flexbox layout margin-bottom of the browser window - css

I would like to make a layout with flexbox model layout. I want to
make full height of parent element, however I want some margin-bottom
of the browser window. It does not matter how big screen is margin
bottom remain same.
Many thanks and complete code.

make the bottom border colour the same as the page background - or Transparent. In the fiddle it won't look right but on the page it should.
.flexbg {
display: flex;
max-width: 100rem;
width: 100%;
margin: 2rem auto;
height: 98vh;
Do your research for cross-browser support though.


Center overflow element with scrollbar?

I have a layout like this one. I need the green element to be always centered, whatever the screen size. It works, unless the scrollbar appears.
I've seen in chrome there is 'overflow-y: overlay' css attribute, but I can't find a way to reproduce the same behaviour on other browsers, unless with some javascript (which I would like to avoid for something like this)
IMPORTANT: always hiding or showing the scrollbar is not an option!
Is there a way to achieve the wanted result?
I've just created a fiddle for this. Just remove padding from .body and set width as 100% - padding, like I did.
If you don't want only green div to be scrollable, just move overflow-y: auto; to .container
.container .body {
overflow-y: auto;
max-height: 300px;
width: calc(100% - 200px);
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

How to overflow a full height content with flexbox?

I have a layout with a full height side-menu and two tabs. In one of the two tabs, I have a very big (fixed height) content which overflow the body. I've set overflow: auto on the tab container.
I want the tabs to be full height and if the content overflow, a scroll. It barely works but the container on the second tab does not contain all the tab.
I've reproduced the bug on this CodeSandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/L84M9rOgD
I've tried to use align-items: start on the tab container, it fixes the second tab but breaks the first one being full height..
Try this demo
Add the below styles
.panelContent {
flex: 1;
padding: 30px 40px;
display: flex;
background: white;
overflow-y: auto;
.panelIsActive {
display: flex;
overflow-y: auto;
Demo here
The key to achieve this is to have the whole container having a real height (using height: 100vh or sticking it to whatever you want with position: absolute).
After that, things get easier, as the overflow will behave as expected. To ensure the flex-grow will not "compress" other blocks, ensure you have flex-shrink: 0 set to siblings (cf demo, because it feel that my textual explanation is not clear as crystal).

How to make a flexible-height modal with fixed header

I've created a really simple modal that allows the content to decrease or expand without running off the page - always leaving 10% margin on the top and bottom. When the page isn't tall enough to contain all the modal content, the entire modal becomes scrollable.
See jsfiddle here
Is it possible, using only CSS, to replicate this behavior but only have the modal body be scrollable, so the header is always fixed. I've tried a few things, but haven't come up with the solution yet. Making the header position: fixed almost works, I have to reposition it over the modal box and then try to add padding to the body so the content is visible under the header, which doesn't budge the scrollbars down. I always prefer to exhaust all the css alternatives before I bind some js to window resize and manually manipulate the body height.
This might be late, but I had to solve a similar issue of fixed header, fluid height, fluid width.
This is how I tackled the issue:
Give your elements a border-box box-sizing. Use a wrapper to center and create a bounding box. This can be a fluid one with min-width and max-width + percentages.
Give your content element an overflow-y of auto and a max-height of 100%;
Use box-sizing:border-box;
The complete code should be something like this:
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
.modal {
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8);
.wrap {
position: relative;
margin: 0 auto;
display: block;
width: 90%;
/* Change the max-width value on a media query breakpoint to make this example more "responsive" */
max-width: 500px;
height: 90%;
padding: 30px;
.modal header {
height: 30px;
padding: 0;
color: #FFF;
background-color: #007;
.modal .body {
background-color: #FFF;
max-height: 100%;
overflow-y: auto;
Applying the max-height and overflow-y settings to .body rather than to .wrap...?
Edit 1:
Nothing's turned up so far within the constraints, which suggests either JavaScript or straying from the constraints (using % for the header height or px margins).
Edit 2:
Here's an initial demo using % for the header height. I added a px min-height to the header tag to prevent the header from almost disappearing on very small screens, at the expense of the top margin (which is reduced on very small screens).
On a screen >= 400px tall, it should work exactly as per the requirements (40px header with 10% height). If the header were reduced in height, it would support slightly-smaller screens (a 30px header with 10% height would support >= 300px screens). Here's a demo with a 30px header.
It's a clumsy solution, but it's the only one that turned up without using JavaScript.
Also, note that I added an h2 and a .content tag and moved the padding:10px; there, to avoid combining % height and padding in the same elements (which leads to a taller height than the % value specified).

