Unzip+Zip Jar => getManifest == null - jar

unzip ../test.jar
zip -r ../test2.jar *
Using JarInputStream.getManifest() I can read the Manifest from test.jar but NOT from test2.jar where it returns null.
However if I recreate the jar using 'jar':
jar cf ../test3.jar .
I can get the Manifest on test3.jar.
Isn't zipping equivalent to jar? Why?

jar -cvfm test.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF .


Some questions about scripts in Gradle

I have to write the script in Gradle and I therefore have some questions.
The script must unpack the .ear file, and then included in the jar, then edit the content and save as ear (text file> jar> ear.)
1) Firstly, I would like to learn how to save a file to the current directory.
(The following code saves the file to another folder.)
task unzip(type: Copy) {
def zipFile = file('C:/Test/file.ear')
def outputDir = file('jar')
from zipTree(zipFile)
into getDestDir()
Phrases such as '.', '/' don't work.
2)Secondly, I would like to ask how to unpack the jar file because I can't unpack the above method. (It works only to the EAR)
3)At the end I would ask how you can convert the edited text file on the jar, and then on ear (without dependencies and manifest).
Because the resulting file do I have to file .ear
Thank you in advance for your answer.
You don't want to be writing files into your working directory. All the work should be done under the $buildDir.
A standard method is to set your into directory to a temporary location:
task myTask(type: Copy) {
from 'my/dir/'
into temporaryDir
You can unpack a JAR or ZIP file like so:
copy {
from zipTree('path/tozip.zip')
into temporaryDir

CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to resolve classname: Carro, compiling:(carro/car.clj:6)

So.. I have this problem (the one in the title). Just to give a background about what I did:
Create a Java class called Carro:
public class Carro{
public Carro(){}
public void turnon(String sound){
I've compile it:
javac Carro.java
And created a .jar:
jar -cf Carro.jar Carro.class
So, I created a new lein project:
lein new test
Created a /lib directory and pasted the Carro.jar in it.
Create a folder called carro in test/src/ directory and create a .clj file, called car.clj:
(ns carro.car
(:import [Carro] )
(defn callCarro []
(let [car (new Carro)]
(.turnon "vruuum!" car)
After all of that, I edited the project.clj file and add a :import [Carro] after the last parenthesis.
So, when I run the project using lein repl, I get this error:
$ lein repl
user=> (require 'carr.car :reload)
CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
Unable to resolve classname: Carro, compiling:(carro/car.clj:6)
Any ideas to solve this... Problem?
Leiningen 2 relies on maven to manage dependencies. Version 1 used to copy jars to the lib directory but this behavior was removed (see https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/stable/doc/FAQ.md). If you need a certain jar for your project, the easiest way is to install that jar on your local maven repo and let leiningen do the rest.
Maven (and so leiningen) needs a version, a group and an artifact for the jar you are working with (see https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/master/doc/TUTORIAL.md#artifact-ids-groups-and-versions). So our first step will be to rename Carro.jar to Carro-0.1.0.jar. To make things a little easier, lets use a leiningen plugin to do the rest. Add the lein-localrepo plugin to your project.clj, something like:
(defproject foo "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]]
:plugins [[lein-localrepo "0.4.1"]])
Then you can ask leiningen for the coordinates of the Carro dependency:
$ lein localrepo coords Carro-0.1.0.jar
Carro-0.1.0.jar Carro/Carro 0.1.0
That last part is the info needed to install to the mvn repo:
$ lein localrepo install Carro-0.1.0.jar Carro/Carro 0.1.0
After that,the jar is installed in your mvn repository: ~/.m2/repository/Carro/Carro/0.1.0/Carro-0.1.0.jar. So finally, add the newly installed dependency to project.clj:
(defproject foo "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]
[Carro/Carro "0.1.0"]]
:plugins [[lein-localrepo "0.4.1"]])
And then from the repl:
$ lein repl
user=> (new Carro)
#<Carro Carro#7c04703c>
I suspect there may be multiple causes:
Clojure has trouble loading classes without a package which causes this.
that is not the typical location for test classes if you are using Leiningen
If you didn't run (import 'Classname) from the repl you will need to do that as well.

