Company domain google site visitors by name via google analytics - google-analytics

I have a company domain google site and enabled google analytics account. Could somebody advice if it is possible to view same domain site visitors by name?
I want to track who of my colleagues visited my site and what is the frequency.

In order to connect a user in Google Analytics to a person, you'd need some sort of system to make the connection. This could be a login, a form, a url parameter, or something like that, where at a certain point you know who they actually are. At that point, you can assign them an ID (in a custom dimension) and make reports tracking their behavior.
It is worth noting (as above) that you can't store personal info in Google Analytics - so the ID would have to be non-identifying, like a GUID or random, numerical ID.
Some strategies for connecting website users to individuals include:
Email Marketing - Many email marketing companies allow you to pass a unique identifier in the URL of anything they click. You could then read this url parameter with javascript and assign it to a custom dimension in Google Analytics.
Login/SignUp - You might have some content behind a login-wall. For example, in order to download a document, you make the user fill out some personal information (like an email and their name), then email a link to the document to them. Once you have the user's information in your system (via the form submission), you can grab the user's ID from the submission.
Manual Parameter - Similar to the "Email" one, you could just email your colleagues a link to the website with a custom ID on each link. Just read that parameter from the URL with javascript and assign it to a custom dimension.


Tie Google Analytics to Marketo Cross Domain Sub Domain Tracking API?

We are currently using Marketo for our landing pages but it is not the same domain as our company site. We are also using Google Analytics.
We have used this guide to tie our Analytics session to our anonymous or known Marketo record by inserting the Marketo User ID as a Google Analytics User ID and added the Marketo User ID dimension & set the scope as User.
Per this article, if we would like to have our Lead ID be recognized on non-Marketo landing pages, like our Corporate website, that we will need to do some extra API connections. Has anyone done this with success? I found that there is some Cross Domain Sub-Domain Tracking located here.
Would I only need to tie the visit to our corporate site to the Marketo Sub-Domain site visit as stated in the link above, which would then be tied to the MarketoID dimension that we just made shown in the first link provided?
Not sure what to do to make this happen or if it is as simple as doing the cross domain sub-domain tracking.
Apologies if I am not making any sense.
Thank you so much!
I'm not sure I understand your question entirely.
Are you trying to link/merge a known Marketo record on one domain to an anonymous Marketo record on another domain, and then pass that single Marketo record ID to Google Analytics?
This would involve matching the Munchkin cookies on both domains to Marketo records, probably via the REST API, then merging the two records.
Once you have merged the records from the two domains, you could pass this single Marketo ID to Google Analytics, using the same ID for both domains.
You can develop a javascript that capture the GA ID and MKTO cookie and store them in a databased. Then, sync the database with mkto and append the GA ID to the lead record.
We've developed a tool that does that automatically, without any coding and allows you to track leads/visitors cross devices and domains.
Check it out:

How to filter by query string in Google Analytics?

This is a question about Google Analytics state 06/2016.
We run a site and have decided to try out Facebook Ads. Now in Facebook ads we have defined a custom parameter src=fb.
I'd like to create a custom Analytics report that shows
How many visitors visited the site via Facebook Ads
and then which pages they viewed and if they clicked on Adsense ads and the usual Adsense statistics like cpc, rpm.
How do I create a filter for this src=fb query string so I can follow what they did on the target site?
Please be detailed, a "create a custom filter" doesn't cut it. How, where, what content? The target uri is /?src=fb.
Edit: More clear information
There is a target site:
There is a Ad campaign. To know that people came to the target site using this Ad campaign there is a parameter src=fb e.g.
Because we know the parameter we could filter visitors who landed on the target site through the ad campaign.
GET /?src=fb HTTP/1.1
This way we know people who clicked the ad came from the campaign.
People who did not click the ad visited the site from other sources. They don't matter in this context.
Now as the first step I'd like to display everyone who visited the site using /?src=fb uri. I could grep server logs but I wouldn't know if they clicked ads on the target site.
First, you should probably be using UTM parameters for offsite campaigns. Google Analytics automatically pulls UTM campaigns into standard campaign reports so you'd have to do only minimal sorting and filtering to analyze your Facebook ad performance.
But since you used a custom query string instead of UTMs you'll probably have to create a Custom Segment: Advanced > Conditions, and Include only Users (or Sessions, up to you) who hit a Landing Page that contains 'src=fb'. Like so:
Save that segment and view your reports through it and as long as your property is configured properly (you may have to define goals), you should see how your users behaved after hitting the ad.