Odd resizing with 960px innerwrap of desktop site

Id like to know why my inner wrap of the desktop css for this site is not working.
Basically if set innerwrap to margin:0 auto; and width: auto; there is no problem, but it's not centered on the footer or main div
When I have innerwrap as it's currently set margin:0 auto; and width:960px; you'll notice that the page presents a horizontal scroll bar after resizing the window a bit, and all the content is squished to the left with a white background starting to become visible.
Is there anyway to have it transition fluidly to the next tablet size layout without have a scroll bar appearing and content getting squished?
It shows Scrollbar because of the padding you apply in .innerwrap
Read this article about the Box Model
Use of padding on the sides of certain elements when applying 100% width to parent element its not recommendable because it adds width to the whole group, and since you,re using the browsers width it shows the scrollber to see the extra space you added.
My humble advice is that if you want a block element to appear centered apply an margin:auto style rule whenever is possible, the same also has to be displayed as a block element with no float.
Remove this:
.innerwrap {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
padding-left: 10%;
padding-right: 10%;
width: 80%;
Keep This
.innerwrap {
margin: auto;
width: 960px;
Since you are applying fixed margins for you social icons they will show misplaced, so don't use fixed margins for centering them, use percentage width instead.
you may want use a common class for aligning them
.social {
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
display: block !important;
float: none;
height: 150px;
margin: auto;
padding-top: 50px;
width: 30% !important;
For a.twittersocial and a.twittersocial:hover and the rest of the social links just keep the background properties.
Create a determined class if you need to apply common style rules to several elements (if there are many of them) and avoid usage of ID selectors whenever is possible, use classes instead (.daclass).
Use a web inspector like Firebug to track down styling errors.
Good luck Developer!

Div fit according image width

I have a portfolio page with a image display with zoom.
I have this code: http://codepen.io/Mpleandro/pen/LvrqJ
The div that shows the image has a class of .display, on line 13 of the HTML and the css formating for this div isline 90.
The image width will be flexible, so I what I want is to make the containing div inherit the width of image.
I tried the css property auto, inherit and min-with, but nothing works!
Could someone help me?
P.S.: I need a responsive solution.
since 1 year has passed you may not be interested in the solution, but hope that helps someone else.
I also had a situation like that where I needed a div to be of the same width as the image and this had to be responsive.
In my case, I set a fixed width for the div
width: 250px;
I also had responsive image:
display: block;
max-width: 100%;
height; auto;
and then I added a media query with threshold when the fixed width of the div started to affect the responsive nature and simply addedd this:
#media screen and (max-width: 917px){
width: 100%;
For my project the threshold was 917px when the fixed width started to affect.
I guess it is a solution that will fit everyone since width: 100% after the certain threshold will always be the width of the image if the image is responsive.
I don't know how to give you a perfect answer, but I can hopefully send you in the right direction. First, you can forget about inherit or min-width because they are not what you want.
auto is the default value, and I think that the default behaviour is very close to what you want: the width of the div adapt to its content. If this is not the current behaviour, this is because of many other reasons including the positioning of that div. The thing is, you won't have a proper centering and sizing of the <div class="display"> with only CSS, because it would need a specific explicit width declaration.
Since you already use Javascript to display/hide the good images, you could use Javascript to set the width everytime you change the image that is in the box.
My best advice would be to use existing solutions which are tested, approved and look really good. A 2 seconds Google search pointed me to Fesco which you could try.
I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but if it is, I hope it will help!
If you want your image to fill the div, but to scale with the browser, try setting the width of your div. Next, apply max-width="100%"; height: auto; to your image.
The simplest solution would be to just set .display to display: inline-block;, which would adjust its size to the contained image. If you want to be responsive as well, you need to define an upper limit via max-height: 80%, for example.
Put together, it would look like this: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/IluBt
JS line 17:
CSS for .display
.display {
position: relative;;
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
max-height:80%; /* <-- limit the height */
And to align everything nicely:
.loader {
color: red;
position: fixed;
width: 100%; height: 100%;
background: rgba(0,0,0, 1) url(../http://www.mpleandro.com.br/images/new/loader.gif) no-repeat center center;
text-align: center;
