How to delete all plugin references in database? - wordpress

How does one completely remove a plugin from WordPress?
I have deleted the plugin via WordPress admin and then reinstalled, problem persists.
I see 8 records in cmsoptions table referencing the offending plugin. Since WP Admin drags to a grinding crawl with the plugin active, and for weeks the plugin was working just fine, I have to conclude that the problem exists due to the plugin references in the DB.
If anyone has the inside word on completely obliterating a plugin from WP, please do share.

The the options API ( is open to the plugin to store whatever data it wishes (under whatever name it wishes). You'd have to search the plugin code to see what it is storing (and how) in order to get rid of the offending data.
The issue isn't with WordPress, it's with the plugin. WordPress is a framework and can't take responsibility for whatever gets built on top of it (ie plugins). It's like blaming a hammer for a poorly built house.


When saved, WordPress editor automatically adds "rel=nofollow" to every external link

currently I'm running into this issue, where external links are automatically set to no-follow by WordPress. As of now I wasn't able to detect the source of this behaviour.
The page uses the Classic Editor (v1.6.2) Plugin - however, the problem still occurs without the use of this Plugin.
There are a bunch of other plugins installed but those are not directly involved with the post editin feature of WordPress. Are there any clues which might cause this issue?
If you need any information I can provide.
Which other Plugins are you using?
Are you maybe using RankMath or another SEO Plugin?
These have a setting to make all external links with "rel=nofollow". You would need to deactivate this or add an exceptions for specific domains.
Check the settings.

Lost access to wp-admin and some of user meta-data

We are running into the same problem for the third time already. Suddenly all the users, including admins, lose their access to wp-admin, plus some custom user fields get erased.
When I look into the database, it looks like user roles are not changed (admin is still admin). So why I can't access the backend is not clear.
Every time we recover from the backup, but it becomes a regular problem.
I can't figure out if it's a WordPress, a plugin, a hosting issue or we get hacked every time it happens. The problem is that the logs on the hosting stopped being recorded on the 4th of October (we'll be changing hosting as it's the second time I see the logs not recorded).
For the guest users the site is working fine.
My question is: where to look for the source of the problem?
Thank you in advance.
Regularly update your wordpress and plugins. I read somewhere wordpress contaminates sites if not updated regularly. So whenever you see an update for a plugin or core files do not forget to hit that.
A friend asked me to help him with a similar problem ... somehow a part of the usermeta table was lost yesterday and today. This is a list of the plugins that he's using ... maybe there's a match somewhere:
Akismet anti-spam
Cherry Data Importer
Cherry Data Importer
Cherry PopUps
Cherry Search
Cherry Sidebars
Cherry Socialize
Cookie Notice
Duplicate Page
Editor clasic
Contact Form 7
Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights
Mashshare Share Buttons
Mobile Menu
Post Types Order
Post Views Counter
Q2W3 Post Order
SSL Insecure Content Fixer
WordPress Social Login
Yoast SEO
Thankfully we have a backup and were able to restore the usermeta data, but since it happened twice by now, the problem persists :(
WP and all plugins are updated.

Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page

I realize there is other threads on this topic but there solutions and problems are different from mine.
Im able to login to wp-admin correctly
All seems normal but the abilty to (add plugin) or theme or anything has been wiped.
you can look at plugins but there is no way to add a new one.
Same goes for widgets, and themes.
You cant access things like update core.
you just get a default message
Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.
Iv checked the mysql database and all seems fine.
With the user_meta and users
Iv deleted all plugins
Iv deleted all themes.
There is no issue with Wp memory
its basically just a default install of wordpress at this point.
Im not sure what could be causing this.
Any suggestions?

WP Plugin idea/search: Selectively activate certain plugins on certain wp-admin pages

We use a lot of plugins and unfortunately can't remove more of them.
Our backend is slow.
Wordpress is built to load each plugin on every page load, also in the wp-admin backend. So even if you are on pages, where no plugin would be needed, woocommerce, contact form 7 etc. will be loaded. They put their CSS in the page but also do PHP stuff and slow everything down.
We know plugin organizer - a plugin that makes it possible to selectively load certain plugins on certain pages. They have a feature to do it on the backend - but it's a already a hell to work with it on the frontend. We use plugin logic in the frontend now.
Is there already a plugin or a hand crafted solution to select which plugins should be deactivated/activated on with wp-admin pages?
I guess it's needed to load every plugin on every wp-admin page to get the admin menu (the left side menu) - so I might be needed to built this menu and cache it somehow.
And then selectively activate plugins for certain pages.
We use custom fields - so ACF plugin has to be activated on some pages - also on some woocommercer pages. Polylang (for multilang) must be activated on a lot of pages.
But for example woocommerce doesn't need to be loaded on the event calendar pages and vis versa.
Do you know of existing solutions to lower the time needed to build the backend.
Are there any caching options?
You cannot activate/deactivate plugins individually for particular pages. Each plugin is either active or not when your site loads.
Here's something to try: In your staging environment, deactivate all of the plugins to see if that solves your problem with the slow admin menu. If it does, reactivate each plugin one by one until you find the problematic plugin. Then troubleshoot from there to determine the root of the issue.
You could also check your server's error logs to see if there are any warnings indicating issues with the site.
If that doesn't help, one final piece of advice I would offer is to contact your hosting company directly to inquire about any potential server issues that are slowing down your site's performance.

Wordpress : Why Plugin name is unique?

I am new in wordpress. I have read lots of about the plugin creation and thier steps. Can any body explain me why the plugin name is unique? I have read that for avoiding conflict keep plugin name unique. My question is if I have created different or unique shortcode then whats the problem?
In case you publish it, it needs a unique name to display on the WordPress page (or wherever).
How would a regular user know which plugin is the right one if both have the same name? Less computer-savvy users wouldn't be able to check for the plugin code to differentiate them.
Also, the plugin files are named after the plugin name itself. And Wordpress uses this information internally. If two plugins that happen to have the same name were installed under the same Wordpress website, there might be conflicts on Wordpress representation.
A WordPress plugin identified on by its name only. So if plugin name is not unique, even on a local computer for testing, plugin might be overridden automatically by the next update from by a developer with the same app name published in
What happens when you upload manually a none unique name plugin to your WordPress blog? I guess it will be damaged or hacked by anyone who publishes plugin with the same name. That is why not only the name must be unique but you also have to publish it on to prevent anyone change it, or else you have to disable plugin updates.
