Maximize a target number by optimizing a weighting vector - r

I am trying to maximize the number N_ent through a 1x42 weighting vector (weight).
N_ent is calculated with the following function:
N_ent <- exp(-sum((((solve(pca$rotation[])) %*% t(weight))^2)*
(pca$sdev^2)/(sum((((solve(pca$rotation[])) %*% t(weight))^2)*
(pca$sdev^2)))*log((((solve(pca$rotation[])) %*% t(weight))^2)*
(pca$sdev^2)/(sum((((solve(pca$rotation[])) %*% t(weight))^2)*(pca$sdev^2))))))
Though it looks quite complicated, the equation works fine and supplies me with N_ent = 1.0967 when equal weights of 0.0238 (1/42 = 0.0238) are used.
Further, none of the weights may be below -0.1 or above 1.
I am new to R have struggled to use both the optim() (ignoring my constraints) and constrOptim() functions, encountering the error
Error in match.arg(method) : 'arg' must be of length 1
when optim() was used and
Error in ui %*% theta : non-conformable arguments
when constrOptim() was used.
Any help on how to set up the code for such an optimization problem would be greatly appreciated.

Here is the solution using library nloptr.
pca <- dget('pca.csv')
#random starting point
w0 <- runif(42, -0.1, 1)
#things that do not depend on weight
rotinv <- solve(pca$rotation)
m2 <- pca$sdev^2
#function to maximize
N_ent <- function(w) {
m1 <- (rotinv %*% w)^2
-exp(-sum(m1 * m2 / sum(m1 * m2) * log(m1 * m2 / sum(m1 * m2))))
#call optimization function
optres <- nloptr(w0, N_ent, lb = rep(-0.1, 42), ub = rep(1, 42),
opts = list('algorithm' = 'NLOPT_LN_NEWUOA_BOUND', 'print_level' = 2, 'maxeval' = 1000, 'xtol_rel' = 0))
You can view result by optres$solution. For your particular problem I find NLOPT_LN_NEWUOA_BOUND algorithm giving best result of 42. You can view all available algorithms by nloptr.print.options(). Note that _XN_ in the names of the algorithms indicate these that do not require derivatives. In your case derivative computation is not that difficult. You can provide it and use algorithms with _XD_ in the names.


Numerically solving Lotka-Volterra ODE in R

Disclaimer: Cross-post on Stack Computational Science
Aim: I am trying to numerically solve a Lotka-Volterra ODE in R, using de sde.sim() function in the sde package. I would like to use the sde.sim() function in order to eventually transform this system into an SDE. So initially, I started with an simple ODE system (Lotka Volterra model) without a noise term.
The Lotka-Volterra ODE system:
with initial values for x = 10 and y = 10.
The parameter values for alpha, beta, delta and gamma are 1.1, 0.4, 0.1 and 0.4 respectively (mimicking this example).
Attempt to solve problem:
d <- expression((1.1 * x[0] - 0.4 * x[0] * x[1]), (0.1 * x[0] * x[1] - 0.4 * x[1]))
s <- expression(0, 0)
X <- sde.sim(X0=c(10,10), T = 10, drift=d, sigma=s)
However, this does not seem to generate a nice cyclic behavior of the predator and prey population.
Expected Output
I used the deSolve package in R to generate the expected output.
alpha <-1.1
beta <- 0.4
gamma <- 0.1
delta <- 0.4
yini <- c(X = 10, Y = 10)
Lot_Vol <- function (t, y, parms) {
with(as.list(y), {
dX <- alpha * X - beta * X * Y
dY <- 0.1 * X * Y - 0.4 * Y
list(c(dX, dY))
}) }
times <- seq(from = 0, to = 100, by = 0.01)
out <- ode(y = yini, times = times, func = Lot_Vol, parms = NULL)
plot(y=out[, "X"], x = out[, "time"], type = 'l', col = "blue", xlab = "Time", ylab = "Animals (#)")
lines(y=out[, "Y"], x = out[, "time"], type = 'l', col = "red")
I think something might be wrong the the drift function, however, I am not sure what. What is going wrong in the attempt to solve this system of ODEs in sde.sim()?
Assuming that not specifying a method takes the first in the list, and that all other non-specified parameters take default values, you are performing the Euler method with step size h=0.1.
As is known on a function that has convex concentric trajectories, the Euler method will produce an outward spiral. As a first order method, the error should grow to size about T*h=10*0.1=1. Or if one wants to take the more pessimistic estimate, the error has size (exp(LT)-1)*h/L, with L=3 in some adapted norm this gives a scale of 3.5e11.
Exploring the actual error e(t)=c(t)*h of the Euler method, one gets the following plots. Left are the errors of the components and right the trajectories for various step sizes in the Euler method. The error coefficient the function c(t) in the left plots is scaled down by the factor (exp(L*t)-1)/L to get comparable values over large time intervals, the value L=0.06 gave best balance.
One can see that the actual error
is in-between the linear and exponential error models, but closer to the linear one.
To reduce the error, you have to decrease the step size. In the call of SDE.sim, this is achieved by setting the parameter N=5000 or larger to get a step size h=10/5000=0.002 so that you can hope to be correct in the first two digits with an error bound of 30*h*T=0.6. In the SDE case you accumulate Gaussian noise of size sqrt(h) in every step, so that the truncation error of O(h^2) is a rather small perturbation of the random number.

