PostgreSQL: How to get Date only for using Now()? - postgresql-9.1

I am using the following query
SELECT NOW() - TO_DATE('2015-12-07 13:37:34.055951+08','YYYYMMDD') AS "AgingDate"
which gives this result:
414 days 13:40:20.513244
How can I remove the timestamp portion of the output? I only want the number of days.
Please help me..

You can use SELECT EXTRACT(epoch FROM calculation), where calculation is the difference you had in the original problem. EXTRACT(epoch FROM ...) will return the number of seconds since the epoch. This can be converted to days by dividing by 60*60*24.
SELECT EXTRACT(epoch FROM (now() - to_date('2015-12-07 13:37:34.055951+08','YYYYMMDD'))) /
(60*60*24) AS "AgingDate"

Try this:
select now()::date - to_date('2015-12-07 13:37:34.055951+08','YYYYMMDD');


How do i subtract time from datetime in snowflake?

pdt.startTime is datetime
s_first.FromTimeOfDay is a time
I want to subtract the time drom the datetime. When i run the code below, Snowflake gives me this error invalid type [CAST(S_FIRST.FROMTIMEOFDAY AS TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9))] for parameter 'TO_TIMESTAMP_NTZ'
select (pdt.StartTime - (SELECT s_first.FromTimeOfDay::datetime FROM Shift s_first))
When i try this:
select (pdt.StartTime::TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) - (SELECT s_first.FromTimeOfDay::TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9) FROM Shift s_first))
I get more or less the same error: invalid type [CAST(S_FIRST.FROMTIMEOFDAY AS TIMESTAMP_NTZ(9))] for parameter 'TO_TIMESTAMP_NTZ'
How do I convert the time into a datetime format so that I can subtract the two. It doesnt seem to me that there is a clear way to convert time into datetime in snowflake.
Is this what you're after?
select current_timestamp() as sample_timestamp
, time(sample_timestamp) as sample_time
, date(sample_timestamp) as sample_date;
A user pointed me in the right direction. i didnt realize i could use "dateadd" to also subtract time.
dateadd(HOUR, - (HOUR(current_timestamp())), temp.DateTime)

Converting Datetimes returns Null

I'm trying to convert a datetime that looks like this: 2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00 into EST, but i keep getting Null values when using the hive built in UTC conversion.
I've tried using a regular expression to parse the date:
date_format(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
- (cast(regexp_extract(regexp_extract(2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00, '(-[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])$', 1),'(-[0-9][0-9])',1) as int)*3600) -18000),'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm')
but that's not good, since there's an hourly difference based on the time of year.
I've also tried:
FROM_UTC_TIMESTAMP(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss:SSS'ZZZZZ'") * 1000, 'EST')
FROM_UTC_TIMESTAMP(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss:SSS'Z'") * 1000, 'EST')
but that appears to not work either. What am I doing wrong?
I think that this method needs the date as a string like this:
date_format(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp('2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00', "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
Normally, the date formats are for strings, not for integers or numbers.
I found the answer on my own by combining the two ways of running the query.
(unix_timestamp('2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00', "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
+ (cast(
regexp_extract('2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00', '(-[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9])$',1),'(-[0-9][0-9])',1) as int)
)*1000 ,'America/New York')
,'YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
You are getting NULL because the pattern (format of the date and time) you have provided is not matching with the actual date time value. Correcting the date time format in your query would resolve this issue:
select from_unixtime(UNIX_TIMESTAMP("2017-09-19T07:00:00-07:00", "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Check out this link to know more about the date time patterns:

convert to date and extract only the time

How could I get only time of a varchar2? I do:
select to_date(substr(fecha,10,16),'HH:MI:SS AM') from total;
But it gives me:
01/06/2014 5:50:01
01/06/2014 5:50:05
01/06/2014 5:50:05
01/06/2014 5:50:50
And I would like to have:
Any help? Please
Although it may not be what you expected, the code is working correctly. In Oracle, if you don't specify the day-month-year portion of a date it defaults to the first day of the current month. An Oracle DATE must always have a day/month/year - there's no way to have a time without a date in a DATE column or variable.
SQLFiddle here.
If you really want to have it display only the time portion of the date you'll just have to extract only the hours-minutes-seconds using TO_CHAR(date_value, 'HH24:MI:SS') and treat it as a character string.
Share and enjoy.
i think you should use both, to_char and to_date:
select to_char(to_date(fecha,'dd-mm-yyyy HH:MI:SS AM'),'HH:MI:SS AM')
time from total;

I need a sqlite equivalent of the folling msaccess query

Select distinct Format(DateAdd(""s""," & columnname & ",""1/1/1980 12:00:00 AM""), 'dd-MMM-yyyy') as A
I have assumed that the seconds to add and the original date are hard coded values below whilst awaiting clarifications requested in the comments.
To add a number of seconds to a date you can use:
select datetime('1980-01-01 00:00:00', "345000 seconds");
This gives the result: 1980-01-04 23:50:00
The example above is just under 4 days in seconds, if you want to truncate the result to just the date as implied by the query in your questions then you can wrap this inside a date function. However, this would give the result in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" rather than "DD-MMM-YYYY" as your access query does.
Unfortunately I cannot find any native SQLite function to convert a numeric month value to mmm format. You can do this manually with replace (similar to the answer to this question), but this is a bit messy.
If you are happy to live with the numeric months then you can simply use:
select strftime('%d-%m-%Y', '1980-01-01 00:00:00', "345000 seconds");
This gives the result: 04-01-1980
More information on the SQLite date / time functions can be found here.

sqlite timestamp in where clause

I was trying to do this:
SELECT SUM(price) as total FROM ticketLine WHERE dateRegistered > '2011-07-16 17:00:00'
The idea is (was) to get a total for all lines from 17:00 till now but I get a grand total for all lines. The where clause has no effect. I googled how to do a filter on a timestamp but got no relevant info.
Can you point out what I'm doing wrong here?
Sorry it took so long to answer this but here is the way to do it:
SELECT SUM(price) as total FROM ticketLine WHERE dateRegistered > DATETIME('2011-07-16 17:00:00')
Not sure(I have never used SQLite, but I worked with MySQL and SQL Server), but there shoud be some functions to work with dates and time
Try this
SELECT SUM(price) as total FROM ticketLine WHERE strftime('%s', dateRegistered) > strftime('%s', '2011-07-16 17:00:00')
I hope it is helpfull.
