R: weighted imputation/imputation preferences - r

Suppose I have a dataset with multiple columns and one of them is gender. As far as I understand, knnImputation() with standard options will compute metric where all the variables are treated equally, while I wish to create some rule, when, for example, having the same gender is strongly preferred when searching for neighbours (e.g., gender has stronger influence on total weight or only rows with the same gender are chosen(this can be done by splitting and then reassembling both training and testing sets, but maybe there exists a simpler way)).
I see that kNNImpute() has the impute.fn parameter for imputation function and the knnImputation() has meth for method. How can I create such a rule that will be flexible and easy to edit (e.g. written as function of something like that)?

This will not do variable selection, but it will impute using kNN using only the rows that have the matching gender g as you suggest in the comments:
Sys.setenv("PKG_CXXFLAGS"="-std=c++0x") # needed for the lambda functions in Rcpp
# install/load package, create example data
g <- sample(c("M", "F"), 100, replace=T)
a <- matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol=10)
a[a>1.5] <- NA
df <- data.frame(a,g)
# subset by gender, exclude character column from kNN (which doesn't
# handle character variables)
df_f <- kNN_impute(df[df$g == "F", 1:10], k= 3, q= 2, check_scale = FALSE, parallel= FALSE)
df_m <- kNN_impute(df[df$g == "M", 1:10], k= 3, q= 2, check_scale = FALSE, parallel= FALSE)
# recombine. Can use rownames as key
df2 <- data.frame(rbind(df_f$x, df_m$x))
df2 <- df2[order(as.integer(rownames(df2))),]
df2$g <- df$g


Logistic regression training and test data

I am a beginner to R and am having trouble with something that feels basic but I am not sure how to do it. I have a data set with 1319 rows and I want to setup training data for observations 1 to 1000 and the test data for 1001 to 1319.
Comparing with notes from my class and the professor set this up by doing a Boolean vector by the 'Year' variable in her data. For example:
And that returns the True/False statements.
I understand that and would be able to setup a Boolean vector if I was subsetting my data by a variable but instead I have to strictly by the number of rows which I do not understand how to accomplish. I tried
train=(data$nrow < 1001)
But got logical(0) as a result.
Can anyone lead me in the right direction?
You get logical(0) because nrow is not a column
You can also subset your dataframe by using row numbers
train = 1:1000 # vector with integers from 1 to 1000
test = 1001:nrow(data)
train_data = data[train,]
test_data = data[test,]
But be careful, unless the order of rows in your dataframe is completely random, you probably want to get 1000 rows randomly and not the 1000 first ones, you can do this using
train = sample(1:nrow(data),1000)
You can then get your train_data and test_data using
train_data = data[train,]
test_data = data[setdiff(1:nrow(data),train),]
The setdiff function is used to get all rows not selected in train
The issue with splitting your data set by rows is the potential to introduce bias into your training and testing set - particularly for ordered data.
# Create a data set
data <- data.frame(year = sample(seq(2000, 2019, by = 1), 1000, replace = T),
data = sample(seq(0, 1, by = 0.01), 1000, replace = T))
[1] 1000
If you really want to take the first n rows then you can try:
first.n.rows <- data[1:1000, ]
The caret package provides a more reliable approach to using cross validation in your models.
First create the partition rule:
inTrain <- createDataPartition(y = data$year,
p = 0.8, list = FALSE)
Note y = data$year this tells R to use the variable year to sample from, ensuring you don't get ordered data and introduced bias to the model.
The p argument tells caret how much of the original data should be partitioned to the training set, in this case 80%.
Then apply the partition to the data set:
# Create the training set
train <- data[inTrain,]
# Create the testing set
test <- data[-inTrain,]
nrow(train) + nrow(test)
[1] 1000

simulation of normal distribution data contaiminated with outliers

I need to simulate 1000 sets of normal distribution(each 60 subgroups, n=5) by using r programming. Each set of normal distribution is contaiminated with 4 outliers(more than 1.5 IQR). can anyone help?
Thanks in advance
A very simple approach to create a data.frame with a few outliers :
# Create a vector with normally distributed values and a few outliers
# N - Number of random values
# n.out - number of outliers
my.rnorm <- function(N, num.out, mean=0, sd=1){
x <- rnorm(N, mean = mean, sd = sd)
ind <- sample(1:N, num.out, replace=FALSE )
x[ind] <- (abs(x[ind]) + 3*sd) * sign(x[ind])
num.out = 4
df <- data.frame( col1 = my.rnorm(N, num.out),
col2 = my.rnorm(N, num.out),
col3 = my.rnorm(N, num.out),
col4 = my.rnorm(N, num.out),
col5 = my.rnorm(N, num.out))
Please note that I used mean=0 and sd=1 as values mean=1, sd=0 that you provided in the comments do not make much sense.
The above approach does not guarantee that there will be exactly 4 outliers. There will be at least 4, but in some rare cases there could be more as rnorm() function does not guarantee that it never produces outliers.
Another note is that data.frames might not be the best objects to store numeric values. If all your 1000 data.frames are numeric, it is better to store them in matrices.
Depending on the final goal and the type of the object you store your data in (list, data.frame or matrix) there are faster ways to create 1000 objects filled with random values.

