IIS - ip browsing ok, dns error - asp.net

I'm setting up website. IIS hosting my site (ASP.NET) is located on server server1. when I connect to my website http://server1.com/site/ eveything work fine.
We decided to use DNS alias - supersite, which means, when I connect to my website using http://supersite.com/site/, this should be equal to first request.
Command line ping command shows the same server - this is for sure.
This doesn't happen. When I'm connecting with raw URL http://server1.com/site/, server responds correctly, when I connect using DNS alias http://supersite.com/site/, server returns:
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
I tried configure more detailed information, I set up Error Pages -> 500 -> Detailed Error, I enabled Send errors to browser in ASP menu. Nothing helps.
I think, that server doesn't connect to my website when I'm using DNS alias and all my attempts enabling detailed errors means nothing.


Pydio cells-sync client can't connect

I installed pydio with cells v3 on my windows server behind nginx.
The service is up and reachable from both the outside the network at sub.domain.com and within my network using the servers local IP. From outside, SSL is working, from inside the self-issued SSL certificate is used and flaged as insecure.
The browser interface is working perfectly fine. However, I can't log in using the win-desktop client or andriod app. Entering https://sub.domain.com and clicking 'Username' opens the browser and I get a 520 'Web server is returning an unknown error.' Before the error, the pydio interface is rendered for a few milliseconds:
Application is not yet connected to agent. Please wait
while we are trying to connect...
followed immediately by
Application is disconnected from agent. Please wait
while we are trying to reconnect...
However, the logs in the admin page don't show any errors.
Interestingly, when the 520 error is shown in the browser, the URL begins with domain.com, not sub.domain.com.
I have only mapped sub.domain.com to internal-server-IP:8080 in nginx.
Am I missing something here?

I am not not able run an website in localhost

This site can’t provide a secure connection localhost sent an invalid response.
Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
When running a service or site locally you can avoid this problem by doing the following:
In project properties enable SSL:
Make sure to put https link as a start URL or just make direct request to https version:

IIS url rewrite reverse proxy to asp.net core web app on localhost

I have a IIS 8 on a server where some sites are hosted. I want to call my ASP.NET App which should not be hosted as a site in my IIS, but it should be reached over localhost:5001 on the IIS server.
To achieve that I created a site in my IIS which should port forward to my backend app. For that I used the url rewrite module -> Reverse Proxy. I entered in the Inbound Rules the address which should be navigated to, so I used for that localhost:5001 and left all the settings as default.
If I look at all the tutorials, everything should be working now, but I always get the following error:
HTTP Error 502.3 - Bad Gateway
The server returned an invalid or unrecognized response
Error Code: 0x80072f78
The certificate for the https site which should port through to localhost is valid, since the error code guides me to certificate errors.
Okay, it was a problem with the certificate of my backend app. If I call the proxy it works perfectly fine, it just throws the exception with the certificate error. So the backend app doesn´t have to run over https.

Bad Request - Invalid Hostname ASP.NET MVC4

I've got an ASP.NET MVC 4 application, which I can browse locally
When I try to browse it from another computer in the same network, or just by local ip, I get "Bad Request - Invalid Hostname"
I dont get the same error if I specify an invalid portnr, so I guess the error message is from asp.net itself.
I'm trying to browse the site from my IPhone.
What should I do to make this work?
The port is an internal dev server port. You will need to use a tool like SPI Port Forward to forward your local port externally outside your local computer.
Here is a link that shows you how the tool works,

Unable to access Active directory from my asp.net application hosted in production server

I have written an asp.net application and validated the logged in user with Active Directory.
It works perfectly in my local machine IDE. But when hosted in my production server, it couldnt communicate with the AD Server.
I have windows authentication enabled in my IIS in server as well has put identity impersonate in my web.config.
The error is get is
Error Trace :System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8007054B): The specified
domain either does not exist or could not be contacted.
Any suggestions is appreciated.
That error usually means exactly what it says - that it cannot find a DC to authenticate against for the specified domain. Are you sure the production box can hit the domain via DNS? You can use nslookup if the server is Windows. This will confirm you can actually hit it. You usually see a different error if it's a security/rights issue.
If it is a windows box try using nslookup domain_name and see if any IP addresses are returned. If they aren't, then that's your issue. You may need to manually configure the IP address if that's the case or resolve the potential routing issue if you can't hit it by IP.
