how to list subpages in sidebar without widget - wordpress - wordpress

I am trying to create a list of subpages of a parent page, which will appear in the sidebar of my wordpress site. This sidebar will appear on every page.
So for example, I have a page with an ID of 54. This page has 7 subpages. I would like to display these 7 pages in the sidebar (just the titles), as well as any more subpages that get added.
There is a currently a widget called 'Pages' that will do this, but I would like to do this via code directly in the sidebar.php rather than using a widget as there are a few constraints with using the widget.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Try this link:
Specifically, look the 'depth' and 'child_of' parameters for the function.
Should be:
<?php wp_list_pages( array( 'depth' => 1, 'child_of' => YOUR_PAGE_ID_HERE ); ?>
furthermore, you can get the page id dynamically too of course.

To write custom code for such purpose will require you to execute php inside the widget. Try using this Php Code Execute Plugin


Wordpress thinks custom taxonomy page is search page

I have set up a custom taxonomy for regular posts called guide.
I have a template file called taxonomy-guide.php which lists out posts with a guide taxonomy.
So my URL structure appears like this:
This all works fine and dandy, the pages are listing out the posts categorized with the correct guide.
However, this is the issue, the page title on those URLs is You searched for | My Site Name, which is what it should be only on search pages.
Relevant, I'm using the Yoast SEO Plugin, and it even has an area to edit the Titles and Meta for your taxonomies, which I have, and the changes there are not taking effect, no matter what I put there it's still showing You searched for | My Site Name.
Do you think there is some sort of URL structure conflict, or what could be causing this issue?
I have disabled the Yoast SEO Plugin and now the titles on those pages are | Search Results | My Site Name, so it still thinks it's a search results page.
2nd Update
I have this at the top of my taxonomy-guide.php file in order to update the sort order:
$args = array_merge( $wp_query->query_vars, array( 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'ASC', 'parent' => 0 ) );
query_posts( $args );
If I remove this, the page title is fixed, although now the posts aren't in the order I want. Any idea why this would be causing the page title to change? Or how I can change the order a different way to see if that fixes it?
If I change the above code in the 2nd Update to
query_posts($query_string . '&orderby=date&order=ASC&parent=0');
It works as expected. Not sure what was causing the page title to change in the code in my 2nd Update, but that's an odd one.

Add items to portfolio page via dashboard

In one theme (FloZo) I've seen a nice functionality and I would like to learn how to make something similar. It's about a portfolio page, take a look at the demo "Our Work section".
You create a page and give it a template (Work archive) via Pages menu - more or less understood
You don't add any pictures there!
In your Dashboard you have a nice "work" section, where you can choose "make a new work item" - you add pictures with titles and descriptions there. - This is the big trick!
Now: my newbie idea on how it works:
The template is just the "body" of the page with the title
The dashboard "work" section must be doing something like this:
When you post a work item, it pastes/appends the whole item code into your page (like an item template code) with your specific image and text. It also creates an item-specific page (it's where you end up after clicking on an item).
My question is: is there any slightest possibility to add such a functionality to a Wordpress theme?
Here is how I see it:
The page template, 'Work Archive' has the loop that is displaying posts of 'Work' post type.
So to achieve this first you have to add the custom post type of your liking, and then in the page template add a custom loop to display these:
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'your_post_type',
'posts_per_page' => -1 //or whatever you choose
$work_query = new WP_Query($args);
if ($work_query->have_posts()) : while ($work_query->have_posts()) : $work_query -> the_post(); ?>
<!-- loop content goes here -->
wp_reset_postdata(); // always reset post data after custom loops
If you need more info pleae don't hesitate to ask.
Happy coding!