For Loop t.test, Comparing Means by Factor Class in R

I want to loop a lot of one sided t.tests, comparing mean crop harvest value by pattern for a set of different crops.
My data is structured like this:
df <- data.frame("crop" = rep(c('Beans', 'Corn', 'Potatoes'), 10),
"value" = rnorm(n = 30),
"pattern" = rep(c("mono", "inter"), 15),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
I would like the output to provide results from a t.test, comparing mean harvest of each crop by pattern (i.e. compare harvest of mono-cropped potatoes to intercropped potatoes), where the alternative is greater value for the intercropped pattern.
Here's an example using base R.
# Generate example data
df <- data.frame("crop" = rep(c('Beans', 'Corn', 'Potatoes'), 10),
"value" = rnorm(n = 30),
"pattern" = rep(c("inter", "mono"), 15),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
# Create a list which will hold the output of the test for each crop
crops <- unique(df$crop)
test_output <- vector('list', length = length(crops))
names(test_output) <- crops
# For each crop, save the output of a one-sided t-test
for (crop in crops) {
# Filter the data to include only observations for the particular crop
crop_data <- df[df$crop == crop,]
# Save the results of a t-test with a one-sided alternative
test_output[[crop]] <- t.test(formula = value ~ pattern,
data = crop_data,
alternative = 'greater')
It's important to note that when calling t-test with the formula interface (e.g. y ~ x) and where your independent variable is a factor, then using the setting alternative = 'greater' will test whether the mean in the lower factor level (in the case of your data, "inter") is greater than the mean in the higher factor level (here, that's "mono").
Here's the elegant "tidyverse" approach, which makes use of the tidy function from broom which allows you to store the output of a t-test as a data frame.
Instead of a formal for loop, the group_by and do functions from the dplyr package are used to accomplish the same thing as a for loop.
# Generate example data
df <- data.frame("crop" = rep(c('Beans', 'Corn', 'Potatoes'), 10),
"value" = rnorm(n = 30),
"pattern" = rep(c("inter", "mono"), 15),
stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
# Group the data by crop, and run a t-test for each subset of data.
# Use the tidy function from the broom package
# to capture the t.test output as a data frame
df %>%
group_by(crop) %>%
do(tidy(t.test(formula = value ~ pattern,
data = .,
alternative = 'greater')))
Consider by, object-oriented wrapper to tapply designed to subset a data frame by factor(s) and run operations on subsets:
t_test_list <- by(df, df$crop, function(sub)
t.test(formula = value ~ pattern,
data = sub, alternative = 'greater')

R: iterate a function over two lists simultaneously using lapply?

I have multiple factors dividing my data.
By one factor (uniqueGroup), I would like to subset my data, by another factor (distance), I want to first classify my data by "moving threshold", and then test statistical difference between groups.
I have created a function movThreshold to classify my data, and test it by wilcox.test. To vary the different threshold values, I just run
lapply(th.list, # list of thresholds
movThreshold, # my function
tab = tab, # original data
dependent = "infGrad") # dependent variable
Now I've realized, that in fact I need to firstly subset my data by uniqueGroup, and then vary the threshold value. But I am not sure, how to write it in my lapply code?
My dummy data:
infGrad <- c(rnorm(20, mean=14, sd=8),
rnorm(20, mean=13, sd=5),
rnorm(20, mean=8, sd=2),
rnorm(20, mean=7, sd=1))
distance <- rep(c(1:4), each = 20)
uniqueGroup <- rep(c("x", "y"), 40)
tab<-data.frame(infGrad, distance, uniqueGroup)
# Create moving threshold function &
# test for original data
# ============================================
movThreshold <- function(th, tab, dependent, ...) {
# Classify data
tab$group<- ifelse(tab$distance < th, "a", "b")
# Calculate wincoxon test - as I have only two groups
test<-wilcox.test(tab[[dependent]] ~ as.factor(group), # specify column name
data = tab)
# Put results in a vector
c(th, unique(tab$uniqueGroup), dependent, uniqueGroup, round(test$p.value, 3))
# Define two vectors to run through
# unique group
# unique threshold
How to run lapply over two lists??
lapply(c(th.list,gr.list), # iterate over two vectors, DOES not work!!
tab = tab,
dependent = "infGrad")
In my previous question (Kruskal-Wallis test: create lapply function to subset data.frame?), I've learnt how to iterate through individual subsets within a table:
lapply(split(tab, df$uniqueGroup), movThreshold})
But how to iterate through subsets, and through thresholds at once?
If I understood correctly what you're trying to do, here is a data.table solution:
setDT(tab)[, lapply(th.list, movThreshold, tab = tab, dependent = "infGrad"), by = uniqueGroup]
Also, you can just do a nested lapply.
lapply(gr.list, function(z) lapply(th.list, movThreshold, tab = tab[uniqueGroup == z, ], dependent = "infGrad"))
I apologize, If I misunderstood what you're trying to do.

