Substitute in sed not changing files - unix

Apologies if this has been covered before, I had a search but couldn't find anything. I realise this is probably a simple error, but I'm currently learning UNIX.
I've been trying to do a sed substitution but every time I've tried the command just seems to print out the files and not substitute anything?
The command in question is:
find . -name 'config.xml' -exec sed 's/<name>development<\/name>/<name>releases<\/name>/g' {} \;
After I run this command, if I try to find and grep for <name>development<\/name> it still returns results. Why?
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

This is because you're not actually editing the file--just printing the edited version to stdout. Use sed's -i flag:
This option specifies that files are to be edited in-place. GNU
sed does this by creating a temporary file and sending output to
this file rather than to the standard output.(1).
find . -name 'config.xml' -exec sed -i 's/<name>development<\/name>/<name>releases<\/name>/g' {} \;
You can also use a different character besides / if you don't want to have to escape them:
find . -name 'config.xml' -exec sed -i 's#<name>development</name>#<name>releases</name>#g' {} \;


bzgrep not printing the file name

find . -name '{fileNamePattern}*.bz2' | xargs -n 1 -P 3 bzgrep -H "{patternToSearch}"
I am using the command above to find out a .bz2 file from set of files that have a pattern that I am looking for. It does go through the files because I can see the pattern that I am trying to find being printed on the console but I don't see the file name.
If you look at the bzgrep script (for example this version for OS X) you will see that it pipes the output from bzip2 through grep. That process loses the original filenames. grep never sees them so it cannot print them out (despite your -H flag).
Something like this should do, not exactly what you want but something similar. (You could get the prefix you were expecting by piping the output from bzgrep into sed/awk but that's a bit less simple of a command to write out.)
find . -name '{fileNamePattern}*.bz2' -printf '### %p\n' -exec bzgrep "{patternToSearch}" {} \;
I printed the file name through echo command and xargs.
find . -name "*bz2" | parallel -j 128 echo -n {}\" \" | xargs bzgrep {pattern}
Etan is very close with his answer: grep indeed does not show the filename when only dealing with one file, so you can make grep believe he's looking into multiple files, just by adding the NULL file, so the command becomes:
find . -name '{fileNamePattern}*.bz2' -printf '### %p\n'
-exec bzgrep "{patternToSearch}" {} /dev/null \;
(It's a dirty trick but it's helping me already for more than 15 years :-) )

How to delete a line from files in subfolders using Unix commands?

I've a folder structure where the starting folder is test. test has two folders in it. test1 and test2, plus a bunch of files. There's a word welcome in these bunch of files as well as the files in test1 and test2. I tried this and it did not work
sed 's/\<welcome\>//g' **/*
What am I doing wrong? How can this be done?
This might work for you (GNU sed):
find test -type f -exec sed -i '/welcome/d' '{}' \;
sed -e 's/welcome//g' test > test2
The file test has several entries including welcome.
This above sed line deletes welcome from test.
You could put it in a loop..
And I see that sputnick has just answered your question to a large extent! :P
Try doing this (GNU sed):
sed -i '/welcome/s/\<welcome\>//g' test/*
The -i switch modify the files, so take care.
If -i switch is not supported on your Unix :
for i in test/*; do
sed '/welcome/s/\<welcome\>//g' "$i" > /tmp/.sed && mv /tmp/.sed "$i"
find . -type f|xargs perl -ni -e 'print unless(/<welcome>/)'

