One insert kills Recursion in drools - recursion

This is related to my previous question. if I don't have the insert, it goes into a recursive loop as expected. But if I do have the insert the program ends. What am I missing here?
rule "Recurse"
f : Fibonacci(value == 0)
not Fibonacci(sequence == 0)
System.out.println(f.sequence + "/" + f.value);
insert(new Fibonacci(f.sequence - 1));
f.value = 0;

For the purpose of explaining this example, lets assume:
there is only one rule in the system
that the initial fact set provided to the rule engine meets the criteria of the when in that rule
that sequence is a positive integer value
Firstly, we consider the case where the insert is commented out:
We know that the Working Memory contains at least one object that has value == 0 and there are no objects that have sequence == 0. (I find the more verbose form of not slightly more legible, you can replace not Fibonacci (...) with not ( exists Fibonacci(...))). Note that the rule is valid if there is a single object that meets both criteria.
The consequence sets the object's value to zero and notifies the engine that this object has changed. An infinite loop is then encountered as there is no object in the system with sequence == 0 and we've set the value to be such that this object will trigger the rule to fire.
Now, lets consider the case where the insert is uncommented:
We already know that the initial fact set fires the rule at least once. The consequence is that now an object is placed in working memory which has a decremented sequence and the object referenced by f has its value set to zero (it isn't changed from zero) and updated. There is a mechanism in place by which the end conditions are met, since now, at some point there will be an object inserted that has a zero sequence. That meets the end condition.
In short: the engine will exit when there is a Fibonacci object with sequence zero in it.
I, err.., think that this system might need a little bit of changing before it will output the Fibonacci sequence. You need a way to reference the previous two Fibonacci numbers to evaluate the one being set, the recursive method is much more elegent ;)


How does subtracting .as_ptr() values work?

Looking at a code snippet for parsing HTTP requests provided as part of the Tokio examples, I see the following code:
let toslice = |a: &[u8]| {
let start = a.as_ptr() as usize - src.as_ptr() as usize;
assert!(start < src.len());
(start, start + a.len())
As I understand, the above code snippet it is getting the pointer location for the input vector a and the pointer location for a variable outside the scope of the closure and subtracting them. Then it returns a tuple containing this calculated value and the calculated value plus the length of the input vector.
What is this trying to accomplish? One could end up with a negative number and then panic because it wouldn't cast to usize. In fact, when I compile the example, this is exactly what happens when the input is the bytes for the string GET or POST, but not for other values. Is this a performance optimization for doing some sort of substring from a vector?
Yes this is just subtracting pointers. The missing context is the closure clearly intends that a must be a subslice (substring) of the closed-over src slice. Thus toslice(a) ends up returning the start and end indices of a inside src. More explicitly, let (start, end) = toslice(a); means src[start] is a[0] (not just equal value, they are the same address), and src[end - 1] is the last byte of a.
Violating this context assumption will likely produce panics. That's fine because this closure is a local variable that is only used locally and not exposed to any unknown users, so the only calls to the closure are in the example you linked and they evidently all satisfy the constraint.

