How can I get a plot window in RStudio? - r

I am able to run the plot command successfully but not able to view the graph/chart window in RStudio. I can save it using "" command in my hard disk and then open it. I have checked all the options in the GUI but did not find it. I wonder if there is any package to be installed. Please suggest.

Have you tried checking if the Plots tab is enabled in the global options panel?
Click "Tools" > "Global Options" and then go to "Pane Layout." The "Plots" tab should be present and enabled in one of your panes as shown below:

I often have this problem. I do not know why, but quitting and restarting R usually solves it for me.


How to refresh plots without needing to close the previous plot?

How do I get VSCode to refresh the plot when making a new plot without needing to close the previous plot tab?
Ideally, it should open up a new tab with the new plot next to the old one.
Moreover, when using Httpgd, even tho the plot refreshes without me having to close the previous plot, it opens up in a separate window outside VSCode. How do I get it to open up as a new tab like in the gif above?
I had the exact same problem and what fixed it for me was simply, in vscode, going into:
Files > Preferences > Settings > section Extensions > scroll down and find R:
find the section "Plot: Use Httpgd" and check it, and restart Vscode.
I can't confirm but I believe it might have started after installing the httpgd package, because I had the behavior you desire before installation, and the exact same behavior you experience after httpgd installation. Of course if my solution works for you (I hope), it will work under httpgd after and not the base default VsCode/R-plot viewer as in your gif.
#coip pointed out that the steps given on this stackoverflow post to me. Downloading the httpgd package from CRAN fixed the problem for me.

Opening the terminal in R

According to most articles on R the terminal simply shows up as a tab next to console in R or can be opened with shift+alt+R, however i still do not get anything
a picture of the workspacel do not get the terminal.
The "terminal"-tab next to "console" is for RStudio and you are not using RStudio. Thats why you cant use the Shortcut.

Setting up R in Atom: How to Run a Help Page

I successfully set up R in my new Atom editor and can get in-line results using the Hydrogen package. I just noticed, however, that when I run lines to obtain "R Documentation" that would pop up automatically in RStudio, Hydrogen only gives me a check mark in-line result with no associated documentation.
Here is what is going on in my Atom editor when I run ?plot
Here is what happens in RStudio (bottom right pane), which I am hoping I can get in Atom
How can I get this working in Atom?
try hydrogen -> Toggle inspector
I had the same question and actually made a little progress. Perhaps someone more experienced than I can use this to make a package to enable an in-atom help documentation panel for us :)
Anyway you can install the atom package 'script' which will properly output some, but not all, help documents. I have an example of one working & one not working.
Working ?read.csv
Not-working ?geom_bar

What is this error in RStudio: "breakpoints will be activated when the file or function is finished executing"?

I am trying to set a break point inside a function from a package I wrote. I am unsuccessful when clicking next to the line number in Rstudio, the error message looks like:
I am not executing anything. Reloading the package did not help either. What is this error and what can I do about it?
Check out this documentation from RStudio that explains what to do.
Basically, make sure you save your R file, then click the Source button on the toolbar:
Your breakpoint should then turn from a hollow red circle to a full one.
Usually running rm(list=ls()) will do the job.

"/content?title=....htm not found" error message

I'm trying to view my data in RStudio and I get the above strange message, what is that and how do I fix whatever problem there is? I can still work with the data, I just can't see it.
I haven't done anything special, it just "happened". I just keep trying View(df)... and now all of a sudden my data frame is an endless column of 1's, although the View window states, true enough, that df is "30 observations of 2 variables".
I also had this problem several times. For me it always helped to quit and restart RStudio. You might try this.
Normally when quitting RStudio without saving your workspace manually before, you should get a prompt asking you
Save workspace image to $pathToYourWorkspace ?
If this is not the case maybe u have no writing permission in your selected workspace folder. Be sure about that first. If you have the permission you could try saving your workspace manually by entering
Can you try accessing your previous entered commands in the console by using arrow up key? Does it work?
Do you have a file called .Rhistory in your workspace?
If not check Options if u have it activated (Tools -> Global Options -> General) and then check 'Restore .RData into workspace at startup' and 'Always save history ...'
You could also check if u have the latest Version of RStudio installed.