Generate xcarchive into a specific folder from the command line

For the purposes of CI, I need to be able to generate an XCARCHIVE and an IPA file in our nightly build. The IPA is for our testers, to be signed with our ad-hoc keys, and the XCARCHIVE is to send to the client so that they can import it into Xcode and submit it to the app store when they're happy with it.
Generating the IPA is simple enough with a bit of googling, however how to generate the .XCARCHIVE file is what eludes me. The closest I've found is:
xcodebuild -scheme myscheme archive
However, this stores the .xcarchive in some hard-to-find folder, eg:
/Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2011-12-14/MyApp 14-12-11 11.42 AM.xcarchive
Is there some way to control where the archive is put, what its name is, and how to avoid having to re-compile it? I guess the best possible outcome would be to generate the xcarchive from the DSYM and APP that are generated when you do an 'xcodebuild build' - is this possible?
Xcode 5 now supports an -archivePath option:
xcodebuild -scheme myscheme archive -archivePath /path/to/AppName.xcarchive
You can also now export a signed IPA from the archive you just built:
xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat IPA -exportProvisioningProfile my_profile_name -archivePath /path/to/AppName.xcarchive -exportPath /path/to/AppName.ipa
Starting with Xcode 4 Preview 5 there are three environment variables that are accessible in the scheme archive's post-actions.
ARCHIVE_PATH: The path to the archive.
ARCHIVE_PRODUCTS_PATH: The installation location for the archived product.
ARCHIVE_DSYMS_PATH: The path to the product’s dSYM files.
You could move/copy the archive in here. I wanted to have a little more control over the process in a CI script, so I saved a temporary file that could easily be sourced in my CI script that contained these values.
echo "ARCHIVE_PATH=\"$ARCHIVE_PATH\"" > $BUILD_DIR/archive_paths.sh
echo "ARCHIVE_DSYMS_PATH=\"$ARCHIVE_DSYMS_PATH\"" >> $BUILD_DIR/archive_paths.sh
echo "INFOPLIST_PATH=\"$INFOPLIST_PATH\"" >> $BUILD_DIR/archive_paths.sh
Then in my CI script I can run the following:
xcodebuild -alltargets -scheme [Scheme Name] -configuration [Config Name] clean archive
source build/archive_paths.sh
I have just solved this one - just add the argument -archivePath to your xcode build command line, given the initial question that would mean:
xcodebuild -scheme myscheme archive
becomes ...
xcodebuild -scheme myscheme archive -archivePath Build/Archive
(Note: paths are relative, I output my build to $PWD/Build)
This will then place your .app folder in:
If your build target already has your signing certificate and provisioning profile in it you can then create your IPA file without re-signing using the following command:
xcrun -v -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v `pwd`'/Build/Archive.xarchive/Products/Application/my.app' -o `pwd`'/myapp.ipa'
(Note: xcrun doesn't like relative paths hence the pwd)
The -v args dump lots of useful information - this command can fail to sign properly and still exit with code 0, sigh!
If you are finding that you can't run the built .ipa it's probably a signing issue that you can do a double check on using:
codesign --verify -vvvv myapp.app
If it's signed correctly and un-tampered with the output will have this in:
myapp.app: valid on disk
myapp.app: satisfies its Designated Requirement
If not you will see something similar to this:
Codesign check fails : /blahpath/myapp.app: a sealed resource is missing or invalid
file modified: /blahpath/ls-ios-develop.app/Assets.car
... which generally means you are trying to use an intermediate output directory rather than the proper archive.
My current solution is to rename the user's existing archives folder, run the build, and do a 'find' to copy the archives where i want, then delete the archives folder and rename the old folder back as it was, with code like this in my ruby build script:
# Move the existing archives out of the way
system('mv ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/OldArchivesTemp')
# Build the .app, the .DSYM, and the .xcarchive
system("xcodebuild -scheme \"#{scheme}\" clean build archive CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=\"#{build_destination_folder}\"")
# Find the xcarchive wherever it was placed and copy it where i want it
system("find ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives -name *.xcarchive -exec cp -r {} \"#{build_destination_folder}\" \";\"")
# Delete the new archives folder with this new xcarchive
system('rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives')
# Put the old archives back
system('mv ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/OldArchivesTemp ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives')
Its a bit hacky but i don't see a better solution currently. At least it preserves the user's 'archives' folder and all their pre-existing archives.
--Important note!--
I since found out that the line of code where i find the archive and cp it to the folder i want doesn't copy the symlinks inside the archive correctly, thus breaking the code signing in the app. You'll want to replace that with a 'mv' or something that maintains symlinks. Cheers!
Here's a bit of bash that I've come up with for our Jenkins CI system. These commands should be run in a script immediately after the xcodebuild archive command finishes.
