Google Analytics Web - google-analytics

Recently i found out there is someone sharing that the had get a news and email from google and its about "Google are going to sunset the Google Analytics Mobile Apps"
We believe slowly it will replace by Firebase Analytics.
However, would like to know is it the google analytics Web will be affected as well?
Currently we are using Google Analytics Web for traffic track on the company website.
is it compulsory for us to migrate our website tracking from Google Analytics to Firebase Analytics?
Appreciate if anyone could advice and share some idea on these issue.
Thank you!

You do not need to do anything, the sunset only affects GA for apps.


Google Analytics (GA4) setup for tracking Google Workspace Marketplace Add-on views and downloads

Thanks in advance for the answers!
I'm trying to figure out how to tag my google workspace marketplace listing to track pageviews, downloads, etc. with Google Analytics (GA4).
The app page is currently setup for Universal Analytics (UA) which is being depricated on 12/31. I have tried following the setup instructions in Google Analytics for GA4, but the setup manager is not carrying over the tag used for UA.
How do you go about setting up the new tag for GA4 so we can keep getting insights on pageviews for our app listing?
I tried following the setup instrustions in Google Analytics for transitioning from UA to GA4 and was expecting the tag to carry over to the new analytics format. Instead, I am being told to re-tag the website and am not sure how to do that for a google workspace marketplace app listing.
I'm experiencing the exact same problem and found this issuetracker article, which doesn't sound hopeful (short version: GA4 doesn't appear supported by marketplace - only legacy UA is supported)

How do I link a Google Analytics account to Google optimize

Google recently released Analytics version 4. When I create an Analytics account and try to link it in Google Optimize the Analytics account is not visible in the list of available Analytics account. Anyone know's why?
The reason is because Google Optimize does not support Google Analytics V. 4. Nowhere do they mention that. You need to create a "Create a Universal Analytics property" account to make it work

Google analytics setup for Facebook account?

but don't have a website. I want use Google Analytics for Facebook. Can we use Google Analytics only for Facebook?
No, to use Google Analytics you have to be able to alter the code of the app you want to analyze. Since you can't alter the code of a Facebook page, you can't apply Google Analytics to it. Facebook provides analytics, though.

Google analytics specific link to google play

I have an app in google play.
I'm planning to have an add to my app and I want to know the information for this specific link.
Is it possible? how should I do it?
You probably want Google analytics Google Play campaign attribution

Link Wordpress website to a different Google Analytics Account

I am maintaining a Wordpress website, and use Google Analytics to track visits.
The problem is that to do this I have linked the site with my personal Google account. Now I am going to hand over to a new webmaster. I don't want to hand over the details of my Google account, so it will have to be set up with a different Google account. I can find previous answers that tell me how to set up Google Analytics with Wordpress from scratch, but not to change to a different account.
Can anyone suggest what might be the best way forward?