Fast nonnegative quantile and Huber regression in R

I am looking for a fast way to do nonnegative quantile and Huber regression in R (i.e. with the constraint that all coefficients are >0). I tried using the CVXR package for quantile & Huber regression and the quantreg package for quantile regression, but CVXR is very slow and quantreg seems buggy when I use nonnegativity constraints. Does anybody know of a good and fast solution in R, e.g. using the Rcplex package or R gurobi API, thereby using the faster CPLEX or gurobi optimizers?
Note that I need to run a problem size like below 80 000 times, whereby I only need to update the y vector in each iteration, but still use the same predictor matrix X. In that sense, I feel it's inefficient that in CVXR I now have to do obj <- sum(quant_loss(y - X %*% beta, tau=0.01)); prob <- Problem(Minimize(obj), constraints = list(beta >= 0)) within each iteration, when the problem is in fact staying the same and all I want to update is y. Any thoughts to do all this better/faster?
Minimal example:
## Generate problem data
n <- 7 # n predictor vars
m <- 518 # n cases
beta_true <- 5 * matrix(stats::rnorm(n), nrow = n)+20
X <- matrix(stats::rnorm(m * n), nrow = m, ncol = n)
y_true <- X %*% beta_true
eps <- matrix(stats::rnorm(m), nrow = m)
y <- y_true + eps
Nonnegative quantile regression using CVXR :
## Solve nonnegative quantile regression problem using CVX
beta <- Variable(n)
quant_loss <- function(u, tau) { 0.5*abs(u) + (tau - 0.5)*u }
obj <- sum(quant_loss(y - X %*% beta, tau=0.01))
prob <- Problem(Minimize(obj), constraints = list(beta >= 0))
system.time(beta_cvx <- pmax(solve(prob, solver="SCS")$getValue(beta), 0)) # estimated coefficients, note that they ocasionally can go - though and I had to clip at 0
# 0.47s
cor(beta_true,beta_cvx) # correlation=0.99985, OK but very slow
Syntax for nonnegative Huber regression is the same but would use
M <- 1 ## Huber threshold
obj <- sum(CVXR::huber(y - X %*% beta, M))
Nonnegative quantile regression using quantreg package :
### Solve nonnegative quantile regression problem using quantreg package with method="fnc"
R <- rbind(diag(n),-diag(n))
r <- c(rep(0,n),-rep(1E10,n)) # specify bounds of coefficients, I want them to be nonnegative, and 1E10 should ideally be Inf
system.time(beta_rq <- coef(rq(y~0+X, R=R, r=r, tau=0.5, method="fnc"))) # estimated coefficients
# 0.12s
cor(beta_true,beta_rq) # correlation=-0.477, no good, and even worse with tau=0.01...
To speed up CVXR, you can get the problem data once in the beginning, then modify it within a loop and pass it directly to the solver's R interface. The code for this is
prob_data <- get_problem_data(prob, solver = "SCS")
Then, parse out the arguments and pass them to scs from the scs library. (See Solver.solve in solver.R). You'll have to dig into the details of the canonicalization, but I expect if you're just changing y at each iteration, it should be a straightforward modification.

