how to stop a statement by setting time - turbo-c++

When 'cin' statement works we have no other choice but to input a value to it and proceed to the next statement.
I want the program to be set in such a way that the cin statement functions only for 3 seconds and after that the next statement must work regardless of whether value is given into it or not.


Why Yosys synthesis the sequential statement to constant

I have the Verilog statement below:
module test (A,B, CLK);
input A, CLK;
output B;
always#(posedge CLK)
if(A) B <= 1'b1;
I am expecting a register. However, after I synthesis it with Yosys, I got the result as follow:
assign B = 1'b1;
I don't understand why Yosys translate the above Verilog statement to a constant 1.
Please advice, thanks!
Your B has two possible values:
1'b x during initialization (more in IEEE Std 1364 4.2.2 Variable declarations),
1'b 1 when A is equal to 1'b 1.
You really have only one value. Thats mean you can optimize it to hardwired 1'b 1.
This is not a Yosys fault. All (or almost all) synthesis software will behave same way. If you want to let it work (if I guess what you want), you have to allow B to take two different values. You can do it by initial value equal to 1'b 0 or by reset to value 1'b 0.
I suggest to use reset instead of initial value because initial value can be implemented as A connected to register's set pin.
Interesting! I noticed that if you assign an initial value of zero to the register (e.g. output reg B = 1'b0) you do get a flip-flop. (I used read_verilog <your_code.v> ; synth ; show.)
However, an initial value of one still produces the constant output you mention. So perhaps what's happening here (and I'm only speculating) is that when an initial value is not given, yosys is free to pick its own, in which case it picks 1'b1, so that the whole circuit is equivalent to a simple hard-wired constant? Only when the initial value is zero is the flip-flop necessary?

How to know if vector is undefined

What I have
I've a signal of std_logic_vector. I need to give it values from a ROM, what I already do.
The problem
At the beginning of the simulation or use, there's an initialization process which makes it to need some time before ROM returns it first value (about 2 clk period).
Until then, ROM output vector is "UUUU" (since it's 4 bits of width). Let's call this signal ROM_coef_inf, so in simulation, this appears with "UUUU" value, so its colour is orange.
I need
I need to know how can I compare this output in order to know if it's an "undefined vector", in order to give another value (i.e. "0000") to my vector until the first ROM value is ready.
There are several possible solutions:
You could initialize all registers between your ROM and your destination (at least in simulation) with a different value to "UUUU".
A standard compare can test for all 9 STD_LOGIC values:
if (mySignal == 'U') then
You can test signals for special values with is_x(...).
Is is defined like this:
WHEN 'U' | 'X' | 'Z' | 'W' | '-' => RETURN TRUE;
There are overload for vectors, too.
I assume this is for FPGA use, in which case all registers will have a predictable value after programming, which is zeros unless you specify something else. If all you need is for ROM_coef_inf to have zeros instead of U's for the first clock cycles in simulation, you can simply specify an initial value when declaring the signal:
signal ROM_coef_inf : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
In ASICs registers will have an unknown value after power is applied. In this case you need to use a reset signal to clear all the registers in your design. It is often a good idea to use a reset signal in an FPGA as well, for example to prevent your circuit from doing anything until the clock is stable.
The answer provided by #Paebbels works only in simulation. In the real world the signals tend to be either an 1 or a 0 (or a transition between them, but that is not discussed here). Number 1 will work, but you need to set it to a value that will never occur in your ROM if you want to check for uninitialized. The simpler option is to count clock cycles. The ROM will always behave the same. So if it takes three cycles to get the first data out, it will always take three cycles. So if you count three cycles you are ok.

One insert kills Recursion in drools

This is related to my previous question. if I don't have the insert, it goes into a recursive loop as expected. But if I do have the insert the program ends. What am I missing here?
rule "Recurse"
f : Fibonacci(value == 0)
not Fibonacci(sequence == 0)
System.out.println(f.sequence + "/" + f.value);
insert(new Fibonacci(f.sequence - 1));
f.value = 0;
For the purpose of explaining this example, lets assume:
there is only one rule in the system
that the initial fact set provided to the rule engine meets the criteria of the when in that rule
that sequence is a positive integer value
Firstly, we consider the case where the insert is commented out:
We know that the Working Memory contains at least one object that has value == 0 and there are no objects that have sequence == 0. (I find the more verbose form of not slightly more legible, you can replace not Fibonacci (...) with not ( exists Fibonacci(...))). Note that the rule is valid if there is a single object that meets both criteria.
The consequence sets the object's value to zero and notifies the engine that this object has changed. An infinite loop is then encountered as there is no object in the system with sequence == 0 and we've set the value to be such that this object will trigger the rule to fire.
Now, lets consider the case where the insert is uncommented:
We already know that the initial fact set fires the rule at least once. The consequence is that now an object is placed in working memory which has a decremented sequence and the object referenced by f has its value set to zero (it isn't changed from zero) and updated. There is a mechanism in place by which the end conditions are met, since now, at some point there will be an object inserted that has a zero sequence. That meets the end condition.
In short: the engine will exit when there is a Fibonacci object with sequence zero in it.
I, err.., think that this system might need a little bit of changing before it will output the Fibonacci sequence. You need a way to reference the previous two Fibonacci numbers to evaluate the one being set, the recursive method is much more elegent ;)

