Oozie > EL function > is it possible to add variable in EL functions - oozie

In a Oozie workflow, we can add variable ${VAR} and define the value of this ${var} in the properties file. But Is it possible to use such ${var} as input of EL function?
For instance, equalsIgnoreCases(${var}). It seems not, but if so I still feel Oozie is almost terrible. It is like a tool from over 20 years ago. So is there any workaround for this?

Not sure if this is still required but the expression you need to use is:


how to get list of Auto-IVC component output names

I'm switching over to using the Auto-IVC component as opposed to the IndepVar component. I'd like to be able to get a list of the promoted output names of the Auto-IVC component, so I can then use them to go and pull the appropriate value out of a configuration file and set the values that way. This will get rid of some boilerplate.
returns an empty list. It seems that p.model__dict__ has this information encoded in it, but I don't know exactly what is going on there so I am wondering if there is an easier way to do it.
To avoid confusion from future readers, I assume you meant that you wanted the promoted input names for the variables connected to the auto_ivc outputs.
We don't have a built-in function to do this, but you could do it with a bit of code like this:
seen = set()
for n in p.model._inputs:
src = p.model.get_source(n)
if src.startswith('_auto_ivc.') and src not in seen:
print(src, p.model._var_allprocs_abs2prom['input'][n])
assuming 'p' is the name of your Problem instance.
The code above just prints each auto_ivc output name followed by the promoted input it's connected to.
Here's an example of the output when run on one of our simple test cases:
_auto_ivc.v0 par.x

How to combine two Vim commands into one (command not keybinding)

I've found few Stack Overflow questions talking about this, but they are all regarding only the :nmap or :noremap commands.
I want a command, not just a keybinding. Is there any way to accomplish this?
When I run :make, I doesn't saves automatically. So I'd like to combine :make and :w. I'd like to create a command :Compile/:C or :Wmake to achieve this.
The general information about concatenating Ex command via | can be found at :help cmdline-lines.
You can apply this for interactive commands, in mappings, and in custom commands as well.
Note that you only need to use the special <bar> in mappings (to avoid to prematurely conclude the mapping definition and execute the remainder immediately, a frequent beginner's mistake: :nnoremap <F1> :write | echo "This causes an error during Vim startup!"<CR>). For custom commands, you can just write |, but keep in mind which commands see this as their argument themselves.
:help line-continuation will help with overly long command definitions. Moving multiple commands into a separate :help :function can help, too (but note that this subtly changes the error handling).
If you want to pass custom command-line arguments, you can add -nargs=* to your :command definition and then specify the insertion point on the right-hand side via <args>. For example, to allow commands to your :write command, you could use
:command -nargs=* C w <args> | silent make | redraw!
You can combine commands with |, see help for :bar:
command! C update | silent make | redraw!
However, there is a cleaner way to achieve what you want.
Just enable the 'autowrite' option to automatically write
modified files before a :make:
'autowrite' 'aw' 'noautowrite' 'noaw'
'autowrite' 'aw' boolean (default off)
Write the contents of the file, if it has been modified, on each
:next, :rewind, :last, :first, :previous, :stop, :suspend, :tag, :!,
:make, CTRL-] and CTRL-^ command; and when a :buffer, CTRL-O, CTRL-I,
'{A-Z0-9}, or `{A-Z0-9} command takes one to another file.
Note that for some commands the 'autowrite' option is not used, see
'autowriteall' for that.
This option is mentioned in the help for :make.
I have found a solution after a bit of trial and error.
Solution for my usecase
command C w <bar> silent make <bar> redraw!
This is for compiling using make and it prints output only if there is nonzero output.
General solution
Where COMMAND_TO_RUN can be constructed using more than one command using the following construct.
You can use this multiple times and It is very similar to pipes in shell.

How to conditionally build target and all its dependencies based on values passed to variables in the command line?

I have looked at documentation of GNU Makefile Conditional Statements, but I couldn't find any information on how to build both the target and its dependencies conditionally.
EDIT: When I say conditionally, I mean dependent on values of variable set in command line while calling make. I apologize for not making it clear earlier.
To add to the above edit. If some variables set in the commandline take a particular value, even if the targets and their dependencies need to be updated, I want to refrain from doing this.
GNU Makefile Conditionals
What about something like:
ALL_TARGETS = foo bar
ALL_TARGETS += biz baz
Now if you run make it will build foo, bar, biz, and baz, but if you run make SOME_VARIABLE=true it will only build foo and bar.
With the very generic, specifics-free question that's about all we can suggest.

LESSC source maps not working

I'm running lessc as following:
lessc alice/public/local/less/intfarm.less > alice/public/local/css/local/compiled/intfarm.css --source-map=alice/public/local/less/intfarm.map --verbose
the source map is output but it doesn't work. I check the file and at the end I read:
do I need to set other flags as well?
(shoutout at LESS creators: why not enable this by default and save us hours of work and searching?)
You should not use the > between your source and destiny. In fact your send the output to stdout. The compiler don't know that you are writing the output to intfarm.css and so can not construct the source map link to that file.
Also see: https://github.com/less/less.js/pull/2389
another solution can be using --source-map-map-inline parameter instead of --source-map=... but I think the best solution is the one pointed by Bass Jobsen

zsh: using "less -R" as READNULLCMD

Now, I'm pretty sure of the limitation here. But let's step back.
The simple statement
doesn't work, generating the following error:
$ <basic.tex
zsh: command not found: less -R
OK. Pretty sure this is because, by default, zsh doesn't split string variables at every space. Wherever zsh is using this variable, it's using $READNULLCMD where it should be using ${=READNULLCMD}, to ensure the option argument is properly separated from the command by a normal space. See this discussion from way back in 1996(!):
So, what's the best way around this, without setting SH_WORD_SPLIT (which I don't want 99% of the time)?
So far, my best idea is assigning READNULLCMD to a simple zsh script which just calls "less -R" on STDIN. e.g.
less -R /dev/stdin
Unfortunately this seems to be a non-starter as less used in this fashion for some reason misses the first few lines on input from /dev/stdin.
Anybody have any better ideas?
The problem is not that less doesn't read its environment variables (LESS or LESSOPEN). The problem is that the READNULLCMD is not invoked as you might think.
does not translate into
less $LESS foo
but rather to something like
cat foo | less $LESS
or, perhaps
cat foo $LESSOPEN | less $LESS
I guess that you (like me) want to use -R to obtain syntax coloring (by using src-hilite-lesspipe.sh in LESSOPEN, which in turn uses the "source-highlight" utility). The problem with the latter two styles of invocation is that src-hilite-lesspipe.sh (embedded in $LESSOPEN) will not receive a filename, and hence it will not be able to deduce the file type (via the --infer-lang option to "source-highligt"). Without a filename suffix, "source-highlight" will revert to "no highlighting".
You can obtain syntax coloring in READNULLCMD, but in a rather useless way. This by specifying the language explicitly via the --lang-def option. However, you'll have as little clue as "source-higlight", since the there's no file name when the data is passed anonymously through the pipe. Maybe there's a way to do a on-the-fly heuristic parser and deduce it by contents, but then you've for sure left this little exercise.
export LESS=… may be a good solution exclusively for less and if you want such behavior the default in all cases, but if you want more generic one then you can use functions:
function _-readnullcmd()
less -R
(_- or readnullcmd have no special meaning just the former never appears in any distributed zsh script and the latter indicates the purpose of the function).
Set the $LESS env var to the options you always want to have in less.
So don't touch READNULLCMD and use export LESS="R" (and other options you want) in your zshrc.
