How to prevent WebStorm temp files constantly launch Meteor rebuilt - meteor

Each time I write something into WebStorm IDE Meteor rebuilds. Even if I don't save the files. My computer becomes noisy and hot quickly.
I am looking for a way to prevent Meteor to watch WebStorm temp files.

Does this happen when debugging your code? If yes, this must be a Live Edit issue. Try disabling Live Edit plugin - does it help?

Look at the synchronization section of the system settings page from their documentation
Here's what it says:
Synchronize files on frame or editor tab activation
If this check box
is selected, all the files that were changed externally are reloaded
from disk when you switch to WebStorm from a different application, or
when you you switch to their editor tab.
Save files on frame deactivation
If this check box is selected, all
modified files are auto saved when you switch from WebStorm to a
different application. Note that you cannot disable autosave
completely by turning off this and the following option. See Saving
and Reverting Changes.
Save files automatically if application is idle for N seconds
If this
check box is selected, all modified files are auto saved at regular
time internals. See also, Saving and Reverting Changes.
Use "safe write" (save changes to a temporary file first)
If this
check box is selected, a changed file is first saved in a temporary
file. If the save operation succeeds, the file being saved is replaced
with the saved file. (Technically, the original file is deleted and
the temporary file is renamed.) Also, the ownership of such file
changes. If this check box is not selected, the ownership of a file
does not change, but all the advantages of safe write will be lost.
Try unchecking those checkboxes and see if that prevents some saves.
I had a similar problem in that WebStorm was constantly saving edits to Jade files, even after typing just one character, triggering a gulp watcher. Disabling the Live Edit plugin and unchecking these boxes worked for me. Since disabling Live Edit didn't work for you, maybe unchecking one or more of these boxes will fix it.

Check this meteor specific webstorm help article. There is detailed description on how to configure live edit and code updating and how that would work together with meteor.


Unable to delete uploaded XML file on Drupal 8.5

I have created a media type that accepts XML files and saves them to a custom publicly accessible location on the server.
Ideally I would like the file to be overwritten when the exact same file is uploaded. This does not happen, instead it creates a new file and adds a number on the end. I have "Create new Revision" turned off.
To get around this issue I thought I could just delete the file via the CMS. The uploaded file has status of "Permanent" and is used 0 places. I know the cron job cleans up files for you, but when I run the cron the file in question is still there. I figure it's because the file is set to permanent, but I don't see a way to flip this to temporary.
Any help is much appeciated.
There is a setting nested away in the file system settings, which lets you configure it to remove (or not removed) orphaned files. If drush isn't removing them despite having no usages recorded, I'd check this option isn't ticked.
The temporary and permanent status are used for storing temporary files during the upload/save process, so I wouldn't tinker with those too much.
If you fancy making the form yourself using the form API, then you can save the file programmatically using the FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE parameter.

Can't change the css in SuiteCRM

I am working on SuiteCRM, and i want to change the CSS of my website in order to personalize it but there is an issue.
When i am changing the "style.css" of the SuiteP Theme, the pages aren't changing at all. Here is my question:
Does someone know how to change the css of this CRM and can help me to fix it ?
Thanks a lot
Make sure that your active theme is "SuiteP".
You need to know that SuiteCRM store things inside "cache" folder and you are doing changes without refreshing cache files. Cache files location will be cache/themes/SuiteP/css/style.css. So for quick changes, you can use browser developer tools.
Moreover, if you change core style.css then empty cache directory and (hard)refresh your browser. If cache files don't exist then Suite will build new using core file.
Like Star previously mentioned, Suite does cache the CSS.
Though, if you're not updating the SASS file, and just updating the CSS directly, your changes will be temporary for when the CRM next re-builds the CSS (I believe this is part of the Repair and Rebuild process in the admin section), your changes will be lost as the CSS file constructed from the style.scss file.
I'd recommend installing sass (via a gem or other means, however you choose), making changes to the scss then recompiling the css (or watching for changes if working locally, which I hope you are for working with Suite) when you've applied your changes.
If you still don't experience changes, try a repair and re-build or delete the cache directory and let it recompile on the next page load.
there are 2 options:
change core file and then delete cache contents. Refresh your page twice.
made changes in cache file. Make sure developer mood is off. Once you are done then copy it core file.
Create a new subfolder CUSTOM, copy the CSS files that are under suiteP (or the current theme) into the new custom. copy the whole path with folders, even if the folders are empty.
So the new path for the sytle.css with be /costum/theme/....../css/sytle.css
Change the file under the custom folder. The previous answers are not correct. This is well documented under the suite CRM docs.
Sometimes it doesn't work. Try next steps:
SuiteCRM better to use in development mode.
Not always the cache files deleting works for me. Better to use the tool in Admin panel - Quick Repair.
Sometimes good to clear browser cache (in dev mode reload a page by right clicking the refresh button).