Parallel iteration over array with step size greater than 1

I'm working on a practice program for doing belief propagation stereo vision. The relevant aspect of that here is that I have a fairly long array representing every pixel in an image, and want to carry out an operation on every second entry in the array at each iteration of a for loop - first one half of the entries, and then at the next iteration the other half (this comes from an optimisation described by Felzenswalb & Huttenlocher in their 2006 paper 'Efficient belief propagation for early vision'.) So, you could see it as having an outer for loop which runs a number of times, and for each iteration of that loop I iterate over half of the entries in the array.
I would like to parallelise the operation of iterating over the array like this, since I believe it would be thread-safe to do so, and of course potentially faster. The operation involved updates values inside the data structures representing the neighbouring pixels, which are not themselves used in a given iteration of the outer loop. Originally I just iterated over the entire array in one go, which meant that it was fairly trivial to carry this out - all I needed to do was put .Parallel between Array and .iteri. Changing to operating on every second array entry is trickier, however.
To make the change from simply iterating over every entry, I from Array.iteri (fun i p -> ... to using for i in startIndex..2..(ArrayLength - 1) do, where startIndex is either 1 or 0 depending on which one I used last (controlled by toggling a boolean). This means though that I can't simply use the really nice .Parallel to make things run in parallel.
I haven't been able to find anything specific about how to implement a parallel for loop in .NET which has a step size greater than 1. The best I could find was a paragraph in an old MSDN document on parallel programming in .NET, but that paragraph only makes a vague statement about transforming an index inside a loop body. I do not understand what is meant there.
I looked at Parallel.For and Parallel.ForEach, as well as creating a custom partitioner, but none of those seemed to include options for changing the step size.
The other option that occurred to me was to use a sequence expression such as
let getOddOrEvenArrayEntries myarray oddOrEven =
seq {
let startingIndex =
if oddOrEven then
for i in startingIndex..2..(Array.length myarray- 1) do
yield (i, myarray.[i])
and then using PSeq.iteri from ParallelSeq, but I'm not sure whether it will work correctly with .NET Core 2.2. (Note that, currently at least, I need to know the index of the given element in the array, as it is used as the index into another array during the processing).
How can I go about iterating over every second element of an array in parallel? I.e. iterating over an array using a step size greater than 1?
You could try PSeq.mapi which provides not only a sequence item as a parameter but also the index of an item.
Here's a small example
let res = nums
|> PSeq.mapi(fun index item -> if index % 2 = 0 then item else item + 1)
You can also have a look over this sampling snippet. Just be sure to substitute Seq with PSeq

