How to make executables made with GNAT smaller? - ada

So I've been playing with Ada for some time, it's an awesome language, but I can't figure out how to make executables smaller (I'm using GNAT 5.3 on windows). Currently, file size of hello world is about 800 kb. When i strip debugging info it becomes ~222 kb. Any ideas how to make it smaller?

Ada.Text_IO is featureful. If you don’t need all its capabilities, try GNAT.IO; on Mac OS X (FSF GCC 5.1), the unstripped executable went down from 360816 bytes to 166356, stripped from 192200 to 83540.
Another thing: for some reason, GNAT doesn’t use shared libraries (DLLs) unless you tell it to. Forcing dynamic linking (gnatmake -O2 hello -bargs -shared) reduced the Ada.Text_IO version to 17520 bytes (14304 stripped), and the GNAT.IO version to 13976 bytes (11888 stripped).

I don't think it is very meaningful to get a minimum size hello world program in Ada.
Ada's run time does have a bigger payload than C's.
Here is a discussion on it:!topic/comp.lang.ada/1zvvW0Mw5Bw

If you're just interested in making the "Hello World" executable smaller, you could import write() and use that instead of Ada.Text_IO.

FYI: Standard Hello World on GNU/Hurd with its setup of gnatmake is around 16kB. Stripped around 8.5kB. No fancy tricks but probably gnat.adc with restrictions.

In the days when size was an issue, I occasionally used UPX. I believe it's still around.


Turbo Pascal BGI Error: Graphics not initialized (use InitGraph)

I'm making a Turbo Pascal 7.0 program for my class, it has to be on Graphic Mode.
A message pops up
BGI Error: Graphics not initialized (use InitGraph).
I'm already using InitGraph and graph.tpu and I specified the route as "C:\TP7\BGI".
My S.O is Windows 7 and I'm using DosBox 0.74, I already tried to paste all the files from the folder BGI into BIN.
What should I do?
Since dos doesn't have system graphic drivers, the BGI functions as such for BP7.
So in short, use a BGI suitable for your videocard. The ones supplied with BP7 are very old, there are newer, VESA ones that you could try.
Afaik 3rd party BGI needs to be registered explicitly in code though.
At first I have had this "missing Graph.tpu"- ... and later the "Use Initgraph"-issue too.
After hours trying (and reading some not politeful comments in the internet) I finally got Turbo Pascal 7 succesfully running (in Windows 10, x64). In summary I want to share "some secrets":
install the "TP(WDB)-7.3.5-Setup.msi" (comes from clever people in Vietnam)
make sure, that there's the CORRECT PATH to the "BGI"-directory in your program-code. For example:
driver := Detect;
InitGraph (driver, modus, 'c:\TPWDB\BGI');
(By the way: This is ALL, what's there to do with "Initgraph".)
make sure, that in TP7 under "Options" --> "Directories" are the CORRECT PATHS both to "C:\TPWDB\UNITS" and Your actual working dir e.g. "C:\TPWDB\myPrograms"
Annotations: The "Graph.TPU" (usually) is already in "UNITS" (together with "Graph3.tpu" by the way).
Hazzling around old driver's isn't needed even... :)
Just the correct paths... :)
Hope, that can help ...

Increase the stack size of Application in Xcode 4

I want to increase the stack size of an ipad application to 16MB .I have done it in xcode build setting "-WI-stack_size 1000000 to the Other Linker Flags field ".
but getting build error of
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: stack_size: No such file or directory
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: 1000000: No such file or directory
How can i resolve that ?
Do not know if you got it solved or not, but the correct way to indicate such option to the linker (according to this site) is to add -Wl,-stack_size,1000000 to the Other Linker Flags field of the Build Styles pane. You are missing the commas.
In case you are using clang or gcc the cli would be:
g++ -Wl,-stack_size -Wl,1000000
Hope it helps.
If you think you need to increase the stack size you're almost certainly doing something very wrong in your code, like allocating way too large objects on the stack (ie a 16 MByte C array).
Instead, allocate the memory or use the proper Objective-C data structures (ie NSMutableArray).