sed edit file in place

I am trying to find out if it is possible to edit a file in a single sed command without manually streaming the edited content into a new file and then renaming the new file to the original file name.
I tried the -i option but my Solaris system said that -i is an illegal option. Is there a different way?
The -i option streams the edited content into a new file and then renames it behind the scenes, anyway.
while on macOS you need:
On a system where sed does not have the ability to edit files in place, I think the better solution would be to use perl:
perl -pi -e 's/foo/bar/g' file.txt
Although this does create a temporary file, it replaces the original because an empty in place suffix/extension has been supplied.
Note that on OS X you might get strange errors like "invalid command code" or other strange errors when running this command. To fix this issue try
sed -i '' -e "s/STRING_TO_REPLACE/STRING_TO_REPLACE_IT/g" <file>
This is because on the OSX version of sed, the -i option expects an extension argument so your command is actually parsed as the extension argument and the file path is interpreted as the command code. Source:
The following works fine on my mac
sed -i.bak 's/foo/bar/g' sample
We are replacing foo with bar in sample file. Backup of original file will be saved in sample.bak
For editing inline without backup, use the following command
sed -i'' 's/foo/bar/g' sample
One thing to note, sed cannot write files on its own as the sole purpose of sed is to act as an editor on the "stream" (ie pipelines of stdin, stdout, stderr, and other >&n buffers, sockets and the like). With this in mind you can use another command tee to write the output back to the file. Another option is to create a patch from piping the content into diff.
Tee method
sed '/regex/' <file> | tee <file>
Patch method
sed '/regex/' <file> | diff -p <file> /dev/stdin | patch
Also, note that patch will get the file to change from line 1 of the diff output:
Patch does not need to know which file to access as this is found in the first line of the output from diff:
$ echo foobar | tee fubar
$ sed 's/oo/u/' fubar | diff -p fubar /dev/stdin
*** fubar 2014-03-15 18:06:09.000000000 -0500
--- /dev/stdin 2014-03-15 18:06:41.000000000 -0500
*** 1 ****
! foobar
--- 1 ----
! fubar
$ sed 's/oo/u/' fubar | diff -p fubar /dev/stdin | patch
patching file fubar
Versions of sed that support the -i option for editing a file in place write to a temporary file and then rename the file.
Alternatively, you can just use ed. For example, to change all occurrences of foo to bar in the file file.txt, you can do:
echo ',s/foo/bar/g; w' | tr \; '\012' | ed -s file.txt
Syntax is similar to sed, but certainly not exactly the same.
Even if you don't have a -i supporting sed, you can easily write a script to do the work for you. Instead of sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' file, you could do inline file sed 's/foo/bar/g'. Such a script is trivial to write. For example:
trap 'rm -f "$tmp"' 0
tmp=$( mktemp )
<"$IN" "$#" >"$tmp" && cat "$tmp" > "$IN" # preserve hard links
should be adequate for most uses.
You could use vi
vi -c '%s/foo/bar/g' my.txt -c 'wq'
sed supports in-place editing. From man sed:
-i[SUFFIX], --in-place[=SUFFIX]
edit files in place (makes backup if extension supplied)
Let's say you have a file hello.txtwith the text:
hello world!
If you want to keep a backup of the old file, use:
sed -i.bak 's/hello/bonjour' hello.txt
You will end up with two files: hello.txt with the content:
bonjour world!
and hello.txt.bak with the old content.
If you don't want to keep a copy, just don't pass the extension parameter.
If you are replacing the same amount of characters and after carefully reading “In-place” editing of files...
You can also use the redirection operator <> to open the file to read and write:
sed 's/foo/bar/g' file 1<> file
See it live:
$ cat file
i am here # see "here"
$ sed 's/here/away/' file 1<> file # Run the `sed` command
$ cat file
i am away # this line is changed now
From Bash Reference Manual → 3.6.10 Opening File Descriptors for Reading and Writing:
The redirection operator
causes the file whose name is the expansion of word to be opened for
both reading and writing on file descriptor n, or on file descriptor 0
if n is not specified. If the file does not exist, it is created.
Like Moneypenny said in Skyfall: "Sometimes the old ways are best."
Kincade said something similar later on.
$ printf ',s/false/true/g\nw\n' | ed {YourFileHere}
Happy editing in place.
Added '\nw\n' to write the file. Apologies for delay answering request.
You didn't specify what shell you are using, but with zsh you could use the =( ) construct to achieve this. Something along the lines of:
cp =(sed ... file; sync) file
=( ) is similar to >( ) but creates a temporary file which is automatically deleted when cp terminates.
mv file.txt file.tmp && sed 's/foo/bar/g' < file.tmp > file.txt
Should preserve all hardlinks, since output is directed back to overwrite the contents of the original file, and avoids any need for a special version of sed.
To resolve this issue on Mac I had to add some unix functions to core-utils following this.
brew install grep
==> Caveats
All commands have been installed with the prefix "g".
If you need to use these commands with their normal names, you
can add a "gnubin" directory to your PATH from your bashrc like:
Call with gsed instead of sed. The mac default doesn't like how grep -rl displays file names with the ./ preprended.
~/my-dir/configs$ grep -rl Promise . | xargs sed -i 's/Promise/Bluebird/g'
sed: 1: "./test_config.js": invalid command code .
I also had to use xargs -I{} sed -i 's/Promise/Bluebird/g' {} for files with a space in the name.
Very good examples. I had the challenge to edit in place many files and the -i option seems to be the only reasonable solution using it within the find command. Here the script to add "version:" in front of the first line of each file:
find . -name pkg.json -print -exec sed -i '.bak' '1 s/^/version /' {} \;
In case you want to replace stings contain '/',you can use '?'. i.e. replace '/usr/local/bin/python' with '/usr/bin/python3' for all *.py files.
find . -name \*.py -exec sed -i 's?/usr/local/bin/python?/usr/bin/python3?g' {} \;

How to do Multi file find and replace from unix prompt

I want to replace 'localhost' with an actual ip like '' in every file in a directory including subfolders, plus I want it to log the filenames it changed. I'm having a difficult time doing this, what command should I use?
grep -r --files-with-matches localhost *|tee changed_files|xargs sed -i 's/localhost/'
The files changed will be logged to changed_files.
find /path/to/all/files -type f -exec sed -i 's/localhost/IP/g' {}\; should work. Or you get an idea of how to make sed work on every file that find finds.

find and replace in multiple files on command line

How do i find and replace a string on command line in multiple files on unix?
there are many ways .But one of the answers would be:
find . -name '*.html' |xargs perl -pi -e 's/find/replace/g'
Like the Zombie solution (and faster I assume) but with sed (standard on many distros and OSX) instead of Perl :
find . -name '*.py' | xargs sed -i .bak 's/foo/bar/g'
This will replace all foo occurences in your Python files below the current directory with bar and create a backup for each file with the .py.bak extension.
And to remove de .bak files:
find . -name "*.bak" -delete
I always did that with ed scripts or ex scripts.
for i in "$#"; do ex - "$i" << 'eof'; done
The ex command is just the : line mode from vi.
Using find and sed with name or directories with space use this:
find . -name '*.py' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/foo/bar/g'
with recent bash shell, and assuming you do not need to traverse directories
for file in *.txt
while read -r line
echo ${line//find/replace} > temp
done <"file"
mv temp "$file"