Wordpress - Different sidebar for each page

Client needs an website to migrate into WordPress.
In this website each page has an sidebar with different content inside it
In some page accordion comes under sidebar, in some just text and images are visible
How to implement this in WordPress?
If template has to be created, there are many page it cant be done so
Even for every page different sidebar widget is not also possible
Guide me a way to implement this
A different sidebar (widget) are can be added to each page in two steps:
Add the sidebar to the theme template using the page slug as part of the sidebar name. This ensures that the sidebar has a unique name for that page.
Register the sidebars for each page in functions.php for your theme
Add the sidebar to the theme template
In your theme template, add the following code where you want the widget area to be:
global $post;
dynamic_sidebar( 'widget_area_for_page_'.$post->post_name );
Register the sidebars
In functions.php for your theme add the following block of code to register the sidebars for each page in your site. Note that it includes draft pages etc so that you can edit the widgets while still in draft mode.
function myTheme_registerWidgetAreas() {
// Grab all pages except trashed
$pages = new WP_Query(Array(
'post_type' => 'page',
'post_status' => array('publish', 'pending', 'draft', 'auto-draft', 'future', 'private', 'inherit'),
// Step through each page
while ( $pages->have_posts() ) {
// Ignore pages with no slug
if ($pages->post->post_name == '') continue;
// Register the sidebar for the page. Note that the id has
// to match the name given in the theme template
register_sidebar( array(
'name' => $pages->post->post_name,
'id' => 'widget_area_for_page_'.$pages->post->post_name,
'before_widget' => '',
'after_widget' => '',
'before_title' => '',
'after_title' => '',
) );
add_action( 'widgets_init', 'myTheme_registerWidgetAreas' );
Hope it helps!
There's a great plugin for this:
Sometimes it is necessary to show different elements on the sidebars
for some posts or pages. The themes nowadays give you some areas to
put the widgets, but those areas are common for all the posts that are
using the same template. NOTE: You need to use a theme that accepts
widgets to make this plugin work.
I think this is what you're looking for.
This can be done with the plugin. Once activated you can choose what widgets display on what pages:
The Widget Visibility module enables you to configure widgets to appear only on certain pages (or be hidden on certain pages) by using the Visibility panel.
Visibility is controlled by five aspects: page type, category, tag, date, and author. For example, if you wanted the Archives widget to only appear on category archives and error pages, choose “Show” from the first dropdown and then add two rules: “Page is 404 Error Page” and “Category is All Category Pages.”
Just tried custom-sidebars with the latest version of wp. Had a hard time deleting it. Database is still messy. Plugin did not work. Maybe the 'pro' version is useful, but the 'non-pro' version would not add a sidebar to the page. It was clunky and did not allow per-page sidebars. It says its not been tested with the latest wp, maybe that's the problem.
You can create custom sidebar for for each post and pages with the help of plugin. There are a few plugins which enables you to create your custom sidebar. Here in this tutorial we are using Easy Custom Sidebars. Download and install this plugin in your website and activate it.
After successfully activating the plugin go to Appearance > Sidebar Replacement
From this page give a name to your custom sidebar and click on the Create Sidebar button. After that go to the Sidebar Properties option. Here you need to select the properties where you want to replace your created custom sidebar instead of theme sidebar. You can view your available option in the drop-down menu. Select it and provide a description on the Sidebar Description field.
Now in the last step select the post or pages to add this custom sidebar. You can see all the option in the left column. You can select specific post, page, category , tag, author to add this sidebar. Just select it and click Add to sidebar option.
For better understanding you can follow this tutorial

Drupal custom theme visibility to all users

I'm creating a custom drupal 7 theme
<?php print theme('links', array('links' => menu_navigation_links('menu-headermenu'), 'attributes' => array('class'=> array('links', 'headermenu')) )); ?>
Above is the code I'm using in my theme to show a menu I created using the Admin section.
My problem is the menu is getting displayed only for the Admin.
I want it to be shown to anonymous as well as registered users.
Also, I've tried changing the role permission by ticking 'Administer Block' and 'Administer menus and menu items' to all the three kind of users. Nothing helps.
Please help me..
I'm not 100% sure this will answer your question, because it side steps the code above - but, you could try enabling the Menu Block module, then using it to create a block based on your desired menu. Then you can place it any block region, and control it via the normal block controls.
The only trick of it is you might need to add a region to your template if it doesn't exist in the place that you want, but that's easy.

create own wordpress theme (tewnty ten as base)

i have to create a customized wordpress theme.
i still don't how it should look like, so viewed the twenty ten theme files to figured out what i could customize.
so i searched for the menu build function in the header.php file and found this
<?php /* Our navigation menu. If one isn't filled out, wp_nav_menu falls back to wp_page_menu. The menu assiged to the primary position is the one used. If none is assigned, the menu with the lowest ID is used. */ ?>
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'container_class' => 'menu-header', 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>
but i cant figure out what this function does...where is written how the menu is created with html tags like <ul>, <li> and so on...
i wan't to edit the html code!
Check out the documentation for wp_nav_menu in the codex. It's a menu system added to WordPress back at version 2.9 (I believe). If you navigate in your dashboard to Appearance -> Menus, you can customize it through an interface. In Twenty Ten, the fallback is wp_page_menu, which displays a list of your pages. Should you prefer to build yours by hand and hard code it into the theme (not advisable, but possible) just delete the relevant code and replace it with your own HTML.
My adviice is to look into the Menu interface, create a menu, assign it to the theme position 'primary', and go from there with a properly configurable and WP-driven menu.
