Wordpress thinks custom taxonomy page is search page - wordpress

I have set up a custom taxonomy for regular posts called guide.
I have a template file called taxonomy-guide.php which lists out posts with a guide taxonomy.
So my URL structure appears like this: http://www.example.com/guide/new-york-city.
This all works fine and dandy, the pages are listing out the posts categorized with the correct guide.
However, this is the issue, the page title on those URLs is You searched for | My Site Name, which is what it should be only on search pages.
Relevant, I'm using the Yoast SEO Plugin, and it even has an area to edit the Titles and Meta for your taxonomies, which I have, and the changes there are not taking effect, no matter what I put there it's still showing You searched for | My Site Name.
Do you think there is some sort of URL structure conflict, or what could be causing this issue?
I have disabled the Yoast SEO Plugin and now the titles on those pages are | Search Results | My Site Name, so it still thinks it's a search results page.
2nd Update
I have this at the top of my taxonomy-guide.php file in order to update the sort order:
$args = array_merge( $wp_query->query_vars, array( 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'ASC', 'parent' => 0 ) );
query_posts( $args );
If I remove this, the page title is fixed, although now the posts aren't in the order I want. Any idea why this would be causing the page title to change? Or how I can change the order a different way to see if that fixes it?
If I change the above code in the 2nd Update to
query_posts($query_string . '&orderby=date&order=ASC&parent=0');
It works as expected. Not sure what was causing the page title to change in the code in my 2nd Update, but that's an odd one.


WordPress archive/taxonomy location

I'm struggling with this, despite being okay at WordPress dev.
I've created a custom post type called links
I've also created a custom taxonomy called link-type
All works fine when using archive.php in the root of the theme.
However I want links to be a child page of resources so:
example.com/links/ would become example.com/resources/links/
And clicking on a taxonomy term link for example downloads would take you to example.com/resources/links/downloads/
I'm aware of has_archive and rewrite and with_front and slug but can't understand how to use these to achieve the aforementioned structure.
As always, expert help is much appreciated.
When you register your post type, just add whatever you want to the slug in the rewrite argument, forward slashes are acceptable in slugs.
$args = array(
'labels' => $labels,
'rewrite' => array(
'slug' => 'resources/links',
'with_front' => true
This will give you https://example.com/resources/links/, even if you have a page already at https://example.com/resources/.
I almost forgot, you'll need to make sure your flush your rewrite rules (this can be done programatically when the CPT is registered, or you can just go to your Settings > Permalinks option page and click Save Changes to accomplish the same thing one time.

Wordpress "custom post type permalinks" plugin generates 404 Page not found

I need the links of all personalized posts and taxonomies to be structured with the name of the category (s) they belong to.
Unfortunately the theme used for my site generates a new type of post and the new taxonomy programmatically and performs the rewrite of their permalink.
To solve this problem I configured the "Custom Post Type Permalinks" plugin which works, but only halfway:
- the permalinks of taxonomies are generated correctly and are accessible from the site.
- the permalinks of the posts are generated correctly, but are not accessible from the site and return a page with a "404 Page not found" error.
In my httpd.conf the line LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so is not commented.
What can I do?
let me give you a deeper idea about what we’d like to get. We would really appreciate if you could help us reaching it, by letting us know where to operate.
We would like all the tours’ url to be made up like this: www.sitename.com/$category_father/$category_child/$name_of_my_post Moreover, we would like all the tours’ taxonomies url to be made up like this: www.sitename.com/$category_father/$category_child
At the moment your Tourmaster plugin creates the taxonomies and the tours as below:
In order to avoid editing the plugin code and prevent any updates conflicts we installed the plugin “Custom Post Type Permalinks”. It partially solves the taxonomies problem and partially the tours one, generating almost correct urls which are unfortunately not reachable.
www.sitename.com/tour/tour-category/ $category_father/$category_child
Referring to the readme.txt file within www.sitename.com/wp-content/plugins/custom-post-type-permalinks/ we could notice the following example code.
register_post_type( 'foo',
"public" => true,
'has_archive' => true,
"rewrite" => ["with_front" => true],
"cptp_permalink_structure" => "%post_id%"
) );
So we edited the Tourmaster plugin code replacing the rewrite array within the file www.sitename.com/wp-content/plugins/tourmaster/include/tour-option.php with the array [“with_front” => true], but we did not get any result. When you saw the url working, it was due to a temporary reset of the CPTP settings.