R: Testing each level of a factor without creating new variables

Suppose I have a data frame with a binary grouping variable and a factor. An example of such a grouping variable could specify assignment to the treatment and control conditions of an experiment. In the below, b is the grouping variable while a is an arbitrary factor variable:
a <- c("a","a","a","b","b")
b <- c(0,0,1,0,1)
df <- data.frame(a,b)
I want to complete two-sample t-tests to assess the below:
For each level of a, whether there is a difference in the mean propensity to adopt that level between the groups specified in b.
I have used the dummies package to create separate dummies for each level of the factor and then manually performed t-tests on the resulting variables:
new <- dummy.data.frame(df, names = "a")
t.test(new$aa, new$b)
t.test(new$ab, new$b)
I am looking for help with the following:
Is there a way to perform this without creating a large number of dummy variables via dummy.data.frame()?
If there is not a quicker way to do it without creating a large number of dummies, is there a quicker way to complete the t-test across multiple columns?
This is similar to but different from R - How to perform the same operation on multiple variables and nearly the same as this question Apply t-test on many columns in a dataframe split by factor but the solution of that question no longer works.
Here is a base R solution implementing a chi-squired test for equality of proportions, which I believe is more likely to answer whatever question you're asking of your data (see my comment above):
## generate similar but larger/more complex toy dataset
a <- sample(letters[1:4], 100, replace = T)
b <- sample(0:1, 10, replace = T)
head((df <- data.frame(a,b)))
a b
1 b 1
2 b 0
3 c 0
4 d 1
5 a 1
6 d 0
## create a set of contingency tables for proportions
## of each level of df$a to the others
cTbls <- lapply(unique(a), function(x) table(df$a==x, df$b))
## apply chi-squared test to each contingency table
results <- lapply(cTbls, prop.test, correct = FALSE)
## preserve names
names(results) <- unique(a)
## only one result displayed for sake of space:
2-sample test for equality of proportions without continuity
data: X[[i]]
X-squared = 0.18382, df = 1, p-value = 0.6681
alternative hypothesis: two.sided
95 percent confidence interval:
-0.2557295 0.1638177
sample estimates:
prop 1 prop 2
0.4852941 0.5312500
Be aware, however, that is you might not want to interpret your p-values without correcting for multiple comparisons. A quick simulation demonstrates that the chance of incorrectly rejecting the null hypothesis with at least one of of your tests can be dramatically higher than 5%(!) :
replicate(1e4, {
a <- sample(letters[1:4], 100, replace = T)
b <- sample(0:1, 100, replace = T)
df <- data.frame(a,b)
cTbls <- lapply(unique(a), function(x) table(df$a==x, df$b))
results <- lapply(cTbls, prop.test, correct = FALSE)
any(lapply(results, function(x) x$p.value < .05))
) / 1e4
[1] 0.1642
I dont exactly understand what this is doing from a statistical standpoint, but this code generates a list where each element is the output from the t.test() you run above:
a <- c("a","a","a","b","b")
b <- c(0,0,1,0,1)
df <- data.frame(a,b)
dfNew<-df %>% group_by(a) %>% summarise(count = n()) %>% spread(a, count)
lapply(1:ncol(dfNew), function (x)
t.test(c(rep(1, dfNew[1,x]), rep(0, length(b)-dfNew[1,x])), b))
This will save you the typing of t.test(foo, bar) continuously, and also eliminates the need for dummy variables.
Edit: I dont think the above method preserves the order of the columns, only the frequency of values measured as 0 or 1. If the order is important (again, I dont know the goal of this procedure) then you can use the dummy method and lapply through the data.frame you named new.
new <- dummy.data.frame(df, names = "a")
lapply(1:(ncol(new)-1), function(x)
t.test(new[,x], new[,ncol(new)]))
