caching fault and advantage -

I search a lot but cannot find complete answer or paper about caching.
I use 4.5 and work with 3 layers to create website.
I want to know about cach,types and fault,advantage.when I cach a usercontrol in what save in cach and other things.
I know primary about it but i want advanced.
please give me a link of Comprehensive and powerfull paper or article about it.
Thank you in advance.

Please check below link,[^]
Caching in ASP.NET

Related page maker (form maker)

please introduce some form maker(page maker) for
like Iron speed.
that enable us to generate form or user control from database tables.
thanks all.
I suggest also this one
Try Asp.Net Dynamic Data
There are tutorial videos at the link provided.
It's quick, simple, powerful, and easy to customize once you learn how it works. (And provided you understand ASP.NET in general.
And it's free.

ASP.NET Web Custom Controls

I am Beginner. I want to study and create custom controls. I have searched on Google but didn't find any good stuff.
Could anybody provide me some nice link or explain me that how can I start custom controls.
Thanks in advance.
Following article might help you :
Here is walkthrough in creating webserver control at MSDN

Starting in DevExpress

I am looking at integrating DevExpress to a webapp Im doing in C#.
Finding it difficult to get a good article or book on how to begin. any where to find these?
Here's a list of thing I used to get familiar with DX controlls:
As Aseem Gautam's answer web casts gives good overall prospective
To get more detailed picture you can look through few sample apps
DX documentation, knowledge base
And finally you could ask for assistance the DevXpress support team
you can find some demonstration here :
Professional DevExpress ASP.NET Controls by Wrox
Best is to watch the online webcasts.
View the online videos at the Developer Express site.
I would recommend the devexpress site as the best source. They even have online demos that will help a lot.

ASP.NET - user-controls repeater

I am building a Web Application for shopping cart using ASP.NET and I am new to ASP.NET.
One of my close associate suggested me to use the user controls, repeater and master page for faster development of pages.
Can you suggest me reading materials to quickly grasp its usage.
Thanks to All.
Justin Samuel.
See the following videos / texts which should give you some further guidance on the specifics you require;
Official ASP.NET Learn: Master Pages
Official ASP.NET Learn: Custom User Controls
w3c - Repeater Control
Master Pages: Really simple concept and easy to implement. Do the bare minimum of reading then just create one and use it with a couple of pages - you really can't go too far wrong with these. Maybe check something like this out:
Repeaters: Little bit more involved - more to learn (data binding, basic info on the page life cycle) but still very easy to learn.
simple example can be found on w3c schools:
if you are binding to info from a DB, best to use a datareader rather than a dataset:
Good luck fella
For repeaters:
And there are a whole slew of videos covering almost anything you want to learn here:
and more beginner-based learning here:
All of the above are good answers and links. I would like to add the following since you mentioned you are new with ASP.NET. There is a learning program called Ramp-up from Microsoft, it is basically free community-based online learning, it is great for beginners and developers of all levels:

Customize WSAT in ASP.Net

Has anyone ever customized the website admin tool in ASP.Net? I would like to add some fields when ceating a user and keep it all in one place.
Any pointers would be appreciated.
W£as a tumbleweed :) Not sure if anyone has done this or not. I've managed to rip out the table sthat are not used and create a few views in MVC to allow Intranet\Internet MVC applications, It's working well.
If anyone requires anything like this I'm happy to help.
