Change auto indentation of comments [duplicate] - r

I am using the Emacs-Speaks-Statistics (ESS) mode for Emacs. When editing R code, any comment lines (those starting with #) automatically get tabbed to the far right when I create a new line above it. How should I change my .emacs.el file to fix this?
For example, I have:
# Comment
Now, after putting my cursor at the beginning of the line and pressing Enter, I get:
# Comment
Thanks for any hints.

Use '###' if you don't want the comments indented. According to the manual,
By default, comments beginning with
‘###’ are aligned to the beginning of
the line. Comments beginning with ‘##’
are aligned to the current level of
indentation for the block containing
the comment. Finally, comments
beginning with ‘#’ are aligned to a
column on the right (the 40th column
by default, but this value is
controlled by the variable
comment-column,) or just after the
expression on the line containing the
comment if it extends beyond the
indentation column.

(setq ess-fancy-comments nil)
if you never want to indent single-# comments, or
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline)))
if you want to change the behavior of Enter so it doesn't indent.

Setting ess-indent-with-fancy-comments to nil will remove the weird single-# indentation, but it must be set either buffer-locally in a hook (as in Rob's answer), OR before ESS is loaded:
(setq ess-indent-with-fancy-comments nil)
(require 'ess)
Other ways to make sure it is set before ESS is loaded, is to set it in M-x configure, or to set it in the :init section of use-package.
What's going on is that ESS defines styles at initialization in ess-style-alist, and then applies the default style in every buffer. So to make sure these styles respect ess-indent-with-fancy-comment, you must make sure to set it before the styles are defined.

Jouni's answer didn't work for me. But I found an approach here that does:
(defun my-ess-settings ()
(setq ess-indent-with-fancy-comments nil))
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook #'my-ess-settings)


How to change smart assign key ("_" to "<-") binding in ESS

In emacs ESS, how do I correctly change the keybinding for ess-smart-S-assign?
What I tried is adding
'(ess-smart-S-assign-key ":"))
to my .emacs, but that made weird things happen: When I press :, just a normal : appears. On the other hand, pressing _ once yields <- as usual, whereas pressing _ a second time then converts this to :.
The desired behavior would be to be able to use _ as a normal key, with : being converted to <-.
I am using the official emacs 24.3 for windows and the latest development version of ESS (14.06).
Here's the docstring for ess-smart-S-assign-key:
Key used by `ess-smart-S-assign'. By default bound to
underscore, but can be set to any key. If this key is customized,
you must add
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
after the line that sets the customization and evaluate these
lines or reboot emacs. The first call clears the default
`ess-smart-S-assign' assignment and the second line re-assigns
it to the customized setting.
So: put this in your .emacs file to get the desired behavior:
(setq ess-smart-S-assign-key ":")
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
(ess-toggle-S-assign nil)
Kind of ugly, but it works.
The accepted answer didn't work for me, but the following did:
(global-set-key (kbd "C-;") (lambda () (interactive) (insert " <- ")))
(ess-toggle-underscore nil)
Insert your shortkey choice instead of C-;.
Another solution is
(eval-after-load "ess-mode" '(define-key ess-mode-map (kbd "C-;") "<-"))
(eval-after-load "ess-mode" '(define-key inferior-ess-mode-map (kbd "C-;") "<-"))
This allows to restrict the binding change to ess-mode. Note that the second line defines the binding for the inferior R process.

How can I make ESS to split window horizontally by default?

I always prefer horizontally splitting because the screen has more horizontal space.
In python-mode I can achieve this by setting
(py-split-windows-on-execute-function (quote split-window-horizontally))
Is there something similar in ESS mode?
I don't know if ESS has anything mode-specific. From the help pages, however, it looks like split-window-preferred-function defaults to split-window-sensibly, which in turn determines how to split a window based on split-width-threshold and split-height-threshold. Setting the former to nil forbids a horizontal split, and the latter to nil forbids a vertical split. These settings would be global; you could put (setq-local split-height-threshold nil) in your ess-mode-hook.
Edited/extended to reflect #qed's answer. You might consider packaging the local bindings in a function rather than in a lambda to give yourself the option of removing the function from the hook.
(defun forbid-vertical-split ()
"Only permit horizontal window splits."
(setq-local split-height-threshold nil)
(setq-local split-width-threshold 0))
(require 'ess-site)
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook
This seems to do the trick:
(require 'ess-site)
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook
(setq-local split-height-threshold nil)
(setq-local split-width-threshold 0)
Kudos to Dan!
accepted answer did not work for me, but adding
(setq split-height-threshold 0)
to .emacs did

Emacs, Auto Complete Mode, CSS, pain. (illustrated!)