slow execution of string comparision

my problem why my program takes much large time to execute, this program is supposed to check the user password, the approach used is
take password form console in to array and
compare it with previously saved password
comparision is done by function str_cmp()-returns zero if strings are equal,non zero if not equal
char str_cmp(char *,char *);
int main(void)
int i=0;
char c,cmp[10],org[10]="0123456789";
printf("\nEnter your account password\ntype 0123456789\n");
printf("\nLogin Sucessful");
printf("\nIncorrect Password");
return 0;
char str_cmp(char *porg,char *pcmp)
int i=0,l=0;
return l;
There are libraries available to do this much more simply but I will assume that this is an assignment and either way it is a good learning experience. I think the problem is in your for loop in the str_cmp function. The condition you are using is "*porg+i". This is not really doing a comparison. What the compiler is going to do is go until the expression is equal to 0. That will happen once i is so large that *porg+i is larger than what an "int" can store and it gets reset to 0 (this is called overflowing the variable).
Instead, you should pass a size into the str_cmp function corresponding to the length of the strings. In the for loop condition you should make sure that i < str_size.
However, there is a build in strncmp function ( that does this exact thing.
You also have a different problem. You are doing pointer addition like so:
This is going to take the value of the first element of the array and add i to it. Instead you want to do:
That will add to the pointer and then dereference it to get the value.
To clarify more fully with the comparison because this is a very important concept for pointers. porg is defined as a char*. This means that you have a variable that has the memory address of a 'char'. When you use the dereference operator (*, for example *porg) on the variable, it returns the value at stored in that piece of memory. However, you can add a number to the memory location to move to a different memory location. porg + 1 is going to return the memory location after porg. Therefore, when you do *porg + 1 you are getting the value at the memory address and adding 1 to it. On the other hand, when you do *(porg + 1) you are getting the value at the memory address one after where porg is pointing to. This is useful for arrays because arrays are store their values one after another. However, a more understandable notation for doing this is: porg[1]. This says "get the value 1 after the beginning of the array" or in other words "get the second element of the array".
All conditions in C are checking if the value is zero or non-zero. Zero means false, and every other value means true. When you use this expression (*porg + 1) for a condition it is going to do the calculation (value at porg + 1) and check if it is zero or not.
This leads me to the other very important concept for programming in C. An int can only hold values up to a certain size. If the variable is added to enough where it is larger than that maximum value, it will cycle around to 0. So lets say the maximum value of an int is 256 (it is in fact much larger). If you have an int that has the value of 256 and add 1 to it, it will become zero instead of 257. In reality the maximum number is 65,536 for most compilers so this is why it is taking so long. It is waiting until *porg + i is greater than 65,536 so that it becomes zero again.
Try including string.h:
#include <string.h>
Then use the built-in strcmp() function. The existing string functions have already been written to be as fast as possible in most situations.
Also, I think your for statement is messed up:
That's going to dereference the pointer, then add i to it. I'm surprised the for loop ever exits.
If you change it to this, it should work:
Your original string is also one longer than you think it is. You allocate 10 bytes, but it's actually 11 bytes long. A string (in quotes) is always ended with a null character. You need to declare 11 bytes for your char array.
Another issue:
should be changed to
For the same reasons listed above.

Upper Bound in FOR loop does not get altered in loop,Why?

I am trying to change the value of upper bound in For loop ,but the Loop is running till the upper bound which was defined in the starting.
According to logic loop should go infinite, since value of v_num is always one ahead of i,But loop is executing three time.Please explain
This is the code
v_num number:=3;
FOR i IN 1..v_num LOOP
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(i ||' '||v_num);
Ouput Coming
1 4
2 5
3 6
This behavior is as specified in the documentation:
The range is evaluated when the FOR loop is first entered and is never re-evaluated.
(Oracle Documentation)
Generally, FOR loops would be fixed iterations
For indeterminate looping, use WHILE
This isn't Oracle specific, and why there are separate looping constructs.
While it is generally considered a bad idea to change the loop variable's value, sometimes it seems like the only way to go. However, you might find that loops are optimized, and that might be what is happening here.
There's nothing preventing the language designers from saying "The upper bound of the for loop is evaluated only once". This appears to be the rule that plsql is following here.
