Xrm.Utility.openWebResource() error page not found - crm

I add a button (ribbon workbench).and add him a command - open a web resource.
I wrote:
but when i click on the button - i get an error :
"the page not found".
What am I doing wrong?


Google SignIn button "Parameter client_id is not set correctly."

I have added Google Sign In button to a web page according the following description - https://developers.google.com/identity/gsi/web/guides/display-button
Unfortunatelly the button is displayed but it does not work.
In the console I see an error:
[GSI_LOGGER]: Parameter client_id is not set correctly.
that happens when the following script is being loaded:
Could anyone of you experienced the same problem?
In case someone has encountered the same problems - I found a root cause - prototype (https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/ script somehow interfered with google sign in button.
Once I removed it, the google sign in button started working properly.

Symfony 6 Form getErrors(), modal with form

i have an modal with an form, when i send the form and it is invalid then the modal closes and
you can only see the error when you reopen the modal.
My Solution so far is in my controller an elseif($form->isSubmitted() && !$form->isValid())
an then display an flash an Error Message "something went wrong"
But i think it would be the best when:
The modal would not be closed (but i think it is not working, only with javascript but i dont like it that way :-( )
I can display the error in my flash-message, i tried $form->getErrors() and
$form['name']->getErrors() but if i var_dump() it i get a ton of arrays and things but not the right Error message... something like "name already exists" ?
Is there a right way to get the "contraints" Error Message ?

Drupal\Core\Form\EnforcedResponseException at View reset button click - D9

I have a view that uses exposed filters with a "Reset" button. After searching, when the reset button is clicked, I get to see the below error:
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
Drupal\Core\Form\EnforcedResponseException: in Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilder->buildForm() (line 352 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Form/FormBuilder.php).
I found this link - https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3165919 when searching for the issue but the page doesn't mention any fix/patch for this problem.
What I tried:
In Drupal\Core\Form\FormBuilder.php file, I commented the below lines buildform() method tentatively:
if ($response instanceof Response) {
throw new EnforcedResponseException($response);
Need an actual solution for this. any help?!

How to click a button which is not a form submit button during a functional test

During a functional test i need to click a button to make an ajax request.
When browsing the symfony testing docs, i realized that you could whether click :
a Link
a form's submit button
My button has the following id = "js-scroll-down"
When i try this:
$btn = $crawler->filter('#js-scroll-down')->eq(0)->link();
$crawler = $client->click($btn);
I get the following error:
LogicException: Unable to navigate from a "button" tag.
The Client#click() expects only Link.
But you can execute script, e.g. $client->executeScript("document.querySelector('#js-scroll-down').click()");

"Send" popout showing, "Like" isn't

I've installed a Like button on my blog, as well as the Facebook send button.
When I click "Send", the popout comes out and appears nicely with a prompt on who to send the post to.
But, when you click "Like", no popout comes. It's not the "overflow:visible" problem, because the Send popout works. Very confusing and odd, I think...
This is the code I'm using:
<div style="overflow:visible;" class="fb-like" data-href="http://liamgetreu.com" data-send="true" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true" data-font="lucida grande"></div>
Any ideas? Thanks.
I checked out your blog and it looks like there is an iframe being generated for the pop-out, but that pop-out is not being filled in by Facebook. There is a javascript error that is the probably cause of the issue.
uncaught exception: Error: Permission denied for <http://www.facebook.com>
to get property Proxy.InstallTrigger
/am=!itqi7GDL5S6I4GqN1g/d=1/ Line 116
To find out what javascript is colliding with that Facebook one to cause the error. I would suggest striping everything off that page one thing at a time until the Facebook script can run without error. This will tell you what item (or combination of items) was interfering.
Happy troubleshooting! Let us know what you find.