Wrong Hessian from optim in R

I am doing some Extreme Values analysis. I don't want to use the fevd package for a variety of reasons (the first I want to be able to tweak some things that I cannot do otherwise). I wrote my own code. It is mostly very simple, and I thought I had solved everything. But for some parameter combinations, the Hessian coming out of my log-likelihood analysis (based on optim ) will not be correct.
Going over one step at the time. My code - or selected part of it - looks like this:
# routines for non stationary
Log_lik_GEV <- function(dataIN,scaleIN,shapeIN,locationIN){
# simply calculate the negative log likelihood value for a set of X and parameters, for the GPD
#xi, mu, sigma - xi is the shape parameter, mu the location parameter, and sigma is the scale parameter.
# shape = xi
# location = mu
# scale = beta
#dgev Density of the GEV Distribution, dgev(x, xi = 1, mu = 0, sigma = 1)
LLvalues <- dgev(dataIN, xi = shapeIN, mu = locationIN, beta = scaleIN)
NLL <- -sum(log(LLvalues[is.finite(LLvalues)]))
function_MLE <- function(par , dataIN){
scoreLL <- 0
shape_param <- par[1]
scale_param <- par[2]
location_param <- par[3]
scoreLL <- Log_lik_GEV(dataIN, scale_param, shape_param, location_param)
if (abs(shape_param) > 0.3) scoreLL <- scoreLL*10000000
if ((scale_param) <= 0) {
scale_param <- abs(scale_param)
par[2] <- abs(scale_param)
scoreLL <- scoreLL*1000000000
kernel_estimation <- function(dati_AM, shape_o, scale_o, location_o) {
paramOUT <- optim(par = c(shape_o, scale_o, location_o), fn = function_MLE, dataIN = dati_AM, control = list(maxit = 3000, reltol = 0.00000001), hessian = TRUE)
# calculation std errors
covmat <- solve(paramOUT$hessian)
stde <- sqrt(diag(covmat))
result <- list(shape_gev =paramOUT$par[1], scale_gev = paramOUT$par[2],location_gev =paramOUT$par[3], var_covar = covmat)
Everything works great, in some cases. If I run my routines and the fevd routines, I get exactly the same results. In some cases (in my specific case when shape=-0.29 so strongly negative/weibull), my routine will give negative variances and funky hessians. It is not always wrong, but some parameter combinations are clearly not giving valid hessian (Note: the parameters are still estimated correctly, meaning are identical to the fevd results, but the covariance matrix is completely off).
I found this post that compared the hessian from two procedures, and indeed optim seems to be flaky. However, if I simply substitute maxLik in my routine, it just doesn't converge at all (even in those cases when the convergence was happening).
paramOUT = maxLik(function_MLE, start =c(shape_o, scale_o, location_o),
dataIN=dati_AM, method ='NR' )
I tried to give different initial values - even the correct ones - but it just doesn't converge.
I am not supplying data because I think that the optim routine is used correctly in my example. Simply, the numerical results are not stable for some parameter combination. My question is:
1) Am I missing something in the way I use maxLik?
2) Are there other optimization routines, besides maxLik, from which I can extract the hessian?

