rpmbuild perl package - rpminfo return nothing - rpmbuild

built a perl-DirTree rpm package to simulate tree package for testing, purely perl code. Everything went well except rpminfo return nothing
what did I do wrong?
or it is just rpminfo does not support perl rpm?
what else information should I provide? Thanks
# return everything needed
rpm -qi perl-DirTree
[gliang#www ~]$ rpm -ql perl-DirTree
# my own package(installed) - return nothing
rpminfo perl-DirTree
# installed one from yum, same thing, return nothing
rpminfo perl-File-BaseDir

rpminfo is never meant for perl
most for c/c++ etc
There is nothing wrong with my rpmbuild
Here is the code block
progname=`basename $0`


Rtools40: Where are make utilities (bash, make, etc)?

Hi i tried to upgrade my R installation and i am not able to finish it. I installed RTools40 from here
and it clearly states:
"After installation is complete, you need to perform one more step to be able to compile R packages: you need to put the location of the Rtools make utilities (bash, make, etc) on the PATH."
I do not know the Path to these Utilites. How do i find these Rtools utilities?
Solved it. I had to insert the path of the folder which was in rtools40/usr/bin.
The answer from #r2evans(Aug 11 '20 at 17:00) is super helpful:
list.files("c:/Rtools40", "find\\.exe", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
Then, just add:
writeLines('PATH="YOUR PATH"', con = "~/.Renviron"),
and the problem will be solved.

Installing packages from binary in R 3.4.0

I recently updated R to the latest release: 3.4.0. R is installed on a network location H:/. Now something weird is happening when I try to install a local binary package:
filename <- paste0("R:/path/independeR_", versions, ".zip")
repos = NULL, type = "source",
lib = gsub("\\\\\\\\networkpath/home/[[:alpha:]]*/",
"H:/", .libPaths()[1]))
Both H:/ and R:/ are network locations. In .libPaths() the default location is in the H:/ location, but it shows with the entire network adress. In the call to install.packages I substituted this.
The code above fails, with the following output:
'\\networkpath\home\JDUB~PN6\DOCU~UZL\R\R-34~TN4.0' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Warning in install.packages :
running command '"//networkpath/home/JDUB~PN6/DOCU~UZL/R/R-34~TN4.0/bin/x64/R" CMD INSTALL -l "H:\Documents\R\R-3.4.0\library" "R:/path/independeR_0.1.8.zip"' had status 1
Warning in install.packages :
installation of package ‘R:/path/independeR_0.1.8.zip’ had non-zero exit status
There is two things that surprise me here. The directorynames are all jumbled up (DOCU~UZL instead of Documents etc), but for some reason Command promt seems fine with that. The more interesting thing is the following:
When I try to put the command "//networkpath/home/JDUB~PN6/DOCU~UZL/R/R-34~TN4.0/bin/x64/R" CMD INSTALL -l "H:\Documents\R\R-3.4.0\library" "R:/path/independeR_0.1.8.zip" directly into Command Prompt, the output is very similar:
in/x64/R" CMD INSTALL -l "H:\Documents\R\R-3.4.0\library" "R:/path/independeR_0.1.8.zip"
'\\networkpath\home\JDUB~PN6\DOCU~UZL\R\R-34~TN4.0' is not recognized as
an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
For some reason CMD seems to cut off the path to the command halfway through. I guess that this is because the command is too long. When I try the same command, but with H:/Documents/R/R-3.4.0/bin/x64/R, the installation goes just fine.
I would like to be able to automatically install this package from a script, so I would like a solution to this problem from within R. Is there a way to get R to use the shorter H:/Documents/R/R-3.4.0/bin/x64/R?
I was having problems with updating packages, while searching I found that there is a reported bug affecting getting the timestamps from files in Windows 10:
Starting in R 3.4.0, file.info sometimes returns for mtime,
atime and ctime for directories. It seems to have something to do
with sharing. This affects functions that use file.mtime like
Try file.info() with a random directory. If it returns a legitimate
file time, open a windows explorer window and navigate to the
directory, then run the call again and it will return s.
In some cases it returns s even if the directory is not open (or
in the path of an open explorer window), but this is not consistent.
With a comment of Tomas Kalibera:
Thank you for the report, this is a known bug that has been fixed
recently in R-devel
I found that when I closed the file explorer windows the timestamps worked correctly and didn't show up as NA's.
This may be a lead for why your code isn't working.
I managed to make the following work. However, I think it is extremely ugly, and would still like to see if it is possible to do it someway else.
filename <- paste0("R:/path/independeR_", versions, ".zip")
cmd <- file.path(gsub("//networkpath/home/[[:alnum:]]*/", "H:/",
"H:/", R.home())), "bin/x64/R")
libname <- gsub("\\\\\\\\networkpath/home/[[:alpha:]]*/",
"H:/", .libPaths()[1])
call <- paste(paste0('"', cmd, '"'),
paste0('"', libname, '"'),
paste0('"', filename, '"'),
sep = " ")

