Selected a div above using attribute - css

I want to edit the "p" content which is inside the content div on my shopping cart page.
As the content div appears on every page, I don't wish to just go for "content + p"
Is there an attribute I can use that will "select all p tags in the div above cart-module"
<div class="content">
<p>The content I want to edit<./p>
<div class="cart-module">
<div class="cart-total">
Also, is there a problem with attribute rules slowing down the pages?

If the structure is always as you describe in you question then you can go with the first child selector:
.content > p:first-child {
background-color: red;
wich will get the p inside the content only if it is in the first place inside of it.
Regarding your second question, it will always depend on how and how many attributes you use on each page. The attribute selectors are slower than the ids or classes, because the latter are indexed by the browsers, just for this reason. Anyway, if you don't use them massively surely you won't notice the difference.
Of course, if you have access to modify the html structure the easiest would be to add a class to the p tags you want to select...

It's not possible with pure CSS.
If you want to style "all p tags in the div above cart-module", do some JQuery instead.
First, define a piece of CSS:
.my-custom-css {
color: chucknorris;
Then use JQuery prevAll()
// Or do something with p tag
// Edit content
$(".cart-module").prevAll().find("p").text("Thank God It's Friday");
Oh you want to modify something like structure or content of those "all p tags in the div above cart-module", just do the same with prevAll().


CSS: is there a way to insert the content of an attribute as text in my output?

Normally, CSS works by matching element names in the HTML:p.heading1 {} affects all elements of type p with class heading1.
Is there a way to display an object/text that only exists as an attribute?
For example, this is my HTML:
<body var="text I want to insert">
<div class="titlepage">
<p class="titlepagetext">this should also be displayed</p>
The title page has a number of <p> children. In addition to them, I want to display the content of body/var on the title page.
You can probably consider CSS variables. The custom property will get inherited by all the elements inside the body and you can use pseudo element to display it where you want:
.titlepage:before {
<body style="--var:'text I want to insert'">
<div class="titlepage">
<p class="titlepagetext">this should also be displayed</p>
AH Formatter has an -ah-attr-from() extension function that will let you get the contents of an ancestor's attribute (see
You could use -ah-attr-from() in a rule for .titlepagetext::before.
When you using css, you can't target parent. There is no way to get parent selector. And content: "" can apply only for pseudo-classes.

How to access href of a class?

first have to say that I have no idea of CSS. I am googling around and trying to customize my Squarespace webpage, reading comments, testing... Now I'm trying to make my blog more print-friendly. I inspected the entire page, looked for id's, classes, etc and then used
<style media="print" type="text/css"> /*Hide elements you don't want to print*/
#header, #footer, #preFooter, #rightSidebar, #sidecarNav, #contentinfo, #yui3-css-stamp, #_atssh, #service-icons-0, #rw_lso_flash, #at4-thankyou, .meta-above-title, .meta-below-title, .p-comment, .sqs-block-markdown, .rw-ui-squarespace-container, .entry-footer, .pagination
{display:none;} </style>
to remove whatever I don't want to be printed. However, there is one element which I don't know how to add to the list. It is basically the url address of my post title. I tried $(".entry-title.p-name").attr("href") but it didn't work. This is the code of one arbitrary post title on my blog:
<h1 data-content-field="title" class="entry-title p-name">
<a href="/updates/2016/4/7/fathers-sons-and-fishes" class="u-url" rel="bookmark">
Fathers, Sons and Fishes</a></h1>
I hope you can help me with this one.
Sincerely, Artur
.entry-title.p-name > a { display: none; }
Should work.
It sets any anchor inside a div with class="entry-title p-name" to non-visible. The > item indicates "child of". So, it translates to .entry-title.p-name 'children' a
Barring this, you can add a class to these specific anchors to hide that class.
What you have posted you tried ($(".entry-title.p-name").attr("href")) is a javascript or jquery selector. It is not CSS. You don't need javascript/jquery for this. If can be done with CSS.

How can I :hover over different links in one line while getting the spacing correct?