# Common path and partial filename
ARCHIVE_BASEPATH="${HOME}/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)/${XCODE_SCHEME}"
# Find the latest .xcarchive for the given scheme
NEW_ARCHIVE=$(ls -td "${ARCHIVE_BASEPATH}"* | head -n 1)
# Zip it up so non-Apple systems won't treat it as a dir
pushd "${NEW_ARCHIVE%/*}"
zip -r "${BUILD_DIR}/${NEW_ARCHIVE##*/}.zip" "${NEW_ARCHIVE##*/}"
# Optional, disk cleanup
rm -rf "${NEW_ARCHIVE}"
The BUILD_DIR is used to collect artifacts so that it's easy to archive them from Jenkins with a glob such as build/*.ipa,build/*.zip
Similar to the others, but perhaps a little simpler since I try to record the .xcarchive file's location. (I also don't move the archives folder, so this will work better if you're doing multiple builds at the same time.)
My caller build script generates a new tempfile and sets its path to an environment variable named XCARCHIVE_PATH_TMPFILE. This environment variable is available in my scheme's Archive post-action shell script, which then that writes the .xcarchive's path to that file. The build script that can then read that file after it calls xcodebuild archive.
post-action shell script
On Xcode 4.6 it is possible to specify a post-build action for the scheme to be compiled into an xcarchive:
echo "ARCHIVE_PATH=\"$ARCHIVE_PATH\"" > $PROJECT_DIR/archive_paths.sh
A build script can be used to check if $ARCHIVE_PATH is defined after running xcodebuild and if this is the case, the output xcarchive can be moved into a designated folder.
This method is not very maintainable if the targets in the project are a large number, as for each one it is necessary to tag the corresponding scheme as 'shared' and add the post-build action.
To address this problem, I have created a build script that generates the archive path programmatically by extracting the last build that matches the target name on the current day. This method works reliably as long as there aren't multiple builds with the same target name running on the machine (this may be a problem in production environments where multiple concurrent builds are run).
# Script to archive an existing xcode project to a target location.
# The script checks for a post-build action that defines the $ARCHIVE_PATH as follows:
# echo "ARCHIVE_PATH=\"$ARCHIVE_PATH\"" > $PROJECT_DIR/archive_paths.sh
# If such post-build action does not exist or sourcing it doesn't define the $ARCHIVE_PATH
# variable, the script tries to generate it programmatically by finding the latest build
# in the expected archiving folder
function archive()
echo "Archiving target '$1'"
# Delete $post_build_script if it already exists as it should be generated by a
# post-build action
rm -f $post_build_script
# Use custom provisioning profile and code sign identity if specified, otherwise
# default to project settings
# Note: xcodebuild always returns 0 even if the build failed. We look for failure in
# the stderr output instead
if [[ ! -z "$2" ]] && [[ ! -z "$3" ]]; then
${XCODEBUILD_CMD} clean archive -scheme $1 -sdk "${TARGET_SDK}" \
"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=$3" "PROVISIONING_PROFILE=$2" 2>$build_errors_file
${XCODEBUILD_CMD} clean archive -scheme $1 -sdk "${TARGET_SDK}"
errors=`grep -wc "The following build commands failed" $build_errors_file`
if [ "$errors" != "0" ]
echo "BUILD FAILED. Error Log:"
cat $build_errors_file
rm $build_errors_file
exit 1
rm $build_errors_file
# Check if archive_paths.sh exists
if [ -f "$post_build_script" ]; then
source "$post_build_script"
if [ -z "$ARCHIVE_PATH" ]; then
echo "'$post_build_script' exists but ARCHIVE_PATH was not set.
Enabling auto-detection"
if [ -z "$ARCHIVE_PATH" ]; then
# This is the format of the xcarchive path:
# /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/`date +%Y-%m-%d`/$1\
# `date +%d-%m-%Y\ %H.%M`.xcarchive
# In order to avoid mismatches with the hour/minute of creation of the archive and
# the current time, we list all archives with the correct target that have been
# built in the current day (this may fail if the build wraps around midnight) and
# fetch the correct file with a combination of ls and grep.
# This script can break only if there are multiple targets with exactly the same
# name running at the same time.
EXTRACTED_LINE=$(ls -lrt /Users/$USER/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/`date
+%Y-%m-%d`/ | grep $1\ `date +%d-%m-%Y` | tail -n 1)
if [ "$EXTRACTED_LINE" == "" ]; then
echo "Error: couldn't fetch archive path"
exit 1
# ls -lrt prints lines with the following format
# drwxr-xr-x 5 mario 1306712193 170 25 Jul 17:17 ArchiveTest 25-07-2013
# 17.17.xcarchive
# We can split this line with the " " separator and take the latest bit:
# 17.17.xcarchive
FILE_NAME_SUFFIX=$(echo $EXTRACTED_LINE | awk '{split($0,a," "); print a[11]}')
if [ "$FILE_NAME_SUFFIX" == "" ]; then
echo "Error: couldn't fetch archive path"
exit 1
# Finally, we can put everything together to generate the path to the xcarchive
+%Y-%m-%d`/$1 `date +%d-%m-%Y` $FILE_NAME_SUFFIX/"
# Create output folder if it doesn't already exist
mkdir -p "$OUTPUT"
# Move archived xcarchive build to designated output folder
# Check number of command line args
if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
echo "Syntax: `basename $0` <target name> [/path/to/provisioning-profile]
[<code sign identity]"
exit 1
if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
if [ ! -z "$3" ]; then
if [ ! -z "$PROVISIONING_PROFILE" ]; then
Full source code with an example Xcode project can be found here:

