How to get rid of the "Realm.framework/Realm is not a dylib" warning? - realm

I am using Realm for our Objective-C iOS app, installed via CocoaPods. However I wasn't able to get rid of the following warning message:
ld: warning: Auto-Linking supplied '/{App_Directory}/Realm.framework/Realm', framework linker option at /{App_Directory}/Realm.framework/Realm is not a dylib
Is there any solution about it? Thank you very much!

Taking another look at that, it seems like you'd somewhere in your project a misconfigured build setting, which contained literally {App_Directory}, which won't be substituted as a variable because of the missing leading dollar sign, assuming that you defined yourself App_Directory as a build setting. It might be better to just use $SRCROOT for that purpose, if that's suitable as well.


Circularity detected when running (vega:load-vega-examples)

When I load the vega-lite data sets using
I get the following error:
Could not REQUIRE CL-DATE-TIME-PARSER: circularity detected. Please check your configuration
However, the examples appear to have loaded.
Also, before I installed cl-date-time-parser in quicklisp, I was getting an error message similar to:
Does anyone know how to get rid of these errors?
Many thanks!
The IMDB example requires cl-date-time-parser. I suspect that problem is that (require ...) only works when the library is in a location known to ASDF. In a new installation, this may not be the case. Now reported as issue #19.
Try loading the library with quicklisp and then rerunning load-vega-examples.

command line compiling generates bigger file than the online version

I am testing google closure compiler on command line.
I took the latest version :
java -jar closure-compiler.jar --version
Closure Compiler (
Version: v20190618
Built on: 2019-06-21 17:24
I am generating a compressed version of my javascript like this :
java -jar closure-compiler.jar my_script.js > out.js
The problem is that the generated code is bigger than the one I get when I use the online service at
I noticed that the command line version added, at the beginning, the following code :
var $jscomp=$jscomp||{};$jscomp.scope={};$jscomp.findInternal=function(a,c,b){a instanceof String&&(a=String(a));for(var d=a.length,e=0;e<d;e++){var f=a[e];if(,f,e,a))return{i:e,v:f}}return{i:-1,v:void 0}};$jscomp.ASSUME_ES5=!1;$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_MAP=!1;$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_SET=!1;$jscomp.SIMPLE_FROUND_POLYFILL=!1;
$jscomp.defineProperty=$jscomp.ASSUME_ES5||"function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(a,c,b){a!=Array.prototype&&a!=Object.prototype&&(a[c]=b.value)};$jscomp.getGlobal=function(a){return"undefined"!=typeof window&&window===a?a:"undefined"!=typeof global&&null!=global?global:a};$$jscomp.getGlobal(this);
$jscomp.polyfill=function(a,c,b,d){if(c){b=$;a=a.split(".");for(d=0;d<a.length-1;d++){var e=a[d];e in b||(b[e]={});b=b[e]}a=a[a.length-1];d=b[a];c=c(d);c!=d&&null!=c&&$jscomp.defineProperty(b,a,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:c})}};$jscomp.polyfill("Array.prototype.find",function(a){return a?a:function(a,b){return $jscomp.findInternal(this,a,b).v}},"es6","es3");
I do not have such a code in my script: Where does it come from ?
how can I produce the same output as the online version ?
To get the compiler command line work as the web service, I just added an option :
This is likely a discrepancy between the settings on the web service and the ones you're using locally.
Have a look at a Closure Compiler: Flags and Options to see what settings you might prefer.
If you'd share your source, it'd be possible to try and help you narrow down the options.
As for the extra code, I believe it is at least partially a polyfill for Array.prototype.find (aka [].find), which I assume is in your code?
If so, that's Closure injecting code to improve your cross browser compatibility.

Cannot find name 'console'

I am using Angular2-Meteor, TypeScript. (Meteor version
When I use console.log('test'); on the server side, it is working well.
However, I got this warning in my terminal:
Cannot find name 'console'.
How can I get rid of this warning?
Or is there any special method such as Meteor.log for server side? Thanks
How can I get rid of this warning?
if its a TypeScript compiler warning (and not a runtime one) then console is defined in lib.d.ts :
Make sure that the compiler is setup correctly (e.g. doesn't have --noLib or some custom incorrect --lib). You might want to look at your tsconfig.json's compilerOptions (if any)
#barbatus who is main contributor for angular2-meteor, gave the answer on Github.
The issue is in that TypeScript package uses lib.core.ts default lib on the server side which doesn't have definitions for console. NodeJS definitions from other side as now defines console in the global scope only (i.e. global.console).
The solution is running this in your terminal:
typings install registry:env/meteor --ambient
Please go here for more details.

Getting this error when compiling in theos

This is the error here:
Any ideas? I have no idea what the error means
It seems like your theos tool is either not installed correctly or not in the path it expects it to be or your environment variable that points to it is not set correctly. You are also trying to compile as root which is problematic. You should be compiling as 'mobile' user and only use root while installing theos.
Type "echo $THEOS" (without quotes) to see if that environment variable is even set. It should point to somewhere like /opt/theos - Can't create ipa-file anymore

I usually use to generate my ipa-Files for iOS. Now when I want to generate the file, I get the following error message:
Failed when running /usr/bin/codesign: codesign_allocate: object: /Users/mherceg/Desktop/ag-app/development/ios/ malformed object (unknown load command 39)
/Users/mherceg/Desktop/ag-app/development/ios/ object file format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitable
It worked yesterday, but now it doesn't. Any help is very welcome.
This is probably to do with v1.4.16 of our platform, where we switched over to building on Xcode 4.5: I'd recommend upgrading Xcode and make sure the Command-line Tools (Preferences ↦ Downloads) are installed.