I have the top bar of my page set up as follows: Home | Contact Us etc..
It lies within a p tag inside a div id.
How would i go about setting up the :hover css on each link without having to separate them into different classes such as how I have them at the moment. Is it possible?
I don't think i used the correct css because i couldn't position them correctly without having to use different padding parameters for each class which makes the spacing look inaccurate.
via codepen:
<div id="topinfo">
<div class="home"><p>Home |</p></div>
<div class="about"><p>About |</p></div>
<div class="contactUs"><p>Contact Us |</p></div>
<div class="map"><p>Map |</p></div>
</div><!--/topinfo tag-->
.home p{padding-right:250px;}
#topbar .home p:hover{color:rgba(255,255,255,1)}
Is there an easier way to do this that is not so tedious. This method also causes the divider to have the hover effect which is not desirable.
The best way of defining menus in a page is to use "ul" and "li" tags. But if you still want to use with tag you have to use it this way:
.home_link, .about_link, .contact_link{color: red;}
.home_link:hover, .about_link:hover, .contact_link:hover {color: blue;}`
I would give them all the same class, say topitem, and use a rule like this:
.topitem:hover p {
Although really, I would get rid of the interior <p> tag and reduce the selector to .topitem:hover – the text is already wrapped in a <div>, so why wrap it again? (But see Zinnia's note about the convention of using <ul> and <li> instead of nested <div>s.)

Add read more link into the end of a paragraph?

I need to change read more link to be displayed at the end of the paragraph.
I need it to be like the green paragraph. Today it is like the red paragraph.
Website: - Check last post where I use read more.
.tumblr-text .rmlink { display: inline; }
<!-- TEXT -->
<div class="tumblr-text">
{block:Title}<div class="title">{Title}</div>{/block:Title}
<div class="copy">{Body}
{block:More}<div class='rmlink'>Continue reading..</div>{/block:More}</div>
</div><!-- /.tumblr-text -->
In my case, I also had to disable the <br> tags in order to make it work, kind of like this:
.copy br {
display: none;
If you have a parent container with a fixed width, set the child elements to have display: inline to have them collapse like in-line text
.copy * {
display: inline;
Of course, this will break the natural formatting of all previous <p></p> if you have more than one paragraph (which you don't want happening), so to preserve the original formatting, you only need to set the last element (specifically <p> elements) before the Read More break to have display: inline,
i.e. the second-last child element if your Read More <div> is the last child.
But actually by the looks of it, tumblr likes to generate a set of empty <p></p> tags after the final element of the {body} text, so you'll need to account for the offset.
.copy > p:nth-last-of-type(-n+2) {
display: inline;
This selects the immediate descedent > paragraph element p that is the last to second-last (-n+2) child of the type :nth-last-of-type.
To clarify, -n+2 in this scenario simply means select the last element, as well as the second-to-last element since you need to set the empty <p></p> that tumblr generates to display: inline as well as your actual last paragraph with content.
And then you can up the aesthetics with ellipsis if you want using additional CSS with the ::after selector and content: set to the unicode escape for ellipsis (u2026).
.copy > p:nth-last-of-type(2)::after {
content: "\2026";
Forgot to mention that this code alone will effect all posts that have <p></p>regardless of whether they contain the Read More break, and to only target those specific posts you need to modify the CSS to only apply to posts that have Read More links. One way to differentiate posts is to assign to the post a class name (e.g., readmore) wrapped around {block:More}{/block:More} block tags which only render on posts with Read More links.
.copy.readmore > p:nth-last-of-type(-n+2) {
display: inline;
<div class="copy{block:More} readmore{/block:More}">
Also, since Read More breaks are not rendered on the permalink page of the post, the CSS won't be applied there, and it will only be applied on index pages (your blog's main page) where the break occurs.
… - \2026

Hiding a div with specific text as content

I've got a DIV I want to hide, but I cannot give it a specific ID... actually I cannot change the text of the DIV, since it is retrieved from a database, but I can add some html before it AND I know the exact text content of the DIV.
It's something like:
<div class="this_div">content_of_this_div</div>
So, I thought that maybe looking for the specific content, then taking the div and incapsulating it in a hidden div could work... or something similar... any idea?
If you can insert other HTML around it then you can use another div to hide it
Using CSS and HTML
.hidden { display: none; }
<div class="hidden"><div class="this_div">content_of_this_div</div></div>
Using HTML and Inline CSS
<div style="display: none;"><div class="this_div">content_of_this_div</div></div>
Wrap it in your own div would seem most sensible.
<div id="mydiv">
<div class="this_div">content_of_this_div</div>
then hide your div:
Or, use jQuery. If that is only instance of class, you could do
If you just want to be able to select it without giving it a specific id, you can do a number of things. Make an empty div with an id before, then use the direct sibling selector:
#divid+div {}
or use many other css selectors to accomplish same
But I do reccomend the aforementioned external div technique over this