Jar file execution error

I wrote a program that runs fine, however packaging the file into a jar file and trying to execute that fails.
The project consists of three files :
CinReader.java --> CinReader.class
PageSource.java --> PageSource.class
LocalBot.java --> LocalBot.class (main class)
The contents of manifest.txt are :
Main-Class: LocalBot.class
I created the jar file with the command :
C:\Users\ioil\Desktop\CSCI20\localBot>jar cvfm LocalBot.jar manifest.txt *.class
added manifest
adding: CinReader.class(in = 5908) (out= 3027)(deflated 48%)
adding: LocalBot.class(in = 362) (out= 272)(deflated 24%)
adding: PageSource.class(in = 5293) (out= 2560)(deflated 51%)
Now when I enter the command : "java -jar LocalBot.jar" or "LocalBot.jar" the Java Virtual Machine Launcher returns the error message : "Could not find the main class: LocalBot. Program will exit"
Am I doing anything obviously wrong . . .
Take a look at Understanding the Manifest
When you create a JAR file, it automatically receives a default
manifest file. There can be only one
manifest file in an archive, and it
always has the pathname

how to check the version of jar file?

I am currently working on a J2ME polish application, just enhancing it. I am finding difficulties to get the exact version of the jar file.
Is there any way to find the version of the jar file for the imports done in the class? I mean if you have some thing, import x.y.z; can we know the version of the jar x.y package belongs to?
Decompress the JAR file and look for the manifest file (META-INF\MANIFEST.MF). The manifest file of JAR file might contain a version number (but not always a version is specified).
You need to unzip it and check its META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file, e.g.
unzip -p file.jar | head
or more specific:
unzip -p file.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Just to expand on the answers above, inside the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file in the JAR, you will likely see a line: Manifest-Version: 1.0 ← This is NOT the jar versions number!
You need to look for Implementation-Version which, if present, is a free-text string so entirely up to the JAR's author as to what you'll find in there.
See also Oracle docs and Package Version specificaion
Just to complete the above answer.
Manifest file is located inside jar at META-INF\MANIFEST.MF path.
You can examine jar's contents in any archiver that supports zip.
Each jar version has a unique checksum. You can calculate the checksum for you jar (that had no version info) and compare it with the different versions of the jar. We can also search a jar using checksum.
Refer this Question to calculate checksum:
What is the best way to calculate a checksum for a file that is on my machine?
Basically you should use the java.lang.Package class which use the classloader to give you informations about your classes.
I think logback is known to use this feature to trace the JAR name/version of each class in its produced stacktraces.
see also http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/versioning/spec/versioning2.html#wp90779
Thought I would give a more recent answer as this question still comes up pretty high on searches.
Checking CLi JAR Version:
Run the following on the CLi jar file:
unzip -p jenkins-cli.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Example Output:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Built-By: kohsuke
Jenkins-CLI-Version: 2.210 <--- Jenkins CLI Version
Created-By: Apache Maven 3.6.1
Build-Jdk: 1.8.0_144
Main-Class: hudson.cli.CLI
The CLi version is listed above.
To get the Server Version, run the following:
java -jar ./jenkins-cli.jar -s https://<Server_URL> -auth <email>#<domain>.com:<API Token> version
