Dropdown selection in url? - web-scraping

I'm not sure if this is the best place to ask this but I figured I would give it a try. I'm trying to scrape some data off of this website: https://www.numberfire.com/nba/fantasy/full-fantasy-basketball-projections using Kimono Labs. However, I want to be able to scrape it from "DraftKings" instead of "FanDuel". Is there a way I can somehow in the URL make this selection so it knows to go straight into draftkings when it goes into this page?

I think it's not possible right now. See the review post of the Kimono API.


fail to crawl a dynamic loading web page using scrapy-splash

Greetings. I am new to scrapy-splash.
i try to extract car information from following webpage by using scrapy-splash
i tried a lot, just does not work. Make no difference compared to just using scrapy without splash plugin.
Just wondering anyone can extract information from that URL? if you can, please share your code.
much much appreciate
You don't need to use splash for this task.. all you need is to reverse engineer API calls.
All the needed info on cars can be found by this link https://www.lexusserramonte.com/apis/widget/INVENTORY_LISTING_DEFAULT_AUTO_NEW:inventory-data-bus1/getInventory?compositeType=new

Scrapy next page, no sense results

Trust you are doing well!
I´m scraping some web pages and when I try to go to the next page I´m not able to, because the next page results, it doesn´t matter with what I´d look for at the first one.
An example:
Fist page look for: https://www.mister-auto.es/buscar/?q=corteco
Second page: https://www.mister-auto.es/buscar/?page=2
The problem that I´ve is that the results at the second doesn´t has no sense with what I´d look for.
I´m using crawlspider with linkextractor to go to the next.
Could you give me a hand?
Thank you very much for your support.
The website you're scraping is dynamic and when you're changing pages it does not reflect in the URL.
What you want is a tool like Puppeteer or Selenium to render the page dynamically, click buttons and extract the content you want. While it is a great tool for certain jobs, Scrapy has its limitations.

Tracking links within my site

I want to track particular links on my site to see where they come from. For example, I want to know which links on my navigation are being clicked, so if something is not being clicked I could potentially remove it.
I have been using UTM's, super easy, but results in skewed analytics data.
I looked into Google Tag Manager, but I don't want to slow down my website. I can change the site easily, so not sure if this is the best solution.
I found an article dated 2008 that says I can do this:
Is that still valid? Is there a better way. I can't seem to find any information on this and assume somebody wants to acquire this information.
Thank you.
I have been using UTM's, super easy, but results in skewed analytics
UTM codes are meant to track inbound traffic. Don't use them to track internal/outbound navigation, as it will seriously mess up your reporting.
I looked into Google Tag Manager, but I don't want to slow down my
GTM is loading async, just like GA, so performance-wise they are equivalent.
I found an article dated 2008 that says I can do this:
By default GA will not track link clicks. You can indeed add parameters to URLs and then use those to build custom reports and see which links are being clicked.
Since what you're trying to do is custom implementation, you won't find a single best answer, it's up to you to implement something that fits your needs. These are some examples:

Set a tag to track links from a visual basic app in google analytics

I hope I can explain myself.
See. I have this little program where I put a link to my site, what I want to know if there's some way to add a tag into the URL so Google Analytics can count the amount of visitors coming from that program.
Like when you parse the GET in php.
something like http:\\www.stackoverflow.com\?something_to_google_analytics_to_read
If this is possible, I assume that I need also to configure that Tag into Analytic's, or?
As #SLaks pointed, I can find a step by step guide for create what I wanted in:
It is called Campaigns.

Creating a simple report in Omniture

I have a simple site for which I want to create a report in Omniture.
I just have two links which I want to record that how many times they are clicked. Basically something like a completely novice report.
Any idea, how I can start it and how I can implement it?
I have an Omniture account.
Thanks a lot
You can do click tracking pretty simply with a link like this
<a href="#" onclick="s.tl(this,'o','INSERT LINK NAME',null)">
Those values you insert in the link name will show up under Site Content >> Links >> Custom Links
Search the help section for link tracking or read this https://microsite.omniture.com/t2/help/en_US/sc/implement/index.html#Manual_Link_Tracking_Using_Custom_Link_Code
I never knew it'd be so hard to find a simple tutorial for SiteCatalyst (Omniture). One of the most to-the-point is here.
Please let me know if you found something better.
While searching for the tutorials, the only one which is bit helpful (although old) is:
