Running Linux Commands From BPEL Java Embed - soa

I have a composite deployed on a Linux server and with a Java Embed Activity I am trying to run a Linux command. The composite completes successfully but It seems that the command was not executed because the file was not copied. Below is the following code used.
addAuditTrailEntry("Before execution");
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cp /home/default/January.csv /home/default/January_copy.csv");
addAuditTrailEntry("After execution");
}catch(Exception ex){
addAuditTrailEntry("Fault Occurred");
Does anyone know if it is possible to execute Linux commands from a BPEL's Java Embed Activity?

It's possible. The method that works for me is the three argument exec method.
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cp /home/default/January.csv /home/default/January_copy.csv",null,workingDir);


Unable to run deno task start with invalid source code error

I have a deno repository of my own. I have recently switched to a new machine, and I have git clone'd that repository to my new machine.
Now when I run deno task start, it fails with this error
❯ deno task start
Task start deno run -A --watch=static/,routes/ dev.ts
Watcher Process started.
The manifest has been generated for 3 routes and 2 islands.
error: The source code is invalid, as it does not match the expected hash in the lock file.
Lock file: /Users/john/my-project/deno.lock
I have read this page, but it is not telling me exactly what to do for my error
Based off of what that page says, the contents of one of your dependencies has changed since your original computer downloaded it for the first time, so the hash of the contents are different.
If you just want to ignore this, it says to use the flags
--lock=deno.lock --lock-write
which I assume means to run
deno task start --lock=deno.lock --lock-write
This will overwrite the current lock file with the new version of the code.
While this will work, the better option for the future is to specify the version in your dependency url.
For example, instead of
import { z } from "";
you should say
import { z } from "";
(the #v3.20.2 specfies the exact dependency version)

R beakr script as Rscript Windows 10 service

I'm trying to setup a simple beakr service in Windows that implements the example at I'm able to run the script from the command line successfully and I've been able to add the service in Windows using NSSM, but I am unable to start the service.
When I dig into the service error logs I see that Rscript.exe cannot be executed due to a non-specific permissions problem.
My Rscript.exe is running out of C:\Program Files\R<Version>\bin and my beakr.R script is running out of my User home directory.
If anyone has had success implementing a similar service (Web page based REST endpoint) using R in Windows, I would love to know how you did it.
This is what I did to run an R script as Service using latest pre-release version of NSSM on Windows 10:
Create a directory to store the files
In this example : C:\R\ServiceTest
Create in this directory a never ending script : ServiceTest.R
# Test script : beeps every 10 seconds
while (T) {
if (interactive()) {
# Shows spin cursor to facilitate test in interactive mode
for (i in 1:10) {
if (i%%4==0) {cursor <- '/'}
if (i%%4==1) {cursor <- '-'}
if (i%%4==2) {cursor <- '\\'}
if (i%%4==3) {cursor <- '|'}
} else {
I used to let this kind of script run in a console open on my desktop to check various alarms regularly.
Create a batch file to run the script : ServiceTest.bat
Rscript ServiceTest.R
Open an Admin console and make sure the batch file runs correctly:
C:\R\ServiceTest>Rscript ServiceTest.R
Cancel the batch (Ctrl+C)
Using the Admin console, install the batch file as service using NSSM :
nssm install
Set Service name : ServiceTest
Set Application path : C:\R\ServiceTest\ServiceTest.bat
Set Working directory : C:\R\ServiceTest\
Set Logon : Windows User + Password
Install Service
Open Windows Services Manager, find ServiceTest and start it : if everything went well, that's it!
If you get an error message, check Windows Event Log / Services : you can find there hints on the cause of the problem. Most common problems I encountered :
error on path
used local user instead of own user account / password to run the service
If you want to remove the service :
nssm remove ServiceTest
This replaced very nicely the many R consoles I left running in the background on my Desktop.
I see no reasons it wouldn't work with a REST endpoint. core executing powershell some commands work while others return result 0

