No Wordpress Styles - wordpress

Recently installed Wordpress on my website and on my first time visiting the new install, I noticed that there was absolutely no styling whatsoever. I have included an image below just to show what I mean.
How would I go about fixing this? I have tried clearing my cache and all that but I doubt that would do anything since this was my first time visiting the page.

Realised it was due to the fact that I had a domain change. When I inspected the page I noticed that none of the links had been updated so I needed to do a fresh install.


Styling not refreshing for old visitors on WordPress

I’m working on correcting a styling of an element on an WP-based eCommerce site.
The site has both SCSS and CSS files.
To make things quick, I edited the CSS via Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS.
However, when I was done and published my changes (and solved the issue), only those new to the website sees the difference.
Those who have visited the site prior to the deployment of the solution, still see the distorted number layout
I also suspected that the SCSS gets compiled every refresh but when I checked the File Manager (cPanel), only the CSS files get modified.
I’m feeling this might be a cache-related issue. I have already disabled a cache plugin (WP Rocket). However, the problem still persists.
What possible issue am I experiencing?
Edit: I did try to use Incognito and the change did reflect. However, the users of the site are non-techy people and don't know how to refresh.
The site is using GoDaddy as the host. Is it possible the issue is on that part?
Thank you

wordpress can't update homepage

I encountered a very strange problem. That is the homepage cannot be updated. I modified some pictures on the homepage in the dashboard, and updated it, it did not change.
But when I publish articles and products or modify other pages, it can be displayed normally. Only the homepage cannot be updated.
At first I thought it was a cdn error, so I cleared the cache and refreshed it, but it didn't work.
Then I deleted the cache of the plugin "wp super cache", but it didn't work.
Finally, so I tried to use another page as the home page. It is still the original page without any changes, it seems to be fixed.
I download website resources from the server and run other domain names locally. All the changes I made are displayed normally.
debug have no info,and can preview my change are effective, but page can't work.
This is very strange, please help, thank you very much.
The problem has been solved, and it turns out that it is still a caching problem. If you still encounter this problem, please check the cache first.
Thank you

Wordpress Dashboard broken, displays “flashbacks” of comments/plugins/updates

I’m using the latest version of Wordpress (4.7.4).
I have something very weird going on in my Dashboard. Not sure when this started.
Can’t say for sure it started with the latest version of Wordpress or not.
My Dashboard became completely useless.
It’s like it’s showing me a flashback of a Dashboard from a few days or hours ago:
Comments I’ve deleted in the Dashboard (hitting “trash”) are suddenly back there, awaiting my moderation.
Plugins I’ve deactivated or even deleted are all back there and according to Dashboard still running (while in my FTP folder they’re certainly gone).
The plugin page cannot be trusted anymore as it shows some plugins are activated that aren’t and vice versa. I have to check on my actual website to confirm which ones are running.
Updates aren’t shown correctly. Once I’ve updated a plugin, a few minutes later it shows me again that there’s a new update.
As you can tell it’s all pretty much the same phenomenon.
It’s as if I’m seeing an older version of my Dashboard.
Not sure what else is broken.
The only other thing I noticed is that even on my actual blog I still see a comment. Blog post says “1 comment”, but the actual comment doesn’t show up.
At first, this all sounds like a “cache problem”.
But I’ve already turned off all caching:
No caching plugin installed
Turned off server caching via htaccess
Disabled leverage browser caching
Emptied my own browser cache
Other things I tested:
Turn off all plugins.
Switch to the standard Wordpress theme “Twenty Twelve”
I tried WP_DEBUG, but nothing related shows up.
I researched the internet, but nobody has described a similar problem, so I suppose this is not a common Wordpress issue.
The issue remains.
Unfortunately I’m not a developer and don’t know too much about the Wordpress codex etc.
But to me it sounds that the mistake is definitely not in the plugin or theme folder.
The problem is that I’ve reached the point where I really cannot turn off plugins via Dashboard properly anymore. It’s so annyoing!
My questions are:
Is it safe to assume that this is related to the Wordpress core
What files exactly are in “charge of” the Dashboard?
Should I just try to re-download the newest Wordpress version and replace a few files (if so which ones)?
Should I do a clean Wordpress re-install or would that be too drastic?
Any other suggestions?
Additionally I tried now:
I manually downloaded the newest version of Wordpress and did just as
described on the website. I manually replaced wp-admin,
wp-include folders and all root files. The issue remains...
The way my Dashboard is right now, I really can’t use it.
Please advice!
I contacted my host service again.
They just gave me the same line to insert into my .htaccess file and I told them I already tried it and it didn't work.
I then showed them my .htaccess file and they deleted the whole part that concerned their server caching.
Now server caching is completely off and everything works again.
Still not sure why this previously never caused issues.
In the end, it had nothing to do with Wordpress.
I hope this answer will help people who run into similar problems.

CSS not showing up on Wordpress site

I just made a demo website on Wordpress. It is acting weirdly on every computers on my workplace. On every other PCs which do not belong to the network of my workplace it shows up fine.
Here is what exactly happens, when I apply a theme, it shows up for the first time, as soon as I reload it, all the css styles disappear.
Link to the site
I just want to know the possible issues. Is my workplace blocking the content?
What I have tried so far:
Tried applying different themes
Changed all the file permissions to 755.
Console Error Screenshot :Console Errors
Looks ok to me. Try restarting the browser or clearing the browser cache.
When this happens to me, I hard refresh the site.
Mac: shift+cmd+r
Everything else: shift+ctrl+r

Wordpress goes blank randomly changing plugins folder fixes it

I have a constant issue with my site going blank. Nothing ever shows. To fix it all I have to do is go in with my FTP and rename the plugins folder, refresh the page, and rename the plugins folder back to normal.
How can I have my site up and running at all times? I keep deactivating plugins hoping that it will stop it but after a few hours it goes blank again.
I contacted my host and after having them dig around for an hour they finally found the correct log. The problem was the WP-Touch never stopped 'running' so the mobile sites were fine but it would try to take over the desktop and would conflict with our theme. I have since then disabled the plugin and everything seems normal.
