Redirect image links from old blog (Wordpress multisite) - wordpress

I have the following scenario:
Everything runs on a wordpress multisite
I used to have a blog on domain A
The blog posts from domain A got transferred to a new blog on domain B. The images on this new blog were still pointing to domain A and were working fine, until...
I created a new website on domain A with a different ID
Now the images on domain B point to domain A, to the upload folder of the old ID and they don't work anymore. I just copied the files from the old blog over to my new blog's ID's upload folder.
Now I guess I need to edit my htaccess file, which is the reason for this question. What's the code I need to use and where do I put it (I guess it goes in the main WP htaccess file)?
I need to redirect all image links from
I guess an alternative would be to do it in SQL and rewrite the permalinks, but that's quite high risk and I would prefer the htaccess solution...

If you want to use .htaccess than just put the redirects following the example
Redirect 301 /old-page.html
and yes, use the main .htaccess in the root WP directory


Wordpress redirecting to wrong homepage

I worked for a few days on XAMPP with a wordpress platform. After I bought a domain, I decided to use Duplicator plugin to transfer my whole wordpress snap to the new server. Everything is working just fine except for one single thing: whenever I go to my website, instead of visiting the actual page that should be "" it redirects automatically to "". I made some research about it and discovered that usually wp is installed in a wordpress directory, but I completely made sure that:
on htaccess there is no /wordpress directory url
on index.php there is no /wordpress directory url
on wp-config there is no /wordpress directory both on SITE-URL and HOME
made sure that on the wp-admin config panel in the General section, the URLs are both set to the root directory.
For some unexplicable reason, everything is working fine, works for example, but if I set from the customization panel a page like "" as homepage, then THAT page won't be found because it automatically redirects "dummy" to "/wordpress" which of course does not exist. You can type and be redirected to and the same thing happens if you type, since now that should be the homepage.
Can anyone explain me why is this happening? I searched everywhere but I can't find an answer.
I'm using the Storefront theme and Woocommerce plugin if that might help.

.htaccess reditrect subdirectory page to root

I got a website running and in the subdirectory I installed a Wordpress blog website. The subdirectory contains dozen of blog articles, for example
domain .com/blog/testing
domain .com/blog/example
domain .com/blog/article1
domain .com/blog/article2
And what I am trying to do is to rewrite and redirect (a single page) to
Any way to do this?
It seems javascript redirect is better than htaccess redirect for your case.
Simply edit your article using a code editor in wordpress.
<script>window.location = "";</script>

Moved Wordpress to a subdirectory, don't want site-url to redirect to my subdirectory

I've searched a while but couldn't find an answer to this question yet. I had WP originally installed in the site root and moved it to a subfolder and went through the common steps necessary. I do this because I want to run wordpress only for blogging reasons and keep another HTML site as my main project that I want to access through my domain and the wordpress blog through
I moved the WP system therefore to /blog and changed the site address and wp address to that folder and followed the usual steps. Everything works just fine. Still when I enter my domain it redirects automatically to the /blog subdirectory and not to the site that lies in the root that has a index.html. There is no .htaccess file in the root or anything similar. How is that possible? Happy about all suggestions.

Issues with redirect from .html pages to wordpress pages

here is my issue:
I have a static html site and under blog I have wordpress installed. Now I added a new database and installed a second wordpress that works perfectly, but I want to 301 redirect old .html pages to new ones so I can keep the links and rankings, but every time I try to change the .htaccess file my wordpress totally crashes and I have to re-install.
I just want to redirect dozen .html pages to new wp versions, example, I want to redirect to
Can someone point me in the right direction?
The easiest way to do this, is to use the redirection plugin for wordpress.
We used it when we converted an old static site and it works well and tracks the number of hit's etc.

Wordpress URL rewrite

I am trying to merge my custom made directory site together with my wordpress site in one domain.
There seems to be issues with the url being redirected to my wordpress categories. How can i rewrite url in wordpress to compliment my directory site.
I don't think it's possible. Category, tag, page, post etc. slugs could collide with your directory names. You would have to either create a filter for WP to redirect specific URLs to your old content or modify your .htaccess file. Both methods are extremely complicated if you have a lot of pages, and overkill if you have only a few.
Why not migrate your old content to WP? Or if you don't want to do that, install WP into a subdirectory of your site, like /blog.