Ada 95: Modifying output of dictionary program

I've found this dictionary by William Whitaker on the Internet and I like its parsing capabilities. But the output doesn't fit for me.
The issue (challenge for me):
Given an input form such as "audiam", the program returns the following output (plain text): V 4 1 PRES ACTIVE SUB 1 S V 4 1 FUT ACTIVE IND 1 S
audio, audire, audivi, auditus V (4th) [XXXAO]
hear, listen, accept, agree with; obey; harken, pay attention; be able to hear;
But I just want to receive the following text output (same input: audiam):
audiam=audio, audire, audivi, auditus
That is:
So some pieces of information are needless for me.
How can I change the output of this program by modifying the Ada code?
I don't have any Ada knowledge, but I know Delphi/Pascal so it's quite easy to understand the code, isn't it? So the parts causing the text output seem to be the TEXT_IO.PUT(...) statements, right? They're all called in list_package.adb so this is probably the source file to look at.
What has to be changed in particular?
The full Ada 95 source code of this program is available on this page.
I hope some of you are able to understand Ada 95 code. Thank you very much in advance!
My compiling problems:
For use on a windows machine, I downloaded MinGW and tried to compile the source files using "MinGW Shell". But this was my input and the shell's reponse:
Compiling with the latest Cygwin version:
When I compile the program using the latest version of Cygwin, there is no error message:
There is even an .exe file which is created. Its size is 1.6 MB (1,682,616 bytes). But when I open it, it closes right away. What has gone wrong?
William Whitaker's Words is a handy tool. You may be able to find a version already built for your platform. I've not changed the code, but you can alter some things using various parameters. It's even hosted online. If you get an Ada compiler, I've included the last Makefile I used. It's a little thin on abstraction, but it includes the essential steps to compile the program and utilities, along with the steps to build the dictionaries.
TARG = words
$(TARG): *.ad[bs]
gnatmake $(TARG) $(ARGS)
all: $(TARG)
gnatmake makedict $(ARGS)
gnatmake makeinfl $(ARGS)
gnatmake makestem $(ARGS)
gnatmake makeefil $(ARGS)
#echo Please make the dicitionary
#echo ./makedict DICTLINE.GEN
#echo ./makestem STEMLIST.GEN
#echo ./makeefil EWDSLIST.GEN
#echo ./makeinfl INFLECTS.GEN
gnatmake -g $(TARG)
rm -f *.o *.ali b~* core
cleaner: clean
rm -f *.s makedict makeinfl makestem makeefil
cleanest: cleaner
rm -f $(TARG)
Addendum: One approach is to use gcc 4.4.3 on Ubuntu 10.04 with the updated Makefile above. For convenience, I used VirtualBox to host the linux instance.
$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) 4.4.3
Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Here's a quick test using the title of my second favorite passage from Catulli Carmina.
$ ./words odi et amo
odeo, odire, odivi(ii), - V TRANS [EXXCW] Later
od.i V 4 1 PRES ACTIVE IMP 2 S
odio, odire, odivi, - V (4th) TRANS [FXXCF] Medieval
hate; dislike; be disinclined/reluctant/adverse to; (usu. PREFDEF);
odi N 2 4 GEN S N Early
odium, odi(i) N (2nd) N [XXXAO]
hate/hatred/dislike/antipathy; odium, unpopularity; boredom/impatience;
hatred (manifested by/towards group), hostility; object of hate/odium;
od.i V 3 1 PERF ACTIVE IND 1 S
odi, odisse, osus V (3rd) PERFDEF [XXXBX]
hate (PERF form, PRES force), dislike; be disinclined/reluctant/adverse to;
and, and even; also, even; (et ... et = both ... and);
am.o V 1 1 PRES ACTIVE IND 1 S
amo, amare, amavi, amatus V (1st) [XXXAO]
love, like; fall in love with; be fond of; have a tendency to;
Addendum: Once you've got it running, the problem of modifying it remains. A grep for Put_Line\( shows 629 hits; most are in line_stuff and list*. That's where I'd start. As you are learning Ada, there are several good tutorials here.
As much as I like Ada and would encourage you to learn the minimal amount it would require to hack it the way you want...
Really, you are asking for a simple data filter, which it would be quite easy to accomplish by piping your output to awk. If you are running on any flavor of Linux you have awk already (and really should learn to use it). If you are on Windows, you can get awk and all sorts of other useful goodies from MinGW, which is one of the places you'd need to go to get an Ada compiler anyway.
If you do want a Windows Ada compiler, I'd suggest getting GNAT/GCC from there. The two other flavors available, GNAT/GPL and GNAT/PRO are available from AdaCore (the maintainers). However, GNAT/PRO must be purchased and GNAT/GPL renders distributions of any program compiled using it GPL. You might not mind the GPL applying to your program I suppose, but I'm guessing this isn't a serious enough need to spring for commercial support.
If you are on Linux, the GNAT Ada compiler should be available with GCC as an option (if not installed by default). The same two other options from AdaCore are available there too of course, if you like.
Well, you asked about learning Ada. Really, if you are familiar with other compiled procedural languages (eg: C/C++, Java, Pascal, Modula-2, etc.) you shouldn't have too much trouble picking it up. This question covers Ada books. For myself, I generally just use the official LRM as a reference. Unlike most languages, Ada has an internationally standardized Language Reference Manual that is available online for free. It is also quite readable, as such things go.
About compiling: you can use GNAT. It supports Ada83, Ada95, and Ada05. To tell it to use Ada95, use the -gnat95 switch.
You can get it on

How to distinguish Xsun from Xorg, programmatically?

