to submit the email form? Does anyone have information about this "callbackstate"?
After submitting a lot of times the same form I realized that I don't need to care about the callbackState. What is important in my case is properly set the selection attribute of this JSON (provided during the creation of the component on the page).
The selection attribute represents the state of the checkboxes in the grid. T means true and F false. selection="T" means only first row selected while selection="FTFT" represents 2nd and 4th rows selected. Remaining rows not represented in the selection attribute are false by default.
Best Regards

Drupal 7 : Pass submitted value from webform to confirmation page and another webform

In Drupal 7 I have two webforms.
When a user submits the first webform, I have the confirmation redirect. I would like to populate one of the fields in the confirmation page (and second webform) with one of the submitted values from the first form.
Then I will list the second webform in the same confirmation page (webform1)
Any idea how I can achieve this?
I used this method to retrieve the value for confirmation page:
recupere the value
But I want to retrieve the value in the second webform
How can I do this?
And how can I list form results in confirmation page (form1)?
Here you have two option to do this.
Store the field value in $_SESSION and get that value.
Webform id is fixed, you can get result by using webform id with relevant userid and add to that result in
hook_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id)}{
if($form_id == 'webform_client_form_YOURWEBFORMID'){
using this you can able to get this value.

How to print Activiti workflow task's values into Alfresco Share

I have a workflow to manage employee petitions, that starts with some fields at starter form. The next task, allows a responsable user to approve or reject the initiator user's petition.
I want to show the values of starting form into the approve/reject form, so I created a custom .ftl file for every field that I want print the label and the value. Now I have hard-coded the values to the this:
My problem here, is how to get the value from the first form and print it at the second form (values that I need are where says "200€" and my name).
I'm using Alfresco Community 5.1 and his own Activiti.
Solution 1 : keep IDs of the fields identical in both the forms. this will make the field editable in the second form.
Solution 2 : create a process variable, set its value after the first form has been submitted. then, in the second form display the value of the process variable.

Logic in merge tags, Gravity Forms

I am creating a few Notifications in Gravity Forms and I would like to use some "if/else" logic based on field entries.
For example, I have a Buyer 1 Name field and a checkbox that asks "Would you like to add another buyer?" When they check it, a new Name field appears for Buyer 2. In my Notification I would like to say "The following buyer...." if only the first name is completed, and "The following buyers..." if the 2nd name is filled in. Basically make buyer plural. I could give about 10 more examples of needing logic INSIDE the merge tags, really surprised this isn't available. Thoughts?
You want to use a Gravity Forms conditional shortcode in your notification message. It looks like this:
[gravityforms action="conditional" merge_tag="{Field:1}" condition="is" value="desired value"]Show this content if the field is equal to the field value I specified earlier[/gravityforms]
You can also check out this full tutorial (images included).

method of validating a large group of textboxes

I have a bunch of text fields on my form that I need to submit to an object.
Before I submit, I first check to make sure the textbox is not empty.
I have about 40 text fields in my form, and I need to do this for 30 of them.
I have to do this 30 times to the various text fields:
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(textboxBookTitle.Text) Then Book.DisplayName = textboxBookTitle.Text
Is there a way to group the 30 text fields into some type of array so that I can process them via a loop rather than check each one individually?
Why not use a asp:requirefieldvalidator?
This could check that the textboxes have a value on clientside before being submitted to the server.
Just put all the textboxes on the same ValidationGroup as the validator and the button.