Replacing functions with Table Lookups

I've been watching this MSDN video with Brian Beckman and I'd like to better understand something he says:
Every imperitive programmer goes through this phase of learning that
functions can be replaced with table lookups
Now, I'm a C# programmer who never went to university, so perhaps somewhere along the line I missed out on something everyone else learned to understand.
What does Brian mean by:
functions can be replaced with table lookups
Are there practical examples of this being done and does it apply to all functions? He gives the example of the sin function, which I can make sense of, but how do I make sense of this in more general terms?
Brian just showed that the functions are data too. Functions in general are just a mapping of one set to another: y = f(x) is mapping of set {x} to set {y}: f:X->Y. The tables are mappings as well: [x1, x2, ..., xn] -> [y1, y2, ..., yn].
If function operates on finite set (this is the case in programming) then it's can be replaced with a table which represents that mapping. As Brian mentioned, every imperative programmer goes through this phase of understanding that the functions can be replaced with the table lookups just for performance reason.
But it doesn't mean that all functions easily can or should be replaced with the tables. It only means that you theoretically can do that for every function. So the conclusion would be that the functions are data because tables are (in the context of programming of course).
There is a lovely trick in Mathematica that creates a table as a side-effect of evaluating function-calls-as-rewrite-rules. Consider the classic slow-fibonacci
fib[1] = 1
fib[2] = 1
fib[n_] := fib[n-1] + fib[n-2]
The first two lines create table entries for the inputs 1 and 2. This is exactly the same as saying
fibTable = {};
fibTable[1] = 1;
fibTable[2] = 1;
in JavaScript. The third line of Mathematica says "please install a rewrite rule that will replace any occurrence of fib[n_], after substituting the pattern variable n_ with the actual argument of the occurrence, with fib[n-1] + fib[n-2]." The rewriter will iterate this procedure, and eventually produce the value of fib[n] after an exponential number of rewrites. This is just like the recursive function-call form that we get in JavaScript with
function fib(n) {
var result = fibTable[n] || ( fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) );
return result;
Notice it checks the table first for the two values we have explicitly stored before making the recursive calls. The Mathematica evaluator does this check automatically, because the order of presentation of the rules is important -- Mathematica checks the more specific rules first and the more general rules later. That's why Mathematica has two assignment forms, = and :=: the former is for specific rules whose right-hand sides can be evaluated at the time the rule is defined; the latter is for general rules whose right-hand sides must be evaluated when the rule is applied.
Now, in Mathematica, if we say
it gets rewritten to
fib[3] + fib[2]
then to
fib[2] + fib[1] + 1
then to
1 + 1 + 1
and finally to 3, which does not change on the next rewrite. You can imagine that if we say fib[35], we will generate enormous expressions, fill up memory, and melt the CPU. But the trick is to replace the final rewrite rule with the following:
fib[n_] := fib[n] = fib[n-1] + fib[n-2]
This says "please replace every occurrence of fib[n_] with an expression that will install a new specific rule for the value of fib[n] and also produce the value." This one runs much faster because it expands the rule-base -- the table of values! -- at run time.
We can do likewise in JavaScript
function fib(n) {
var result = fibTable[n] || ( fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) );
fibTable[n] = result;
return result;
This runs MUCH faster than the prior definition of fib.
This is called "automemoization" [sic -- not "memorization" but "memoization" as in creating a memo for yourself].
Of course, in the real world, you must manage the sizes of the tables that get created. To inspect the tables in Mathematica, do
To inspect them in JavaScript, do just
in a REPL such as that supported by Node.JS.
In the context of functional programming, there is the concept of referential transparency. A function that is referentially transparent can be replaced with its value for any given argument (or set of arguments), without changing the behaviour of the program.
Referential Transparency
For example, consider a function F that takes 1 argument, n. F is referentially transparent, so F(n) can be replaced with the value of F evaluated at n. It makes no difference to the program.
In C#, this would look like:
public class Square
public static int apply(int n)
return n * n;
public static void Main()
//Should print 4
(I'm not very familiar with C#, coming from a Java background, so you'll have to forgive me if this example isn't quite syntactically correct).
It's obvious here that the function apply cannot have any other value than 4 when called with an argument of 2, since it's just returning the square of its argument. The value of the function only depends on its argument, n; in other words, referential transparency.
I ask you, then, what the difference is between Console.WriteLine(Square.apply(2)) and Console.WriteLine(4). The answer is, there's no difference at all, for all intents are purposes. We could go through the entire program, replacing all instances of Square.apply(n) with the value returned by Square.apply(n), and the results would be the exact same.
So what did Brian Beckman mean with his statement about replacing function calls with a table lookup? He was referring to this property of referentially transparent functions. If Square.apply(2) can be replaced with 4 with no impact on program behaviour, then why not just cache the values when the first call is made, and put it in a table indexed by the arguments to the function. A lookup table for values of Square.apply(n) would look somewhat like this:
n: 0 1 2 3 4 5 ...
Square.apply(n): 0 1 4 9 16 25 ...
And for any call to Square.apply(n), instead of calling the function, we can simply find the cached value for n in the table, and replace the function call with this value. It's fairly obvious that this will most likely bring about a large speed increase in the program.

Stackoverflow with specialized Hashtbl (via Hashtbl.make)

