WordPress theme not used after uploading my website on server - wordpress

I uploaded my WordPress project on my 1&1 server and I'm very disappointed because all my modifications have disappeared. My theme is like Virgin.
What can be wrong? Is there something to save before uploading my files?
Thank you

Theme options - as well as all Wordpress content - is stored in the database, not in theme or static files. When changing servers, you have to moved and correctly configure the database as well as all theme files and uploads.
Read Moving WordPress « WordPress Codex and WordPress Serialized PHP Search Replace Tool


Wordpress Avada theme

Hi all I am facing a problem wit avada theme while the theme is perfect at localhost but when I upload it on live server it get's the localhost links so when I change localhost links on live server theme's maximum part gets reset is there any proper way of uploading the avada theme.
Changing URLs in a text database .sql dump will break the serialized data that stores widget settings, theme options and more. Use interconnectit.com WordPress Serialized PHP Search Replace Tool to correctly find/replace URLs in the database.
If that tool does not work, and your theme still breaks after use, it means the theme does not correctly serialize data in the database.
Install a new plugin All-in-One WP Migration – WordPress plugin on both local host Wordpress as well as on hosting Wordpress Admin
Export the Site From Local Host Wordpress
import the site to Hosting Server wordpress
all the url replace automatically no need to change url one by one.
This can be done by change/replace all the localhost url to your live server on .sql file fist in any editor and then upload it to new server. it may work for you.

Get working dir from wordpress.com site

I'm not a WordPress expert here but I got a account and a preminum version with a template but I want to download the entire directory so I can modify php files, styles etc.
How do I do this and also how do I upload it to the wordpress site itself since it's live.
Unfortunately, you cannot do that on wordpress.com site.
But you can edit some files from within your wordpress admin panel editor.

If my site is hosted on my own existing host provider, and I switch to wordpress theme, do I have to transfer every file?

I have a site with about 15 pages of content, and some 50 pages of php scripts. They are all hosted on my existing hosting which I had for a long time.
What I want to do is use a wordpress template. What will happen to the files on my current hosting? Can they stay as they are? And is the wordpress template essentially just css and some images?
Best is to convert the existing site to a working Wordpress theme.
Existing pages can be made into Page Templates.
If you are using custom functions, etc, you can include them into Functions.php.
Once you have a working theme, install Wordpress on the site's root directory and activate the theme.

wordpress theme not importing correctly from local to online

Hi I am currently developing an Wordpress site offline on local server and want to upload to my domain online. I don't need to transfer the database, but I would like my pages, theme, widgets to work correctly.
What I am doing:
Copying Wordpress directory to domain directory through ftp.
Exporting everything in local server Wordpress and importing in
online Wordpress.
All my pages/posts are transferred, and my theme is installed but not set default. When I select it, everything is set to the themes original defaults, not like changed on the local server (for example tagline, background, etc). Also the widgets are the default settings.
Am I doing something wrong?
I am using Wordpress 3.4.2
Yes, you have just forgotten that some options for your themes are actually stored as WordPress options, so if you don't upload your database, you will not transfer these settings.
I've written a tutorial explaining step-by-step how to transfer a WordPress site to another server: http://www.sebastianbroways.com/wordpress-transfer/
If you follow each step the site should retain all the settings, including the template preferences. Good luck.

Migrating Wordpress including Widgets and Media Files

I have created a wordpress website on the localhost and want to migrate it to the clients server. How can i shift the content, images (media) and the theme and its widgets.
Hope i dont have to recreate all that on the website all over again :D
BackupBuddy is probably the most efficient and easiest way. Here's the URL: BackupBuddy
Plenty of documentation and the plugin basically does everything for you.
Review the Wordpress Codex on this issue for details and various Tools that can help you.
Make sure that your theme and widgets are not referencing the old domain directly. If this is a theme/plugin/widget of your own making, you should be aware that Wordpress has Various Functions that reference the URL of your Wordpress installation.
You need to do a few things:
Install WP Migrate DB http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-migrate-db/ and use it to export the DB as a gzip file
Upload all the Wordpress files to the server modifying wp-config.php to match the client's MySql server. If WP is already installed, upload only what's in wp-content
Access the client's MySql server (normally through phpMyAdmin) and import the gzip file that contains your DB
To get the server path on the client's server (WP Migrate DB will ask for it) use this php snippet from the site's / :
<?php print_r(__DIR__) ?>
That should be it.