Mixing Wordpress 3.7.1 Page Templates and Custom Post Types

I have a Custom Post Type called Locations. When the user visits /locations, I would like them to see some general information about all the locations. When the user visits /location/{a-location}, I would like them to see specific information about "a-location". Sounds easy enough.
1st Solution Attempt
I created a Locations page in the Wordpress dashboard to hold the content for the /locations url. I then created an archive-locations.php file and a single-location.php. archive-locations.php pulls info out of the Locations page and it lists all of the custom post type Locations. When the user clicks on a link for a location, the user gets redirected to /locations/{a-location} and single-location.php gets called. This almost does the trick, but it just doesn't feel right and it's creating some other problems.
The Problem
When a user visits /locations I would prefer to be working with a page template for the Locations page (instead of the archive-locations.php page). I'm using the Yoast plugin to specify a custom meta title and description for each page. Since archive-locations.php is being used, all of this meta gets ignored.
2nd Solution Attempt
So I created a page-locations.php template for the Locations page and I was hoping that it would get called instead of the archive-locations.php. Unfortunately, it does not. I then tried removing the archive-locations.php thinking that maybe it was taking precedence. That didn't help either; Wordpress simply renders index.php. If I disable the Custom Post type and visit /locations, then my page template is called correctly. It looks like naming a custom post type the same name as a page causes Wordpress some issues. However, I need to be somewhat similar for the URL structures to work out. /locations needs to pull from a page template; /locations/{a-location} needs to pull from another php pfile.
Is there any way to get page templates and custom post types with similar slugs to work together? If not, I guess my only option is to enhance my header.php and be smarter about determining the title and description when I'm on /locations.
Here's the code that registers my custom post type in case I'm doing something wrong:
$args = array(
'labels' => $labels,
'description' => 'Holds our location specific data',
'public' => true,
'menu_position' => 20,
'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'page-attributes' ),
'hierarchical' => true,
'has_archive' => true,
'rewrite' => array('with_front' => false, 'slug' => 'locations') //remove /news/ from the permalink when displaying a custom post type
register_post_type( 'locations', $args );
(I also tried changing has_archive to false, but it didn't help.)
What you are trying to do, I once managed to get done easily. I mean having custom post type and use its slug with cusotm page.
Did you try to flush rewrite rules? (just visit Permalink page and save the rules as they are)
So I created a page-locations.php template for the Locations page and I was hoping that it would get called instead of the archive-locations.php. Unfortunately, it does not. I then tried removing the archive-locations.php thinking that maybe it was taking precedence. That didn't help either; Wordpress simply renders index.php
You do not write, how do you load your page template. Do you rely on automatic WP connection of pageslug and page-pageslug.php or you set page template through Page attributes menu?

Custom WP_Query not working (listing featured articles + popular articles)

I am Wordpress beginer and I want to set multiple queries on a page that lists my posts.
Featured posts
I have front page that lists featured posts from all categories,
Categories pages that lists featured posts from current category
Q: Is it better to use My featured posts new category name or to set sticky post (under public - publish options) for posts I want to feature on front page and on categories pages? Every post already have his own category like News so the My featured posts will be the second category.
Let's suppose I'm using category name for featured posts (but then i got permalink to My featured posts category (site/my-featured-posts/2013/07.....) which I don't want (so maybe sticky posts are better solution)
I'm trying to setup query to list featured posts but only from standard post type, not gallery or video
$arg = array(
'cattegory_name' => 'my-featured-category',
'posts_per_page' => 5,
'nopaging' => true,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_type' => 'post'
$featured= new WP_Query($arg);
if ($featured->have_posts()):
while ($featured->have_posts()) :
and then below the_title(); ..... and so on
What I get is all articles from all categories.
Q: Also, how to I get popular articles based on views and number of comments for the last day?
Q: How to list posts which have post format video?
Q: Are there any online tools that build wp_query based on criteria?
Thank you.
You can also set posts as "featured" using a tag. You can then use tag=featured with WP_Query to get posts tagged with a certain tag ("featured" in this example).
As for your additional questions...
Q1: You can save page views to a flat file or to the WordPress database. Once I used the database to store a UNIX-timestamp as traditional WP post meta for each post page view. As it was a timestamp, I could calculate the age of the page view easily (and I could also run SQL queries to remove post meta that was older than a certain timespan).
Comments can be queried by time ordering too. See WP_Comment_Query.
Of course there are plugins that can do this for you, but for me they included useless bloat I did not need.
Q2: For querying post formats, use the query variable called tax_query as GATEKeeper did in a WP support question: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/post-formats#post-2034414.
Q3: A google query returned a thing called The WordPress Query Generator.

how to list subpages in sidebar without widget - wordpress

I am trying to create a list of subpages of a parent page, which will appear in the sidebar of my wordpress site. This sidebar will appear on every page.
So for example, I have a page with an ID of 54. This page has 7 subpages. I would like to display these 7 pages in the sidebar (just the titles), as well as any more subpages that get added.
There is a currently a widget called 'Pages' that will do this, but I would like to do this via code directly in the sidebar.php rather than using a widget as there are a few constraints with using the widget.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try this link: http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_list_pages
Specifically, look the 'depth' and 'child_of' parameters for the function.
Should be:
<?php wp_list_pages( array( 'depth' => 1, 'child_of' => YOUR_PAGE_ID_HERE ); ?>
furthermore, you can get the page id dynamically too of course.
To write custom code for such purpose will require you to execute php inside the widget. Try using this Php Code Execute Plugin
