How to install CSS preprocessor Sass in Visual Studio 2015? - css

I went to the Tools menu and chose Extensions and Updates, then looked for Mindscape Web WorkBench and could not find it.
Does anyone know where this option is?

Per the Mindscape Web WorkBench, it is compatible with 2010 - 2013, not 2015.


How to install XNA in Visual Studio 2014

How can I install the templates and the the framework for XNA in Visual Studio 2014?
I found this page here that helps installing the XNA framework in Visual Studio 2013, but they do not offer any downloads for Visual Studio 2014?
I know that XNA is not developed anymore by Microsoft, but it is a really great Framework that I need to use in Future.
As far as I could tell, XNA has been completely discontinued by Microsoft and is no longer downloadable.
However, there is another framework that uses the exact same style and .dll files as XNA. It's called MonoGame. I switched over from XNA to MonoGame and love it. When you start out, you probably won't even be able to tell the difference between the two frameworks. The downloads can be found here. They will automatically install as an extension to Visual Studio 2017 or 2015.
Hope I could help,

Compiling HandleBars scripts in Visual Studio 2017

Is there any tooling support in VS2017 to pre-compile HandleBarsJs .hbs files in Visual Studio 2017? Web Essentials/WebCompiler no longer appears to support this.
I am looking for an "easy" solution and would prefer not to have to install Node or something else to do this.

Enable ASP.NET configuration for Visual Studio 2013

I'm using Visual Studio 2013. I cannot get the ASP.NET Configuration tool. I cannot seem to locate it anywhere. Is there a plugin or something I'm missing.In the last version it was in the solution explorer window. Have they moved it. I need to set some administration settings for my site. Please Help!
I am assuming you mean the tool that was removed from Visual Studio 2013 in the late beta period? If so, here is the answer:

SQLite (latest) in Visual Studio 2012 not showing in Designer Data Source

I am using the latest version, (sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x86-2010-, and am using the released version of Visual Studio 2012 with all the latest everything.
I do not see the SQLite in the Designer Data Source in Source Explorer (new Connections).
The download on SQLite states, "This setup package is capable of installing the design-time components for Visual Studio 2010". I presume the "Visual Studio 2010" part is why I do not see the designer in VS2012, which is what I have.
How can I get the designer to work with VS2012?
When will the team come out with a version that works with VS 2012?
(I did see a couple of posts back in July which talked about 1.0.66 and 1.0.73, but that was then and 1.0.82 includes the designers just for VS 2010 apparently. I see other file names with "-2008" presumably for Visual Studio 2008. That means that a Visual Studio 2012 will probably come, but in the mean time, I am curious about a manual registry hack or something like that.)
In order to get designer support for SQLite in Visual Studio, you have to download a very specific version of System.Data.SQLite. The downloads page has an astonishing 56 different possibilities, so it's easy to get the wrong one.
Look for the big bold text that says this:
This setup package is capable of installing the design-time components for Visual Studio 2012.
But it's still easy to miss among the zillions of downloads. If you need to, use Control-F to find the "Visual Studio 2012" text.
Don't download the 64-bit version, even if you're on a 64-bit machine. You need the 32-bit version with the text above to get designer support.
Goto Visual Studio, Manage Nuget, search for online packages, search "SQLite", install System.Data.SQLite, and boom, you can use designer and evrything is working again.
After some search I found my answer, 1.0.83, which will come out in November XX, 2012.
Visual Studio 2012 aside from the v10 to v11 registry hive difference also has what the team calls a "redesigned designer support".
Here is the link to the information. - November XX, 2012 (release scheduled)
•Updated to SQLite 3.7.15.
•Add Visual Studio 2012 support to all the applicable solution/project files, their associated supporting files, and the test suite.
•Add Visual Studio 2012 support to the redesigned designer support installer.
and other changes.
I could not find any interim solution on the web, sadly. The lack of a fix affects report based projects with DevExpress and projects that use the explorer.

How can I open a Visual Web Developer 2010 Express in Visual Studio 2005

Can anybody tell me how to open a VWD 2010 Express project in Visual Studio 2005?
Don't open the *.sln file because that simply won't work.
Easiest way I can think of is to create a new project in Visual Studio 2005, then using "Add Existing File" (R-Click the Project) add all the files that should be there. Bear in mind you may need to create multiple projects to accomadate the previous structure.
You can see which projects you need to add by checking the solution's directory for .csproj/.vbproj files.
Note that the solution is incompatible for a reason, there are likely to be multiple issues whereby .Net 2 does not support the content of the likely .Net 4 code/config created in VWD2010.
It may be much easier for the person using VS05 to simply download VWD2010 Express, which is free.
Maybe this might help: Solution Converter
I used this tool for some conversions, but I haven't tried yet what you want to do so I can't tell you for sure if it'll work...
After exploring a lot about this i got same words from all and these suits as extract for them.
Easiest way is probably to create a new project in VS 2005, and use
the add existing item dialog to add the code to the project. I'd
suggest using 'Empty Project' as the project type, so you don't have a
lot of rubbish auto generated for you that you'll just delete anyway.
Follow these links and choose the way that you like to follow either using tools or some modification etc..
How to downgrade solution from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2005?
Downgrade C# Project from visual studio 2010 to visual studio 2008
How to downgrade solution code upgraded to Visual Studio 2010
Downgrade a VS 2008 .sln or .csproj to VS 2005
How to downgrade from Visual Studio 2010 project to VS 2008 or VS 2005?
Web Developer 2010 Express is free tool from Microsoft that you can
download to work with same version.
