CSS not showing up on Wordpress site - css

I just made a demo website on Wordpress. It is acting weirdly on every computers on my workplace. On every other PCs which do not belong to the network of my workplace it shows up fine.
Here is what exactly happens, when I apply a theme, it shows up for the first time, as soon as I reload it, all the css styles disappear.
Link to the site www.bkmehta.xyz
I just want to know the possible issues. Is my workplace blocking the content?
What I have tried so far:
Tried applying different themes
Changed all the file permissions to 755.
Console Error Screenshot :Console Errors

Looks ok to me. Try restarting the browser or clearing the browser cache.

When this happens to me, I hard refresh the site.
Mac: shift+cmd+r
Everything else: shift+ctrl+r


Issues with Django and VSCode

I am trying to practice building a website with Django and run into an issue trying to save my VSCode work and update my local browser, but only some things change. When I delete some code in my css file, the vscode is save but the elements in Google Chrome stay the same.
When I inspect the element in the developer tools, the code that was deleted in vscode is still in the elements of the developer after the page is refreshed.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be causing this issue?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
If i got your question, the problem is with the caching. Your browser is caching the things, thus not getting updated when you change the code. So you should try this;
Go to the site settings in your browser and delete the cache (site data) of your website(represented by the domain, if running locally, it will be

How do I clear an aggressive cache when I can't even find *where* it's being cached?

I have a Wordpress site, and a very strange problem. I have a page on that site that has pictures on it. I edited the HTML directly to refer to the picture files in a certain place in the directory structure on the hosted site.
I then went in, via SFTP, and deleted one photo on the site because I need to alter the original.
Browsing to the page, however, shows that photo still there. No amount of cache clearing (Google Chrome, IE, and Firefox) will resolve the issue. I also use ipconfig /flushdns repeatedly.
How can a page show a picture file that's not there? It's driving me batty! I don't even know where to begin to look to solve this problem....
Please add ?v=1.123 at the end of your url and see the problem is solve or not.

Wordpress edit post/page screen is messed up

I've transferred my wordpress website from a shared hosting to a linux VPS.
Everything is working fine instead of one thing. I'm getting realy weird pages for editing posts/pages.
I'm not sure how to name it and can't find anything on google about it, so I hope someone here can send me in the right direction.
At a quick glance, looks like a browser caching issue. Try the following:
Clear browser cache/cookies etc. and restart the browser/PC
Check with a different browser
Depending on how you migrated (transferred) the site, it is possible that all files did not get transferred fully and/or the database did not get imported fully. If 1. and 2. above fail, delete everything from the VPS and try again.
I'm sure when you check the network tab or console in inspect element on chrome, you will receive a lot of 404 errors because it is not able to load the required files for some reason.
What you can try is to add define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false) into your wp-config.php file. What this does is load all the javascript files individually, instead of one concatenated file.
Question: Are you using the same domain on your VPS? Or are you accessing the site on your VPS through a different domain? If so, you might want to update your database to correspond with the domain you're testing with now. Because this can cause strange behavior as well.

No Wordpress Styles

Recently installed Wordpress on my website and on my first time visiting the new install, I noticed that there was absolutely no styling whatsoever. I have included an image below just to show what I mean.
How would I go about fixing this? I have tried clearing my cache and all that but I doubt that would do anything since this was my first time visiting the page.
Realised it was due to the fact that I had a domain change. When I inspected the page I noticed that none of the links had been updated so I needed to do a fresh install.

Wordpress goes blank randomly changing plugins folder fixes it

I have a constant issue with my site going blank. Nothing ever shows. To fix it all I have to do is go in with my FTP and rename the plugins folder, refresh the page, and rename the plugins folder back to normal.
How can I have my site up and running at all times? I keep deactivating plugins hoping that it will stop it but after a few hours it goes blank again.
I contacted my host and after having them dig around for an hour they finally found the correct log. The problem was the WP-Touch never stopped 'running' so the mobile sites were fine but it would try to take over the desktop and would conflict with our theme. I have since then disabled the plugin and everything seems normal.