Installing terminator on cygwin

After going through a lot of sites about best terminal for system admins I was trying to install on Cygwin. Unfortunately, I did not find any good site with instruction about how to do it.
Is anyone done this before? Please help me with steps and packages that I need to install.
Also is there any terminals I can try (like Cygwin)?
I don't know since what version, but now you can install terminator just from the Cygwin installer. And runs great
If you don't want to use cygwinports, you can actually install all of terminator's dependencies from the cygwin installer, except for terminator itself.
In the cygwin installer select and install:
python-vte (under GNOME tab for some reason)
Then, pull down the latest terminator tarball from https://launchpad.net/terminator/+download and extract it somewhere. In a administrator terminal just run python setup.py install and as long as you have a running X server just running terminator will work perfectly.
The sources about how to install terminator are a bit obscures. What I did, and may help you, was this: (although I'm still having segmentation faults errors)
Update your Cygwin to the latest
Open a Cygwin terminal and run: (if you have the x86 version use that. The idea of this step is to use Cygwin Ports)
cygstart -- /your/cygwin/path/setup-x86_64.exe -K http://cygwinports.org/ports.gpg
In the section Choose A Download Site:
Add "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/cygwin-ports"
Add " ftp://ftp.cygwinports.org/pub/cygwinports"
Select another mirror close to you
Check that you have a total of three URLs selected
It may show you warning about not loading the .ini configuration but ignore them (Note: I looked for different port URLs but the official ones threw me errors and I could not pass this step, that's why I used alternatives URLs)
First, you need to install the packages for the X Window:
Basically they are:
xorg-server (required, the Cygwin/X X Server)
xinit (required, scripts for starting the X server: xinit, startx, startwin (and a shortcut on the Start Menu to run it), startxdmcp.bat )
xorg-docs (optional, man pages)
Also search and select the terminator package
It takes quite a while before it finishes.
Go to Start->All Programs->Cygwin-X->X Win Server (windows tool bar)
A xterm window should open. Type:
You should know have terminator with Cygwin.
Note: After I run terminator I get this error:
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/terminatorlib/terminator.py:87: Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::sm-connect after class was initialised
self.gnome_program = gnome.init(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/terminatorlib/terminator.py:87: Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::show-crash-dialog after class was initialised
self.gnome_program = gnome.init(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/terminatorlib/terminator.py:87: Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::display after class was initialised
self.gnome_program = gnome.init(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION)
/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/terminatorlib/terminator.py:87: Warning: Attempt to add property GnomeProgram::default-icon after class was initialised
self.gnome_program = gnome.init(APP_NAME, APP_VERSION)
Warning: python-keybinder is not installed. This means the hide_window shortcut will be unavailable
Unable to bind hide_window key, another instance/window has it.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I've looking to fix this issue but sadly I couldn't find anything. If you use Cygwin x86 your outcome can be different.
Hope this can help you.