I have the following simple code that works and executes a powershell command in core website running on my cshtml.cs code behind page
using System.Management.Automation;
public void Execute()
using (var ps = PowerShell.Create())
var results = ps.Invoke();
foreach (var result in results)
string test = result.ToString();
This works i get the current date reported as a string and results variable contains a count of 1.
"7/16/2020 4:38:27 PM"
If i then change it to another command say
ps.AddScript("Get-LocalGroupMember -group my_local_group_name");
Then i get no results, results comes back as count of 0 ?? The only thing i can determine is that Get-Date is a single string where as the other commands Get-WmiObject and Get-LocalGroupMember are multiple lines of text in the outputs when i execute them from a normal Powershell window.
my goal is to be able to execute the Get-LocalGroupMember command and get it's output. Is there something else i'm missing or not doing in terms of Powershell commands ? why is it some commands are working and producing output and others are not ?
So i was getting error in the error stream of the ps object it states
{The 'Get-LocalGroupMember' command was found in the module 'Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts', but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts'.}
if i open a x86 Powershell window and run the Get-LocalGroupMember cmd it gives me error
Get-LocalGroupMember : The term 'Get-LocalGroupMember' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script
file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct
and try again.
running the Get-LocalGroupMember cmd in a regular Powershell window (that is x64) the cmd runs perfect.
My project is set to x64 :( so am failing to understand why is using what seems to me a 32bit version of powershell. That's what i need i need to be able to execute my powershell cmds as x64 because Get-LocalGroupMember cmd is only available in Powershell x64 .
Please Help ? thanks
so i ended up having to do the following for some reason in order to get certian commands like Get-LocalGroupMember to work, other commands like Get-Date don't require the import, and even though on my system i had execution policy unrestricted, whenever i use c# in and checked errors on my ps object it was acting like it wasn't and would not let me run a script using AddScript. So i had to be administrator running visual studio and use set-executionpolicy like below, then be able to add the localaccounts module to be able to use Get-LocalGroupMember.. again if i open a x64 Powershell window on the system i can run Get-LocalGroupMember fine. seems c# is doing some weird things with the Powershell shell that it is creating and running in memory. Anyway hopefully this saves someone else time if they run into the same situation.
using (var ps = PowerShell.Create())
ps.AddScript("Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -force");
ps.AddScript("Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts");
ps.AddScript("Get-LocalGroupMember -group your_local_group_name | Out-String");
var results = ps.Invoke();
foreach (var result in results)
string test = result.ToString();
TestText = test;

Uninstall flow or callback in Qt Installer Framework 3.0.2

Is there any way to call a windows cmd command at uninstall process (maintainancetool.exe) of Qt installer framework? I tried to connect the
installer.uninstallationFinished signal but no results.
+1 Bancha's answer. Also if you are executing the windows command as part of uninstalling a component, it might be better to use the UNDOEXECUTE component of the Execute operation since it will execute along with the other uninstall operations for the component.
component.addOperation("Execute", "touch", "test.txt", "UNDOEXECUTE", "rm", "test.txt")
You can check whether you are in the uninstall mode by installer.isUninstaller()
Below code snippet, may give you a clue.
function Controller() {
if(installer.isUninstaller()) {
installer.uninstallationFinished.connect(this, this.uninstallationFinished);
Controller.prototype.uninstallationFinished = function() {
//Put you cmd that need to execute after uninstalling finish here
installer QML Type
Controller Script

XQuery process:execute how to execute external programm?

I am running exist-db on windows and would like to execute an external windows program.
This works inside the normal windows shell:
C:\path\to\webGLRtiMaker.exe C:\path\to\ImageFile.rti -q 90
And I would like to execute the same program from my xquery script (I have uploaded all the needed files according to my specified paths to my exist-db):
xquery version '3.1';
import module namespace process="" at "java:org.exist.xquery.modules.process.ProcessModule";
declare variable $options := '<options>
<stdin><line>/db/apps/execute-test/images/image1.rti -q 90</line></stdin>
(:process:execute($webRtiMaker, <options/>):)
process:execute('/db/apps/execute-test/resources/RTIMaker/webGLRtiMaker.exe', $options)
Even if I only execute the program without parameters (if I execute it inside windows I get the parameters as overview inside the command prompt so I should also receive some kind of output):
process:execute('/db/apps/execute-test/resources/RTIMaker/webGLRtiMaker.exe', <options/>)
But I get the error:
exerr:ERROR An IO error occurred while executing the process /db/apps/execute-test/resources/RTIMaker/webGLRtiMaker.exe: Cannot run program "/db/apps/execute-test/resources/RTIMaker/webGLRtiMaker.exe": CreateProcess error=2, The System cannot find the file ...
I used this as reference: Execute External Process
What am I doing wrong?
I have not tried this recently, but try the following:
import module namespace process="" at "java:org.exist.xquery.modules.process.ProcessModule";
let $cmd := 'C:\path\to\webGLRtiMaker.exe C:\path\to\ImageFile.rti -q 90'
<results>{process:execute($cmd, <options/>)}</results>
There is an article at the XQuery WikiBook about it.
Unfortunately it is not possible to start an executable that is stored inside the database. The java API requires direct access to a file on the filesystem, and the '/db/....' path is not.
