Google Analytics setup for Google Drive analysis? - google-analytics

I am using Google Analytics within Google Apps for education and a shared Google Drive.
As a Google Apps admin, I can allow my users to use Google Analytics as an internal Google App. When I try to acces as suggested in the Google Analytics settings page within Google Apps, I got a 404 error page. What does it mean? Is Google Analytics available for Google Apps and if yes, what can users expect from this service exactly?
I am interested in Google Anaytics for Google Drive to know more about our shared drive usage than I can get from the reporting section of the Google Admin console. Can Google Analytics be used for Google Drive and especially a shared Google Drive in the context of Google Apps for Education?
Any workaround involving tiers code?
Note I called Google Apps support and got a "app not supported, please refer to the community forums" answer...


Google Analytics (GA4) setup for tracking Google Workspace Marketplace Add-on views and downloads

Thanks in advance for the answers!
I'm trying to figure out how to tag my google workspace marketplace listing to track pageviews, downloads, etc. with Google Analytics (GA4).
The app page is currently setup for Universal Analytics (UA) which is being depricated on 12/31. I have tried following the setup instructions in Google Analytics for GA4, but the setup manager is not carrying over the tag used for UA.
How do you go about setting up the new tag for GA4 so we can keep getting insights on pageviews for our app listing?
I tried following the setup instrustions in Google Analytics for transitioning from UA to GA4 and was expecting the tag to carry over to the new analytics format. Instead, I am being told to re-tag the website and am not sure how to do that for a google workspace marketplace app listing.
I'm experiencing the exact same problem and found this issuetracker article, which doesn't sound hopeful (short version: GA4 doesn't appear supported by marketplace - only legacy UA is supported)

How do I link a Google Analytics account to Google optimize

Google recently released Analytics version 4. When I create an Analytics account and try to link it in Google Optimize the Analytics account is not visible in the list of available Analytics account. Anyone know's why?
The reason is because Google Optimize does not support Google Analytics V. 4. Nowhere do they mention that. You need to create a "Create a Universal Analytics property" account to make it work

How to get full Google Analytics reporting features for Firebase

I have set up Firebase and Google Analytics for my mobile app. However, I noticed that the reporting functions in GA is much limited (comparing to the demo project). For example, I cannot customize my dashboard. Streamview is also very limited.
What I need to do to get the full GA functions for my firebase app?
Google Analytics and Google Analytics for Firebase are different platforms from one another. If you haven't already, you can link Firebase to Google Analytics. This will give you access to use some of the advanced features of Google Analytics. See this Firebase Blog and Firebase Analytics FAQ page for your reference.

Google Analytics Web

Recently i found out there is someone sharing that the had get a news and email from google and its about "Google are going to sunset the Google Analytics Mobile Apps"
We believe slowly it will replace by Firebase Analytics.
However, would like to know is it the google analytics Web will be affected as well?
Currently we are using Google Analytics Web for traffic track on the company website.
is it compulsory for us to migrate our website tracking from Google Analytics to Firebase Analytics?
Appreciate if anyone could advice and share some idea on these issue.
Thank you!
You do not need to do anything, the sunset only affects GA for apps.

What is the difference between the sources "google" and "google-play" in Firebase Analytics?

I see the following install sources for my app in Firebase Analytics:
What are the sources "google" and "google-play"? What is the difference?
"google-play" generates more revenue, but what is it?
The google source is attributed for the Adwords campaign that draws user to install your app. This can be search, UAC, Display or Video.
The google-play campaign is attributed when the user gets to your app via Google Play Campaign Attribution.
means that the user found your App in the Google websearch and installed it directly.
Google Play
means that the user found it in the Google Play store.
EDIT: I think only if its installed over the Google Play website, but I'm not completly sure. Are you using ad campains?