I am using this piece of code and a stackoverflow will be triggered, if I use Extlib's Hashtbl the error does not occur. Any hints to use specialized Hashtbl without stackoverflow?
module ColorIdxHash = Hashtbl.Make(
type t = Img_types.rgb_t
let equal = (==)
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
(* .. *)
let (ctable: int ColorIdxHash.t) = ColorIdxHash.create 256 in
for x = 0 to width -1 do
for y = 0 to height -1 do
let c = Img.get img x y in
let rgb = Color.rgb_of_color c in
if not (ColorIdxHash.mem ctable rgb) then ColorIdxHash.add ctable rgb (ColorIdxHash.length ctable)
(* .. *)
The backtrace points to
Fatal error: exception Stack_overflow Raised at file "",
line 54, characters 16-40 Called from file "img/", line
150, characters 52-108 ...
Any hints?
Well, you're using physical equality (==) to compare the colors in your hash table. If the colors are structured values (I can't tell from this code), none of them will be physically equal to each other. If all the colors are distinct objects, they will all go into the table, which could really be quite a large number of objects. On the other hand, the hash function is going to be based on the actual color R,G,B values, so there may well be a large number of duplicates. This will mean that your hash buckets will have very long chains. Perhaps some internal function isn't tail recursive, and so is overflowing the stack.
Normally the length of the longest chain will be 2 or 3, so it wouldn't be surprising that this error doesn't come up often.
Looking at my copy of (OCaml 3.12.1), I don't see anything non-tail-recursive on line 54. So my guess might be wrong. On line 54 a new internal array is allocated for the hash table. So another idea is just that your hashtable is just getting too big (perhaps due to the unwanted duplicates).
One thing to try is to use structural equality (=) and see if the problem goes away.
One reason you may have non-termination or stack overflows is if your type contains cyclic values. (==) will terminates on cyclic values (while (=) may not), but Hash.hash is probably not cycle-safe. So if you manipulate cyclic values of type Img_types.rgb_t, you have to devise your one cycle-safe hash function -- typically, calling Hash.hash on only one of the non-cyclic subfields/subcomponents of your values.
I've already been bitten by precisely this issue in the past. Not a fun bug to track down.

Check whether a tuple of variables cannot be constrained any further, in Mozart/Oz

The idea can be best given with an example:
Suppose we have a vector vec(a:{ 1#100} b:{ 1#100} c:{ 1#100}).
I want to be able to add constraints to this vector, until the point that every additional constraint I add
to it does not add any more information, e.g. does not constraint vec.a, vec.b and vec.c any further.
Is it possible to do it in Mozart/Oz?
I'd like to think it that way.
In a loop:
Access the constraint store,
Check whether it is changed
Terminate if there is no change.
You can check the state of a finite domain variable with the functions in the FD.reflect module. The FD.reflect.dom function seems especially useful in this context.
To get the current domain of every field in a record, you can map this function over records:
fun {GetDomains Vec}
{ Vec FD.reflect.dom}
The initial result in your example would be:
vec(a:[1#100] b:[1#100] c:[1#100])
Now you can compare the result of this function before and after adding constraints, to see if anything happens.
Two limitations:
This will only work with constraints which actually change the domain of at least one variable. Some constraints change the constraint store but do not change any domains, for example an equality constraint with an unbound variable.
Using reflection like this does not work well with concurrency, i.e. if constraints are added from multiple threads, this will introduce race conditions.
If you need an example on how to use the GetDomains function in a loop, let me know...
EDIT: With a hint from an old mailing list message, I came up with this general solution which should work with all types of constraints. It works by speculatively executing a constraint in a subordinate computation space.
Vec = vec(a:{ 1#100} b:{ 1#100} c:{ 1#100})
%% A number of constraints as a list of procedures
Constraints =
[proc {$} Vec.a <: 50 end
proc {$} Vec.b =: Vec.a end
proc {$} Vec.b <: 50 end
proc {$} Vec.a =: Vec.b end
%% Tentatively executes a constraint C (represented as a procedure).
%% If it is already entailed by the current constraint store, returns false.
%% Otherwise merges the space (and thereby finally executes the constraint)
%% and returns true.
fun {ExecuteConstraint C}
%% create a compuation space which tentatively executes C
S = {
proc {$ Root}
Root = unit
%% check whether the computation space is entailed
case {Space.askVerbose S}
of succeeded(entailed) then false
{Wait {Space.merge S}}
for C in Constraints I in 1..4 break:Break do
{System.showInfo "Trying constraint "#I#" ..."}
if {Not {ExecuteConstraint C}} then
{System.showInfo "Constraint "#I#" is already entailed. Stopping."}
{Show Vec}
{Show Vec}
