Enable ASP.NET configuration for Visual Studio 2013 - asp.net

I'm using Visual Studio 2013. I cannot get the ASP.NET Configuration tool. I cannot seem to locate it anywhere. Is there a plugin or something I'm missing.In the last version it was in the solution explorer window. Have they moved it. I need to set some administration settings for my site. Please Help!

I am assuming you mean the tool that was removed from Visual Studio 2013 in the late beta period? If so, here is the answer:


No MVC template in Visual Studio 2015

I have missing MVC template in Visual studio 2015. I followed every answer posted in this topic in stackoverflow. I tried modifying and installing again and i checked web developer section too. But still MVC template is not in web section.
Seems like you have forgotten to install Web Developer tools on the initial installation.
After reinstalling this, everything reappears
Reference: Check this Solution.

asp net VNext and older visual studio versions

I am trying to convert my current asp net application to an ASP.Net vnext application and I am trying to figure out if we have have to use Visual Studio 15 or visual studio 14 ctp 3 for vnext to work? Will it work in visual studio 12 or 13?
I found this link
and I haven't heard any updates.
If you want to use Visual Studio, you need Visual Studio 2015 and CTP6.
Good news is, you can have VS2015 installed side by side with 2012 or 2013 with no problems. (really!) And if you are not yet familiarized with the command line tools, I do highly recommend to install vs2015.
For migrations, there's some documentation in the workings on the Docs repo.
check this out : https://github.com/aspnet/Docs/blob/master/docs/migrating/migratingfrommvc5/migratingfrommvc5.rst
this is just one, there are a few more doc pages on that repo that might help you to get started and see which changes should be made and how to apply one by one.
Unfortunately the documentation is not finished and there's not much about it, so be prepared to have patience because you will be migrating and learning a new stack in the process.
Microsoft team has been very active and helpful in all channels (twitter, SO, github, etc) so, you can at least get help if you find a block.
The tooling for ASP.NET 5 is only available for VS 2015.
However, you can build and run ASP.NET 5 applications outside of VS using the command line tool and other editors.

How can I open a Visual Web Developer 2010 Express in Visual Studio 2005

Can anybody tell me how to open a VWD 2010 Express project in Visual Studio 2005?
Don't open the *.sln file because that simply won't work.
Easiest way I can think of is to create a new project in Visual Studio 2005, then using "Add Existing File" (R-Click the Project) add all the files that should be there. Bear in mind you may need to create multiple projects to accomadate the previous structure.
You can see which projects you need to add by checking the solution's directory for .csproj/.vbproj files.
Note that the solution is incompatible for a reason, there are likely to be multiple issues whereby .Net 2 does not support the content of the likely .Net 4 code/config created in VWD2010.
It may be much easier for the person using VS05 to simply download VWD2010 Express, which is free.
Maybe this might help: Solution Converter
I used this tool for some conversions, but I haven't tried yet what you want to do so I can't tell you for sure if it'll work...
After exploring a lot about this i got same words from all and these suits as extract for them.
Easiest way is probably to create a new project in VS 2005, and use
the add existing item dialog to add the code to the project. I'd
suggest using 'Empty Project' as the project type, so you don't have a
lot of rubbish auto generated for you that you'll just delete anyway.
Follow these links and choose the way that you like to follow either using tools or some modification etc..
How to downgrade solution from Visual Studio 2010 to Visual Studio 2005?
Downgrade C# Project from visual studio 2010 to visual studio 2008
How to downgrade solution code upgraded to Visual Studio 2010
Downgrade a VS 2008 .sln or .csproj to VS 2005
How to downgrade from Visual Studio 2010 project to VS 2008 or VS 2005?
Web Developer 2010 Express is free tool from Microsoft that you can
download to work with same version.

VS 2010 does not open CSS files [duplicate]

I am unable to open CSS files in Visual Studio 2010 after adding to a project.
It shows the following error:
The operation could not be completed.Unspecified error.
Even if I try to edit embedded CSS in a webpage directly, IntelliSense doesn't appear.
I found the solution from here:
I was having the same issue and found that by going to the Tools -> Extension Manager -> Online Gallery and search for/install the "Web Standards Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 sp1" I was able to open CSS files again.
And it worked for me.
Probably it can happen after installing the Visual Studio LightSwitch beta
Windows Azure tools installed
SQL Server 2012 installed
Download this and install it if already installed then repair it and it'll fix the issue:
This happened to me after installing Adobe Cloud production suite. Web Standards Update did the trick.
There is dropdown box in the toolbar saying "XHTML 1.0 transition". Change it to HTML.

Visual Studio 2008 SP1 crash when opening MVC View

I have Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and ASP.NET MVC RC installed on a XP SP2 machine with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. (That's a lot of SP's in one sentence!)
I've a ASP.NET MVC project that I can edit just fine with Visual Web Developer Express.
But opening a View page in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 makes Visual Studio to crash and vanish without even giving an error message.
Now, some bloggers have proposed that either Visual Studio Power Tools of TFS Power Tools could be causing this. However, I have neither installed.
Visual Studio can be started with /SafeMode option which solves the issue. But I'd like to know if there's more elegant solution available?
Microsoft have now released a hotfix to resolve this issue.
See https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Downloads/DownloadDetails.aspx?DownloadID=16827&wa=wsignin1.0
Phil Haack elaborates here - http://haacked.com/archive/2009/03/06/hotfix-for-installing-aspnetmvc.aspx
What solved it for me was clearing the Native Image Cache.
go to %windir%\assembly and delete the folders that start with NativeImages. I Have two... NativeImages_v2.0.50727_32 and NativeImages_v2.0.50727_64 because I'm running 64-bit Vista.
I had this same problem a few days back, and I removed all examples of Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools.UnitTesting.Silverlight.dll. I found the solution on google, and like you I'm not running PowerTools. I guess you're seeing
.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.3053 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (7A035E00) (80131506)?
I renamed all examples of that DLL and rebooted, and now I can work again, don't know what I'll do when I have to unit test SilverLight again though.
Answering to myself here:
I eventually removed Visual Studio add-in called Ora. That seemed to stop MVC View related Visual Studio crashes.
