Issue with stimul soft report in margin left -

I use Stimul soft 2013 for reporting in ASP .NET.
When I show my report in A5 letter, it shows like this:
My text from left did not show correctly. I suppose if I could add margin from left to my text, it will solve my problem.
Consider that, I added html tag justify to my text
any body.
Can you help me with this problem?

In Stimul you can shrink your text.
For this problem is better that you set Shrink Text to "True", set a Minimum Size for it, and set Word Wrap to "True".
And sometimes you must put an empty text box to fix it.


Issues with using CKEDITOR built-in templates

I am trying to use the default templates available with CKEDITOR.So I choose the one where an image and text can be placed side by side i.e. the image is occupying a certain part of the editor and the text the remaining part(but on the same horizontal level.I hope you get my point).But when I paste an image into the image area(provided in the template) , the text automatically shifts itself towards the bottom of the image(i.e. now image and text are not on the same level anymore). This happens no matter whether the size of the area provided for the image is bigger or smaller than the image.
Can any one say why this is happening and how to solve it.
You can change the Image Alignment To get the text in the same horizontal level
Image Properties -> Image Info -> Alignment -> Left | Right

RDLC reports not being centered

This is the screenshot of an RDLC report in my Visual Studio report designer
As you can see from the screenshot, my table is totally centered.
This is the screenshot of my report in running mode.
You can see that the table has moved to the right a bit.
I do not know why this is happening. I have set the CanGrow and CanShrink attribute of my individual columns to false, but I think my table body is growing.
It looks like email address length is the reason - it causes this column to expand. You can test this theory by removing record #4 from you report's data source.
Check that two things are set in properties:
click on containing Text Box and click F4. Make sure that "Can Grow" property is set to true (which most likely already is)
right click on containing Text Box and go to TextBox property window. Make sure that sizing option "Allow Height to increase" is checked ON (in General tab). This should push text in the column to wrap instead.
Do the same thing for all the columns that you anticipate longer text (like applicant name). Also, consider increasing initial width of this kind of columns to get more predictable formatting results.
Another thing to do is to remove all white space on the right and left of the table and setting all the margins to make page to be exactly 8.5 x 11 in total (if, for example, you are aiming to use letter page size). This would remove any "space to grow" for the table.

Line Height in SSRS

Is there a way to adjust the line height in SSRS? I have a requirement on a legal document to have a bigger line height.
From what I have read, the Textbox.LineHeight property only affects html. I have converted the text inside the textbox to html, set the LineHeight property, but nothing changed.
I also tried adding custom CSS to the report (using old school line-height: {x} pt; inside a style tag), but to no avail - that isn't supported in the SSRS environment.
Here is an example what I need - How can I achieve this?
Does SSRS even support this?
Converting the text to an expression and adding a double VbCrLf will not be feasible as I need to only add a partial line height
You could add an expression on the Padding.Bottom property.
=IIF(IncreaseHeight, "20pt", "2pt")
If the text is already multiple lines, format the textbox to accept HTML. Replace the line breaks with a white character in a larger font followed by a <br/> tag.
<span style=""font-size=12pt; color:white;"">|</span><br/>
If your text is all on the same line, do the above for each space in your text. Using a bar "|" should be enough to represent the space between words. If not, use a thicker character.

ASP.NET drowdownlist item text preceding blank space is not rendered

I need to indent some dropdownlist item texts to right based upon a condition. For this I simply add blank space to the left of those item text, however they don't get rendered and the texts get trimmed. Here's what I've tried so far:
Left padded certain texts right in the database (the dropdown list is populated from database)
item.Text=" "+item.Text;
item.Text=" "+item.Text;
None of the above methods work. What is the proper way of doing this? I don't want to go CSS.
Here is the jsfiddle
I think this is more a HTML then ASP.NET issue. In HTML spaces are trimmed between elements. The spec determined that 'non-significant' whitespace must be removed.
You have to use to make a 'significant' whitespace which will be rendered when at the start or end of an element.

Flex htmlText cuts off multiple lines from the bottom if you add an <img />

For some reason, if you add an image to htmlText, like the following:
myText.htmlText = "<img src='"+dataProvider.bodyImage.getUrl('original')+"' align='left' \/>" + dataProvider.bodyText;
The image will be succesfully added to the htmlText, but it seems to measure the sizes completely wrong. At times, the actual text (dataProvider.bodyText) will have part 'hidden' under the image. At other times, there are anywhere from 1 to 4 lines cut off at the bottom. However, if you select the text and drag your mouse down, you can see the bottom lines. It appears the text is all there, but the mx:Text component is not including the image in the textHeight, so it doesnt resize the componenet to the correct size.
Any ideas?
Currently using: Flex 3 (cannot upgrade to 4, unfortunately).
Thanks so much!
The key is you have to specify the width/height of the image in htmlText in order for it to be calculated correctly (or close to it, anyway).