Prestashop: SMARTY - force compilation / recompile when files are modified

I'm working on a Prestashop site and recently noticed about the SMARTY features (Menu: Advanced > Performance).
I realized that in order to show changes I made in the css, I must select one of the last two options (first one was selected by default).
Screenshot (I'm sorry the site is in Spanish)
1)Never recompile template files
2)Recompile templates when files are modified
3)Force compilation
My question is: when it comes to an online shop, wich option should I select until I finish editing the code? What's the difference between both?
It may take me a couple weeks to finish the job and I don't want to mess anything up.
Thank you guys.
When you're starting to dev onto the shop, whether it's front or back, you may have to choose the option to recompile when files are modified. I'm always choosing this option because it allows me to develop or debug some files and the server keeps serving cache files to the visitors.
Also you may have to edit the file file in the config folder in order to define the _PS_MODE_DEV to true, for example like this :
/* Debug only */
if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_'))
if (in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array('')))
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);
Doing this so you'll be able to get some logs when you're updating something. Placing your IP into the array keeps everyone safe from seeing the logs (notices for example).
In PS 1.6.
- Configure the SMARTY to "Recompile templates if the files have been updated" then deactivate the option "Smart cache for CSS"
- make the changes in your CSS files,
- delete the folders mentioned sadlyblue in comment.
- and activate again the "Smart cache for CSS" SAVE to recompile theme.

Brackets, remembering previous session

Every time I open brackets, it points to a start-up folder instead of previously opened files and folder. Is there a way to retain previous session?
It should remember what folder you had open, so it's hard to know exactly why not. Here are some things to try though:
If you have any extensions installed, try uninstalling them. (If that fixes it, you can reinstall them one by one to see which one was the problem).
If you select Debug > Show Developer Tools in the menu, are there any errors listed in the Console tab?
If you select Help > Show Extensions Folder and then go up one level, is there a state.json file there? If so, try deleting/renaming it to see if that fixes things. If not, make sure the permissions on that folder are ok.

How can I recover the data of a corrupted css file in my local server?

While i was editing one of my css files, the power went out unexpectedly. After the power came back, i checked if the file was ok but it wasn't... it was corrupted, when opened in notepad it shows empty characters but the file size was not zero.
if you use chrome or another browsers, just give recover option when it asks when you open first time after the power shutdown. After the recovering process go to the "show code" option, copy and paste the code.
I faced the same issue recently and I found the solution. There is a corrupted file with extension .TMP. To fix it, download Notepad++ then go to the .TMP file and open the file with Notepad++. You can find your all css code in it. Just copy and paste into another blank css file and include that file in your html file. That's all.
I suffered for the same issue just now...and I've got the solution...and its simple.
Install this software called: Mini Tool Power Data Recovery
Its free and after it is installed, select the "Damaged Partition Recovery" from the first screen and navigate to the location of the file that is corrupted and select each corrupted file or the whole folder through the checkbox.
And click 'Save' and select where to save the recovered files. That's all, you should now see the original not-corrupted file there.
Thanks to Mini Tool Power Data Recovery.
Useful links:
