RDLC reports not being centered - asp.net

This is the screenshot of an RDLC report in my Visual Studio report designer
As you can see from the screenshot, my table is totally centered.
This is the screenshot of my report in running mode.
You can see that the table has moved to the right a bit.
I do not know why this is happening. I have set the CanGrow and CanShrink attribute of my individual columns to false, but I think my table body is growing.

It looks like email address length is the reason - it causes this column to expand. You can test this theory by removing record #4 from you report's data source.
Check that two things are set in properties:
click on containing Text Box and click F4. Make sure that "Can Grow" property is set to true (which most likely already is)
right click on containing Text Box and go to TextBox property window. Make sure that sizing option "Allow Height to increase" is checked ON (in General tab). This should push text in the column to wrap instead.
Do the same thing for all the columns that you anticipate longer text (like applicant name). Also, consider increasing initial width of this kind of columns to get more predictable formatting results.
Another thing to do is to remove all white space on the right and left of the table and setting all the margins to make page to be exactly 8.5 x 11 in total (if, for example, you are aiming to use letter page size). This would remove any "space to grow" for the table.


ADA compliance on DEVEXPRESS tables

We are using the DEVEXPRESS tools on a project that needs to be A and AA - ADA compliant. This tool has a functionality used to hide columns of the table when there is not enough space to display them properly.
Looks like the table below, on the right side the columns are hidden. When you click the dots, the values are displayed.
The columns are hidden only on smaller resolutions, on 1920x1080 all columns are displayed.
My question is: is this ADA compliant? I am asking this from the consistency perspective since on bigger resolutions we have some data displayed on page while on lower resolutions some data is hidden.
If you code it properly, yes it could be WCAG conformant.
It's a little tricky because if the hidden columns are truly hidden, then a screen reader won't know there are extra columns. When they navigate to the table, they'll hear "table with 5 columns and X rows" but the table might really have 20 columns. So you might need some invisible text just for the screen reader that tells the user that there are really more columns than currently displayed. Perhaps use the <caption> element with a class of "sr-only".
<caption class="sr-only">This table has X columns but Y of them are hidden. Select the "Show more columns" button to unhide the columns</caption>
The "sr-only" class is not a specially defined class but it's a common name to use for a class that creates text that is visibly hidden but still available to screen readers. See What is sr-only in Bootstrap 3?. You can call the class whatever you want.
The '...' buttons would need to have an appropriate screen reader label (accessible name). Visually, you can show '...' but it'll need something more descriptive for the screen reader user.
<button aria-label="Show more columns">...</button>
Does the '...' button unhide all the hidden columns or just some of them? If only some of them, then the user has to click on '...' again to unhide some more? If so, then the label for '...' would have to indicate that.
When the columns are unhidden, that makes the table very wide so you'll have a horizontal scrollbar on the table?

BIRT Column Width not being Respected

I'm trying to create a BIRT report. The code and query side of it works just fine, but the display is rather wonky.
There's one column whose text contents are rather long, and instead of showing some text and allowing scrolling of the text (which is the behavior I'd like there), it simply shows up as a very vertically long text block; kinda ruins the report a bit. I've also tried setting the width on the column, but no dice there either. Any ideas?
Also, as an aside, how do I get the table's columns to have grid lines? I can do that on the rows, but I can't seem to figure out how to do that for the columns. If anyone has insight into that issue, it'd be appreciated.
Here's a screenshot of the issue
Here's my BIRT report XML, without headers and footers in order reduce characters
I think there is no way to use a scrollable view element inside your report, because the output by the default html-emitter is completely static (I would like to see a different answer if this should be wrong).
To your second Question about how to add a border to a column. Click into the cell of your table, click on "Border" inside the "Properties Editor" and select the borders you like to use. This should be repreated for all cells where you want to use the borders, because this configuration is not applied for a whole column but just for one cell. If you want a border for the whole column you need to setup the border for every cell in the column.
If you have already a data cell inside your table cell, you can use the outline view to select the table cell instead of the data cell:

Issue with stimul soft report in margin left

I use Stimul soft 2013 for reporting in ASP .NET.
When I show my report in A5 letter, it shows like this:
My text from left did not show correctly. I suppose if I could add margin from left to my text, it will solve my problem.
Consider that, I added html tag justify to my text
any body.
Can you help me with this problem?
In Stimul you can shrink your text.
For this problem is better that you set Shrink Text to "True", set a Minimum Size for it, and set Word Wrap to "True".
And sometimes you must put an empty text box to fix it.

primefaces datatable width not rendering good

When I use a datatable and start shrinking my browser window, the datatable has a weird behavior. The center part (where the data is), doesn't shrink but the paginator does.
Here are some pics about the problem.
Thanks in advance.
It's because it can't break up the titles in your table header. If you would place spaces in between instead of using capital letters, it would break the title up and divide it over multiple lines.
If you don't have access to the table header's name (or the ability to change it), take a look at the word-wrap-property in CSS.

QTreeView set column size to content, no multiline (fixed row height)

I have a QTreeView on my window and I want to set the following behaviour: columns width must be set to resize to contents, which I have done like this:
Now, what I need to do is set rows to only 1 line, so, if a column contains '\n', they should not be displayed (I have a detailed description dialog to see that).
To sum up, I need to set something like "no multiline" on my treeview.
Any help would be appreciated.
I'd rather not extend qtreeview, since I have a lot of thems and wouldn't like to change them all, but if that's what it takes...
QTreeView seems to ignore the newlines in contents when uniformRowHeights is true (seen with Qt-4.8)
This not documented, so normally it shouldn't be relied upon. It would be best to remove the newlines or replace them with spaces when populating the treeview.
Also, I've noticed an exception: if there is only one row in the treeview and it contains a newline, then it gets displayed in two lines, regardless of uniformRowHeights.