I've got Auto Complete Mode installed for Emacs.
First: When I'm typing declarations I get the normal auto-complete behavior:
So I hit Tab to complete — no problem. But then I hit ;:
It instantly tries to complete something! And I can't hit Enter because that'll accept the erroneous completion!
So I have to hit C-j. What a pain.
Second: Once I'm done with a declaration, I type }:
...but it doesn't get indented properly unless I type Tab.
What gives?
Update, settings:
I'm using Emacs 23. My css-electric-keys are } and ;. My Auto Complete configuration is as follows:
(setq ac-auto-start t)
(setq ac-delay 0.1)
(setq ac-auto-show-menu nil)
(setq ac-show-menu-immediately-on-auto-complete t)
(setq ac-trigger-key nil)
Here's a few suggestions:
(setq ac-auto-start t) starts autocomplete automatically. If you change that to (setq ac-auto-start 1) (or 2 or 3) then it will only start after that many characters have been typed. This might not solve your problem though if after you type the ;, it considers the entire preceding word as part of the current auto-complete search.
Maybe the problem is that it isn't recognizing the semicolon as a delimiting character (like whitespace), so it thinks you're still adding to the last word. Perhaps adding the semicolon string to ac-ignores would do the trick? (Not sure what the syntax for that would be)
Maybe you can prevent auto-completion via the enter key by adding: (define-key ac-complete-mode-map "\t" 'ac-complete) and (define-key ac-complete-mode-map "\r" nil). I'm not sure how this will interact with DWIM though (enabled by default).
Try adding semicolon as an auto-complete key?
My .emacs knowledge on a scale of 0 to 10 is like a 1.5, but maybe this will jog some better ideas.
Old stuff I know, but try the following:
(add-hook 'css-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(make-local-variable 'ac-ignores)
(add-to-list 'ac-ignores ";")))
From the manual

Emacs css-mode auto closing of braces and auto insertion of semi-colon after colon (ala Textmate)

I'm looking for a way to mimic Textmate's CSS editing behavior in Emacs.
In Textmate, when adding a CSS property:
#element {} <-- Braces auto close.
#element {background: ;} <-- after typing the colon, the semi-colon is automatically inserted and the cursor is placed between them.
I have taken a look at several css-modes (and textmate.el) but cannot see that anyone has implemented this.
I have absolutely zero knowledge of emacs-lisp would be be willing to give it a shot and write something myself, but does anyone know if this has been done already?
You want to look at some examples of electric functions (the naming convention used when additional input or formatting is performed when particular visible characters are typed).
There's nothing special about the implementation. The key in question is bound within the mode's keymap to a function which does the work. Aside from the fact that you must handle the insertion of the character typed, it's just like any other keybinding.
cc-mode has several examples. The basic approach looks like this:
(define-key c-mode-base-map "{" 'c-electric-brace)
(defun c-electric-brace (arg)
(interactive "*P")
;; [...]
(self-insert-command (prefix-numeric-value arg))
;; [...]
Admittedly c-electric-brace is a far more complicated function than you might be expecting, but it would be trivial to have a function which simply inserted the same number of }s after inserting the {s.
(defun my-electric-brace (arg)
"Automatically add a closing '}' for every '{' inserted."
(interactive "*P")
(let ((count (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
(self-insert-command count)
(insert-char ?} count))))
(defun my-css-mode-hook ()
(local-set-key (kbd "{") 'my-electric-brace))
(add-hook 'css-mode-hook 'my-css-mode-hook)
You might find that is a little simplistic, and there are circumstances in which you don't want the matching brace to be inserted, however. You would probably also want to deal with automatically removing matching braces when you delete one of them, by defining electric delete functions.
Your electric colon requirement is also less trivial than the brace, as it should only occur in the right context (although in practice you might get away with a naive implementation, as I don't think you would be typing colons in a CSS file that were not in the correct context.)
Hopefully this points you in the right direction, if you decide to write your own solutions.
Obviously you would want to read some tutorials on elisp, but for understanding the code above, just note that you can use C-h f (describe-function) to read the documentation for any elisp function (or M-x find-function to view the code).
For general purpose autopairing of all sorts of braces, etc you might want to take a look at autopair-mode.

Emacs ESS Mode - Tabbing for Comment Region

I am using the Emacs-Speaks-Statistics (ESS) mode for Emacs. When editing R code, any comment lines (those starting with #) automatically get tabbed to the far right when I create a new line above it. How should I change my .emacs.el file to fix this?
For example, I have:
# Comment
Now, after putting my cursor at the beginning of the line and pressing Enter, I get:
# Comment
Thanks for any hints.
Use '###' if you don't want the comments indented. According to the manual,
By default, comments beginning with
‘###’ are aligned to the beginning of
the line. Comments beginning with ‘##’
are aligned to the current level of
indentation for the block containing
the comment. Finally, comments
beginning with ‘#’ are aligned to a
column on the right (the 40th column
by default, but this value is
controlled by the variable
comment-column,) or just after the
expression on the line containing the
comment if it extends beyond the
indentation column.
(setq ess-fancy-comments nil)
if you never want to indent single-# comments, or
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline)))
if you want to change the behavior of Enter so it doesn't indent.
Setting ess-indent-with-fancy-comments to nil will remove the weird single-# indentation, but it must be set either buffer-locally in a hook (as in Rob's answer), OR before ESS is loaded:
(setq ess-indent-with-fancy-comments nil)
(require 'ess)
Other ways to make sure it is set before ESS is loaded, is to set it in M-x configure, or to set it in the :init section of use-package.
What's going on is that ESS defines styles at initialization in ess-style-alist, and then applies the default style in every buffer. So to make sure these styles respect ess-indent-with-fancy-comment, you must make sure to set it before the styles are defined.
Jouni's answer didn't work for me. But I found an approach here that does:
(defun my-ess-settings ()
(setq ess-indent-with-fancy-comments nil))
(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook #'my-ess-settings)