R function zip(utils) doesn't work on my machine

I would like to use the zip(utils) function, unzip function works fine, however, call zip e.g. zip ("out", "file.txt") does not return the file ("out.zip") to the working directory and R does not return any message at all - any error message and no massage about successful compression - if compression is successful R returns info such as "deflate - 40%." I checked various R versions and files - zip still doesn't work. On another computers, everything works fine. I have Windows XP. Furthermore, when I type the wrong name of the zip file to compress e.g. zip("out", "this_file_doesnt_exist.txt") R does not return any error at all ! I don't know much about computers, what should I check ? what could be problem in my case ? I turned off antivirus that didn't help.
You can use gzip from the package R.utils
df <- data.frame(x=10)
write.csv(df, file="x1.csv")
> dir()
[1] "x1.csv.gz"
For those reading this on 2020:
Install Rtools (https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/) and follow the documentation steps.
Then Zip command will wokr on Windows 10 machines.
For Windows 10 Users: While the abovementioned Rtools approach did not work for me in the context of zip() {utils}, package {zip} (package description) works fine without installing Rtools and without the need to change your existing code (as the {zip} package masks the functions zip() and unzip() of {utils}).

R and System calls

I have used R in the past to do very basic calls to the commmand line. The example can be found here.
This time around, I am looking to mimic this code which runs successfully from the command line in Windows:
> cd C:\Documents and Settings\BTIBERT\My Documents\My Dropbox\Eclipse\Projects\R\MLB\retrosheet\rawdata
> bgame -y 2010 2010bos.eva >2010bos.txt
This is the code I am trying to run inside of R. I have already set the working directory inside of R.
dir <- paste("cd", getwd(), sep=" ")
system("bgame -y 2010 2010bos.eva >2010bos.txt")
I am sure this is user error, but what am I doing wrong? It appears to work initially, but returns the following error. I very well could be doing something wrong, but I believe I am using the same commands.
Expanded game descriptor, version 109(185) of 05/08/2008.
Type 'bgame -h' for help.
Copyright (c) 2001 by DiamondWare.
[Processing file 2010bos.eva.]
>2010bos.txt: can't open.
Warning message:
running command 'bgame -y 2010 2010bos.eva >2010bos.txt' had status 2
Any help you can provide will be appreciated.
You need to issue all commands in one system() call:
system(paste("cd",getwd() "&& bgame -y 2010 2010bos.eva >2010bos.txt",sep=" "))
You should already be in your working directory, so I'm not sure the cd getwd() is necessary. And you may need quotes around your path because it contains spaces. The error may be resolved by putting spaces around >.
If I were in your shoes, I would try this:
system("bgame -y 2010 2010bos.eva > 2010bos.txt")
And you should probably heed this advice in the "Differences between Unix and Windows" section of ?system that says you should use shell:
• The most important difference is that on a Unix-alike
‘system’ launches a shell which then runs ‘command’. On
Windows the command is run directly - use ‘shell’ for an
interface which runs ‘command’ _via_ a shell (by default the
Windows shell ‘cmd.exe’, which has many differences from the
POSIX shell).
This means that it cannot be assumed that redirection or
piping will work in ‘system’ (redirection sometimes does, but
we have seen cases where it stopped working after a Windows
security patch), and ‘system2’ (or ‘shell’) must be used on
Has no-one else found that system("dir", intern = T) for example doesn't work, but that you need system("cmd.exe /c dir", intern = T)? Only the latter works for me. I found this at the discussion site here (William Dunlap's post, about a third of the way down).
Also, it doesn't work with the "cd" command, but you can use the setwd() function within R and then the command will be executed within that directory.
I created the following functions for convenience, for executing programmes and running commands:
#the subject is an input file that a programme might require
execute <- function(programme, subject.spec = "", intern = FALSE, wait = FALSE){
if(!identical(subject.spec, "")){subject.spec <- paste0(" ", subject.spec)} #put space before the subject if it exists
system(paste0("cmd.exe /c ", programme, subject.spec), intern = intern, wait = wait)
command <- function(command, intern = TRUE, wait = FALSE){
system(paste("cmd.exe /c", command), intern = T, wait = wait)
Does it break your code when you get error 1 or does execution continue?
Whenever executing system commands through another language it is useful to print the system call before you call it to see exactly what is happening, pull up the shell you are intending to use and check for the same error. As the command is executed correctly this could be a hickup in bgame or R.
If you look at http://astrostatistics.psu.edu/datasets/R/html/base/html/shell.html you can see the variable flag passed to the system call."flag the switch to run a command under the shell. If the shell is bash or tcsh the default is changed to "-c"."
Also "the shell to be used can be changed by setting the configure variable R_SHELL to a suitable value (a full path to a shell, e.g. /usr/local/bin/bash)."