(the above will vary based on your implementation of authentication, please change accordingly)
Example Output:
Dec 23, 2019 4:42:55 PM org.apache.sshd.common.util.security.AbstractSecurityProviderRegistrar getOrCreateProvider
INFO: getOrCreateProvider(EdDSA) created instance of net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.EdDSASecurityProvider
2.210 <-- Jenkins Server Version
This simple program will list all the cases for version of jar namely
Version found in Manifest file
No version found in Manifest and even from jar name
Manifest file not found
Map<String, String> jarsWithVersionFound = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
List<String> jarsWithNoManifest = new LinkedList<String>();
List<String> jarsWithNoVersionFound = new LinkedList<String>();
//loop through the files in lib folder
//pick a jar one by one and getVersion()
//print in console..save to file(?)..maybe later
File[] files = new File("path_to_jar_folder").listFiles();
for(File file : files)
String fileName = file.getName();
String jarVersion = new Jar(file).getVersion();
if(jarVersion == null)
jarsWithVersionFound.put(fileName, jarVersion);
catch(Exception ex)
System.out.println("******* JARs with versions found *******");
for(Entry<String, String> jarName : jarsWithVersionFound.entrySet())
System.out.println(jarName.getKey() + " : " + jarName.getValue());
System.out.println("\n \n ******* JARs with no versions found *******");
for(String jarName : jarsWithNoVersionFound)
System.out.println("\n \n ******* JARs with no manifest found *******");
for(String jarName : jarsWithNoManifest)
It uses the javaxt-core jar which can be downloaded from http://www.javaxt.com/downloads/
I'm late this but you can try the following two methods
using these needed classes
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
These methods let me access the jar attributes. I like being backwards compatible and use the latest. So I used this
public Attributes detectClassBuildInfoAttributes(Class sourceClass) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
String className = sourceClass.getSimpleName() + ".class";
String classPath = sourceClass.getResource(className).toString();
if (!classPath.startsWith("jar")) {
// Class not from JAR
return null;
String manifestPath = classPath.substring(0, classPath.lastIndexOf("!") + 1) +
Manifest manifest = new Manifest(new URL(manifestPath).openStream());
return manifest.getEntries().get("Build-Info");
public String retrieveClassInfoAttribute(Class sourceClass, String attributeName) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
Attributes version_attr = detectClassBuildInfoAttributes(sourceClass);
String attribute = version_attr.getValue(attributeName);
return attribute;
This works well when you are using maven and need pom details for known classes. Hope this helps.
For Linux, try following:
find . -name "YOUR_JAR_FILE.jar" -exec zipgrep "Implementation-Version:" '{}' \;|awk -F ': ' '{print $2}'
If you have winrar, open the jar with winrar, double-click to open folder META-INF. Extract MANIFEST.MF and CHANGES files to any location (say desktop).
Open the extracted files in a text editor: You will see Implementation-Version or release version.
You can filter version from the MANIFEST file using
unzip -p my.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | grep 'Bundle-Version'
best solution that does not involve extracting the jar files is to run the following command. If the jar file does not contain a manifest file you will get a "WARNING: Manifest file not found"
java -jar file.jar -v
Just rename the extension with .zip instead of .jar. Then go to META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and open the MANIFEST.MF file with notepad. You can find the implementation version there.
It can be checked with a command java -jar jarname
