Can we lost any settings if we update plugin by single click? - wordpress

I have a wordpress website. It will ask to update plugin again and again. So if i do these plugin update by clicking on update button, will any settings of plugin be lost ?

Whether plugin will get lost all previous setting or not, it is totally dependent on plugin logic.
E.g. I can develop a WordPress plugin which if somebody installs and updates later, can erase all previous setting. I can write a logic like that. So you can simply ask the same question to plugin developer as they can give you perfect answer.


When saved, WordPress editor automatically adds "rel=nofollow" to every external link

currently I'm running into this issue, where external links are automatically set to no-follow by WordPress. As of now I wasn't able to detect the source of this behaviour.
The page uses the Classic Editor (v1.6.2) Plugin - however, the problem still occurs without the use of this Plugin.
There are a bunch of other plugins installed but those are not directly involved with the post editin feature of WordPress. Are there any clues which might cause this issue?
If you need any information I can provide.
Which other Plugins are you using?
Are you maybe using RankMath or another SEO Plugin?
These have a setting to make all external links with "rel=nofollow". You would need to deactivate this or add an exceptions for specific domains.
Check the settings.

How to Prevent Cart from clearing on registration in Woocommerce?

If a user adds a product to card, then goes to account page and registers a new account, the product(s) in the cart are automatically removed. How to prevent this behavior?
Try following these debugging steps:
Fix 1. Make sure there is no “red alert” under WooCommerce / System Status
Fix 2. Click the following buttons under WooCommerce / System Status / Tools
Fix 3. Check your Theme, WooCommerce & WordPress are using updated, compatible versions
Some premium themes won’t notify you if there is an update available. You have to make sure you’re using the latest, Woo-compatible version. Check with your theme vendor, plugin developers and see if anything has been reported.
For example, you might have updated WooCommerce too soon – sometimes premium plugins/themes require a few days/weeks before they can adapt to the new changes (if major) and become 100% compatible.
Fix 4. Save (flush) your permalinks
Go to WordPress/Settings/Permalinks and click on “save”. This should flush the permalinks and give you a chance to test the cart again.
Fix 5. Check you have no spaces in your checkout end-points
Go to WooCommerce/Settings/Checkout and make sure you have no spaces in your end-points. This happened to a client a while ago and it too me ages to find out (who would think the permalinks had been changed?):
WooCommerce Checkout Endpoints
Fix 6. Properly set up your WordPress cache plugin
Cart and Checkout pages should not be cached – if your WordPress cache plugin is for some reason caching WooCommerce pages, your cart will probably show as empty. Make sure to select a WooCommerce-compatible cache plugin 🙂
Also: ask your hosting to disable or properly set up server cache
Some hosts have their own cache system and this is sometimes applied to your website by default. Create a ticket or give them a quick call to find out if they have anything like that and if they can disable that as soon as possible.
For example: WPEngine uses its own cache. This might affect your WooCommerce Cart. Please contact support so they can create a caching exception list for WooCommerce and/or ajax files
Fix 7. Disable all plugins but WooCommerce
This is a typical troubleshooting operation. Disable all plugins and see if the Cart is back functioning. If YES, reactivate one plugin at a time and test the Cart again. As soon as you find the “guilty” plugin – yay! – time to substitute that plugin or see if there is an update available!
Fix 8. Try switching to a default WordPress Theme (e.g. TwentySixteen)
This is to prove the error is not theme-related. You won’t lose any content if you switch between themes, so don’t worry. If the error goes away, then check with your theme developers and report the bug 🙂

How to make changes are not visible in userside using wordpress

I want to edit contents of the existing page in wordpress.It is a live site so user side should not be changed
untill i want to publish that after all changes made to that page.Is there any plugin or what
i have to do for this.
Anyone please help me.
It depends what sort of changes. As noted above if you're channing post contents if will be enough not to publish them, but I guess you already now that.
However if you want to change appearance of the site then caching plugin might help. E.g. with w3 total cache you can do any change to template/css/php and so on and only logged in users will see changes (any non logged in user will get cached version of the page until you clean cache or cache expires).
If you have also users which are logging in into your wordpress, then I'm not aware of already made plugin that have such functionality - you probably would have to create development version of your site and test changes there.
For content - agree with previous answers.
But if you are changing the theme and want some changes to be visible only for you (admin) then you can use is_admin() function to print out different content for admin (new one) and different for other users (old one).

How to delete all plugin references in database?

How does one completely remove a plugin from WordPress?
I have deleted the plugin via WordPress admin and then reinstalled, problem persists.
I see 8 records in cmsoptions table referencing the offending plugin. Since WP Admin drags to a grinding crawl with the plugin active, and for weeks the plugin was working just fine, I have to conclude that the problem exists due to the plugin references in the DB.
If anyone has the inside word on completely obliterating a plugin from WP, please do share.
The the options API ( is open to the plugin to store whatever data it wishes (under whatever name it wishes). You'd have to search the plugin code to see what it is storing (and how) in order to get rid of the offending data.
The issue isn't with WordPress, it's with the plugin. WordPress is a framework and can't take responsibility for whatever gets built on top of it (ie plugins). It's like blaming a hammer for a poorly built house.

Wordpress add plugin version alert

In creating a plugin, how can I add a version update reminder for anyone using my plugin? This plugin will not be on but on my own site. I am assuming the plugin checks on my server for a specific file and if the check version is same, no alert but if it is different an alert message will show? But how? Any direction would be appreciated.
The second part of this question is how to write the plugin to allow auto update like any plugins on wordpress? This way they can just click update and the plugin will just update.
I wouldn't host the plugin on your site for security reasons. There have been cases of malware hidden in plugins in the past and it's advised to get plugins from
As for the alert system, you should use wp-cron.php to regularly check the txt file hosted on your server.