VendorString() doesn't work, it's always Sun Microsystems, even if it is Xorg built for Solaris.
$ xdpyinfo | grep vendor
vendor string: The X.Org Foundation
vendor release number: 10601901
This is xorg-server 1.6.1 on Linux. Hopefully XOrg and XSun on Solaris will differ here.
To output these two fields, xdpyinfo calls the ServerVendor macro to determine the vendor, then parses the return of the VendorRelease macro differently depending on what ServerVendor was.
By the way, what's VendorString()? I don't have a function or macro by that name...
It's possibly a little hacky, but if you look at the list of extensions returned from Xsun and Xorg you should see that Xorg has a few extra XFree86-derived extensions.
xdpyinfo can be used to list the extensions via the command-line to check for differences; programmatically you can use XListExtensions() or XQueryExtension().
(I haven't got a Xsun X Server to hand but I'm pretty sure when I've looked in the past they have differed quite abit).
Thank you!
Oops, VendorRelease() string it is.
Anyway, unfortunately we cannot bet on this string. It changes often enough to have a trouble, for Xsun as well as for Xorg. I have found a solution working (hopefully) for them and for various other (derived) servers like Xvfb, Xnest etc.
Xsun does use a third value in an array of the keysyms for KP_ (numpad) keycodes. Xorg uses 1-st or 2-nd. A sniffer should first, obtain a keycode for a KP_ keysym, for instance XK_KP_7,
second, sniff what is in the XKeycodeToKeysym(d,keycode, [0-3]). Our XK_KP_7 will be on the index 2 for Xsun.

console print w/o scrolling

I see console apps print colors and seen apps such as ffmpeg print text over itself instead of a new line. How do I print over an existing line? I want to display fps in my console app either at the very top or very bottom and have regular printfs go there and scroll normally.
I need this for windows, but this is meant to be cross platform, so I will eventually have a linux and mac implementation.
There is two simple possibilities which work on linux as well as windows, but only for one line:
printf("\b"); will return for one character, so you might count how many character you want to backspace and fire this in a loop, or you know that you only write n numbers and do it likeprintf("\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");
printf("text to be overwritten by next printf\r"); this will return the cursor to the beginning of the line, so any next printf will overwrite it. Make sure to write a string of same length or longer so you overwrite it entirely.
If you want to rewrite several lines, there is nothing so portable as ncurses, there is libs for it on practically every operating system, and you don't have to take care of the ANSI-differences.
edit: added link to ncurses wikipedia page, gives great overview and introduction, as well as link list and maybe a translation to your preferred language
Check out ncurses. It has bindings for most scripting languages.
You can use '\r' instead of '\n'.
The ASCII character number 8 (A.K.A. Ctrl-H, BS or Backspace) lets you back up one character. ASCII Character number 13 (A.K.A Ctrl-M, CR or Carriage Return) returns the cursor at the beggining of the line.
If you are working in C try putchar(8); and putchar(13);
The magic of the colors, cursor locating and bliking and so on are inside ANSI escape codes. Any text console capable of handling ANSI codes can use them just printing them out to console (i.e. by means of echo in a bash script or printf() function in C).
Unix terminals support ANSI escape sequences and Windows world used to support them back in old MS-DOS days, but the multibyte console support put an end to this. There is more information here. However there are other ways out of just ANSI sequences printing available on Windows. Moreover if you have Cygwin installed on your Windows maching ANSI codes work just as great as on any Unix terminal.
Many people mention Ncurses library that is the de-facto standard for any gui-like text based applications. What this library does is to hide all the terminal differences (Windows/Unix flavours) to represent the same information as identical as possible across all the platforms, though from my own experience I tell you this is not always true (i.e. typical text window frames change because the especial chars are not available under all character encodings). The counterpart of using ncurses is that it is a complete API and it is much harder to start out with it than simply writing out some ANSI escape sequences for simple things such as change the font color, cleaning screen or moving back the cursor to a random position.
For the sake of completeness I paste an example of use of ANSI sequence under Linux that changes the prompt to blue and shows the date:
PS1="\[\033[34m\][\$(date +%H%M)][\u#\h:\w]$ "
You can use Ncurses -
ncurses package is a subroutine library for terminal-independent screen-painting and input-event handling which presents a high level screen model to the programmer, hiding differences between terminal types and doing automatic optimization of output to change one screenfull of text into another
Depending on the platform which you are developing on there's probably a more powerful API which you could use, rather than old ASCII control codes.
e.g. If you are working on Win32 you can actually manipulate the console screen buffer directly.
A good place to start might be here
I have been looking for similar functions/API which would allow me to access the console as something other than a stream of text for other platforms. Haven't found anything yet, but then again, I haven't been looking that hard.
Hope it helps.
