Test or Check Reverse DNS on a Linux / Unix - nat

I have linux server installed with RHEL. My network is configured with natted IPs.
I am confused how can I set the RDNS.A public IP is bonded with server but ifconfig shows only privet natted IP 10.1.... like that


Accessing VirtualBOX Machine's server from host OS

My host machine is a Windows 10 OS.
My Virtual Box guest machine is a Ubuntu OS.
I launch a server and a gateway in my virtual machine in the following addresses:
I dont have any problem to access them from the guest machine. However, I would like to have access to those addresses from my windows host. How can I get it?
In order to access services hosted on your virtual machine from your host you need to configure your virtualbox network settings for that machine to bridged network, which will allow it to have an IP inside your LAN. You can find more information on virtualbox network types here.
Another option would be port forwarding with a NAT network configuration, where your host port would be a port over 1024 and the guest port would be your virtual machine ports (8089 and 18443).

How to setup network setting on virtual box so that i can do ssh - mac os

I am setting up a virtual machine via virtual box and after setting it up with an installed ubuntu. I want to be able to ssh on the my machine. I don't know which network setting to use.
I tried to change the adapter1 from NAT to Bridge Adapter, but after doing that I couldn't start my vm disk.
In the VirtualBox settings press network, then adapter 1. Select NAT, then press advanced. Here you can press Port Forwarding and you can add a new port forwarding rule. The default for SSH is 22. I would suggest using localhost IP ( on for example port 2222 and then you can ssh using the command.
Just to be clear port forward setup:
name 'port-fwd', protocol TCP, host IP host port 2222 guest IP guest port 22. Then you can run:
ssh -p 2222 user#

The VM can ping the host machine, but can not ping other public IP

I in a remote Server (I call it host machine) setup the OpenStack Ocata.
And in the OpenStack Ocata I created a VM, the VM use the Security Group (named allow ping & ssh), which is created by myself:
Now, I can use my Mac ping the VM. but can not ssh connect to the VM.
And in the VM(it's IP is and floating IP is, I can ping and host machine's public IP), but can not ping google.com or other public IP.
Why in my Mac I can ping the VM but can not ssh to it?
Why in the VM I can ping the host machine, but can not ping other public IP?
where is the issue?
Currently the only Egress traffic allowed out is for ICMP. Egress is missing for TCP/UDP. Add in Egress rules for both UDP (should help resolve the DNS issue) and TCP (should resolve the SSH issue.)
After adding in the Egress rules for TCP - test ssh again.
After adding in the Egress rules for UDP - test DNS resolution, if you are still running into issues then you may want to verify the DNS servers used when configuring the network.

Boot2Docker: how to access container with Bridged Networking

I am running Boot2Docker in Virtual Box on Windows, using VB bridged networking. The IP address of my PC ( and of the VM ( is determined by the DHCP server.
I have configured the docker bridge as follows:
File /var/lib/boot2docker/profile:
EXTRA_ARGS='--bip= --fixed-cidr='
From my Windows PC I can successfully ping the folloing IP addresses: (ip address of eth1 in the Docker Host) (ip address of docker0)
However I cannot ping any container that I start. E.g. for container IP,
I get a reply from (my PC address) that the Desitination Host is unreachable.
How can I get this to work?
I figured it out in the meantime:
On Windows 7, from an elevated cmd shell do:
route add
This way the IP packets find their way to the containers!

Connection to a local Tomcat server through virtual interfaces

I am hoping to connect to a Tomcat server on a local host from virtual machines running on VMWare Station that connects to the host with a NAT virtual network.
I started a Tomcat server with port 8080 on my host PC.
The host normally has the following interfaces:
Loopback interface, IP:
An interface for the ethernet, IP: Gateway:
The IP and DNS values are automatically assigned.
A virtual interface for the virtual network VNet8, IP: Gateway:
The IP and DNS values are automatically assigned. (This interface appears after the VMNet 8 is setup, to reduce confusion)
I can connect to a webpage (say /helloProject/helloPage.html) on the Tomcat server with the following URLs:
Then I setup my VMWare Station and opened a Network Address Translation network with the following configurations:
DHCP: Enabled
Subnet Address:
Subnet Mask:
Gateway IP:
But I cannot connect to the helloPage.html webpage through:
Either from the host itself with IP, or from a Linux CentOS virtual machine with IP on the same network.
However, pinging the host from the host or the Linux VM I get response:
Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
Can anyone suggest something to try so as to make the connection work?
In addition: VM ( can reach Gateway ( as well as host ( But host ( cannot reach Gateway (, ping no response. Strange.
Check if you have adress= in server.xml Connector's tag for port 8080. It will tell Tomcat to listen on all interfaces available on the host.
Restart Tomcat after the change.