How to put mathematical constraints with GenSA function in R

I am currently trying to use Simulated Annealing package GenSA in order to minimize the function below :
efficientFunction <- function(v) {
t(v) %*% Cov_Mat %*% v
Where Cov_Mat is a covariance matrix obtained from 4 assets and v is a weight vector of dimension 4.
I'm trying to solve the Markowitz asset allocation approach this way and I would like to know how I could introduce mathematical constraint such as the sum of all coefficients have to equal 1 :
sum(v) = 1
Moreover since I intend to rely on the GenSA function, I would like to use something like this with the constraint :
v <- c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
dimension <- 4
lower <- rep(0, dimension)
upper <- rep(1, dimension)
out <- GenSA(v, lower = lower, upper = upper, fn = efficientFunction)
I have found in this paper :
how to handle such constraint within the Simulated Annealing Algorithm but I don't know how I could implement it in R.
I'd be very grateful for any advice. It is my first time using SO so don't hesitate to tell me if I have the wrong approach in the way I ask question.
A possible approach would be to make use of so-called Lagrange multipliers (cf., For example, set
efficientFunction <- function(v) {
lambda <- 100
t(v) %*% Cov_Mat %*% v + lambda * abs( sum(v) - 1 )
, so that in order to minimize the objective function efficientFunction the resulting parameter also minimize the penalty term lambda * abs( sum(v) - 1 ). The Lagrange multiplier lambda is set to an arbitrary but sufficiently high level.
So the function itself doesn't appear to have any constraints that you can set. However, you can reparameterize your function to force the constraint. How about
efficientFunction <- function(v) {
v <- v/sum(v)
t(v) %*% Cov_Mat %*% v
Here we normalize the values of v so that they will sum to 1. Then, when we get the output parameters, we need to perform the same transformation
out <- GenSA(v, lower = lower, upper = upper, fn = efficientFunction)

Compute multiple Integral and plot them (with R)

I'm having trouble to compute and then plot multiple integral. It would be great if you could help me.
So I have this function
> f = function(x, mu = 30, s = 12){dnorm(x, mu, s)}
which i want to integrate multiple time between z(1:100) to +Inf to plot that with x=z and y = auc :
> auc = Integrate(f, z, Inf)
R return :
Warning message:
In if (is.finite(lower)) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
I have tested to do a loop :
while(z < 100){
z = 1
auc = integrate(f,z,Inf)
z = z+1}
Doesn't work either ... don't know what to do
(I'm new to R , so I'm already sorry if it is really easy .. )
Thanks for your help :) !
There is no need to do the integrating by hand. pnorm gives the integral from negative infinity to the input for the normal density. You can get the upper tail instead by modifying the lower.tail parameter
z <- 1:100
y <- pnorm(z, mean = 30, sd = 12, lower.tail = FALSE)
plot(z, y)
If you're looking to integrate more complex functions then using integrate will be necessary - but if you're just looking to find probabilities for distributions then there will most likely be a function built in that does the integration for you directly.
Your problem is actually somewhat subtle, and in a certain sense gets to the core of how R works, so here is a slightly longer explanation.
R is a "vectorized" language, which means that just about everything works on vectors. If I have 2 vectors A and B, then A+B is the element-by-element sum of A and B. Nearly all R functions work this way also. If X is a vector, then Y <- exp(X) is also a vector, where each element of Y is the exponential of the corresponding element of X.
The function integrate(...) is one of the few functions in R that is not vectorized. So when you write:
f <- function(x, mu = 30, s = 12){dnorm(x, mu, s)}
auc <- integrate(f, z, Inf)
the integrate(...) function does not know what to do with z when it is a vector. So it takes the first element and complains. Hence the warning message.
There is a special function in R, Vectorize(...) that turns scalar functions into vectorized functions. You would use it this way:
f <- function(x, mu = 30, s = 12){dnorm(x, mu, s)}
auc <- Vectorize(function(z) integrate(f,z,Inf)$value)
z <- 1:100
plot(z,auc(z), type="l") # plot lines