Track user activity using google Analytics

I am new to Google Analytics.
We would like the analysis of our data data to focus on specific brand promotion, in my application I have the data from twitter, facebook and instagram. I would like to track user activity and collect data on click event such as
Title of the post
date of the post
I want to use an application unique user id and analyze the data based on a specific userid.
I have read custom Variables in Google Analytics, but I am not sure about how much analytics will help me to tracked above information.
From the Google Analytics Terms of Service:
You will not (and will not allow any third party to) use the Service
to track, collect or upload any data that personally identifies an
individual (such as a name, email address or billing information), or
other data which can be reasonably linked to such information by
Google. You will have and abide by an appropriate Privacy Policy and
will comply with all applicable laws, policies, and regulations
relating to the collection of information from Visitors.
That being said if your website has a Userid that can not be used to directly map back to a user. You could place that user id into a custom dimension.
You need only configure it in your Google analytics account then add a tracking code like this to your site
ga('set', 'dimension1', 'XXXXXXXX');
Then you will be able to use user id as a secondary dimension in most of the Reports on the website.

Google Analytics API: Include profile domain in Profile Feed

Using the Google Analytics API I would like to display the domain associated with each GA profile. Is this possible or is there another way to do it? I have been unable to find any documentation for the domain.
I can't use profileName because depending on how the user has their GA account setup, it may just be a string and not a domain.
One thing you might do is perform a query using ga:hostnames as the dimension and either ga:visits or ga:pageviews as metrics. This will yield a chart of the host name (what is in the browser address bar) to reach that site. Sort of a hack in a way. Technically you can use a single GA Tracking code on multiple sites. So there is no "Official" domain name associated with a profile.
Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible with the current API. Furthermore, you can't explicitly depend upon the domain they enter as the only domain the profile is tracking since there is further customization that allows the user to specify if they want to track subdomains and/or top-level domains. I believe your only option is to ask the user the same information Google asks the user and help the user understand they will have to manually keep two lists in sync due to limitations of the Google API.

How to capture if a visitor is from a google adwords click

When a user signs up on my site I want to be able to store whether or not they came to my site via an Adwords campaign.
I know google uses javascript to track conversions based on a cookie that is created on the users machine. Is there a way I can check this cookie so I can store the source against the user account?
You're correct--you can read this data from the cookies.
To configure the tracking:
connect your adwords and GA
in your AdWords account, go to My
Account > Account Preferences, click
the "edit" link next to Tracking
then select the box that says
"Destination URL Auto-tagging".
Click "Save Changes";
still from your AdWords account,
click the Analytics tab and choose
Analytics Settings > Profile
Settings > Edit Profile Information;
check "Apply Cost Data", then click
Save Changes
So how can you tell if it's working? And where does GA store the data?
Grab an initial __utm.gif request and look at the Referer. Appended to the URL is a new parameter "gclid." This is the keyword-specific parameter (unique to your account). It's this parameter that distinguishes your visitors as AdWord-originating (i.e., "google(cpc)") from "google(organic)" Here's one i just grabbed and anonymized (scrambled the numbers/letters):
You'll see this identical string in two other places in the same tracking pixel request:
(i) as the value for the GIF Request Parameter "utmp" which is the page request for the current page, and, most importantly;
(ii) as the value for the GIF Requests Parameter "utmcc"--the container for the cookies. The specific cookie that holds the adwords data is __utmz, which is actually the container for all referral data. Here's an anonymized example i just grabbed more or less at random (i.e., i just did search in Google using a query comprised of obvious Adwords and then clicked one of the paid links in my search results, then just pulled the Request Header):
You could add an additional url parameter to the url you gave at google adwords, and check for it on your site and store in a session variable or cookie.
At registration of a user account check for this session or cookie you have created and act accordingly..
I know this already has an accepted answer but it's very out of date. The updated way can be found here:
In order for Analytics to display details about your AdWords keywords
and costs, you must do one of the following:
Enable auto-tagging. This is the recommended approach and ensures that
you get the most detailed AdWords data. Manually tag all your keyword
final URLs with tracking variables. You should only do this in the
special cases outlined below.
How auto-tagging works Auto-tagging automatically imports AdWords data
into Analytics. Combining AdWords data with the rich post-click
information provided by Analytics allows you to see what happened on
your site after people clicked on your ads.
When you enable auto-tagging, a parameter called gclid is added to
your landing page URL when a user clicks over to your site from an ad.
For example, if your site is, when a user clicks on
your ad it appears in the address bar as:
Enable auto-tagging To enable/disable auto-tagging:
Sign in to your AdWords account. Click the gear icon, and select
Account settings. Make sure you're on the Preferences tab, and click
Edit in the Tracking section. Select (enable) or clear (disable) the
Auto-tagging checkbox. Click Save changes.
You could always provide an adwords-specific landing page. That way you have a lot freedom to do whatever you want with the incoming adwords user...
