page maker (form maker) -

please introduce some form maker(page maker) for
like Iron speed.
that enable us to generate form or user control from database tables.
thanks all.

I suggest also this one

Try Asp.Net Dynamic Data
There are tutorial videos at the link provided.
It's quick, simple, powerful, and easy to customize once you learn how it works. (And provided you understand ASP.NET in general.
And it's free.


Alternatives to ajax 4.0 templates

Assuming I'm stuck with web forms (I'd love to use MVC partial views), are there any good alternatives to AJAX 4.0 client-side templates?
In other words, is there some way to specify some html, with placeholders for data properties, to which I could then bind a JSON result. Are there any good jQuery plugins to do this?
I ask because based on the results I'm seeing from Google, this library doesn't seem to be widely used—most search results are from 2008-2010. This question seems to confirm that suspicion.
I despise answering my own question, but this link (jQuery Templates) seems to me to be the best bet. If anyone else has any input, please post.
Definitely consider jQuery Templates. We use them quite extensively in WebForms with ScriptServices as a data provider. There is a very small learning curve.
Also check out KnockoutJS, which integrates seamlessly.
Adam, coincidentally, I am using JQuery to retrieve some server side data calling Web Services via Ajax and binding the result on the client side. On my particular case, I am only showing data in a tabular manner, so I am using the jquery datatables plugin (which is fantastic, in my opinion; the API is well documented and easy to extend if you need to).
If you need to show data differently, I think you'll need to write quite a good amount of boilerplate javascript code.
EDIT: I just saw your link reagarding Jquery Templates and looks really cool. I didn't know it existed :) Thanks!

ASP.NET User Generated Forms

I have an Administrator that needs a dynamic form generator with layout capabilities on an ASP.NET page so that they can add, edit and change layout of questions that will be filled out by users whose responses will be saved into the database dynamically. The format is very important as there will be an offline piece that will be generated using Adobe Acrobat and both forms need to be very similar in format. The online portion also needs to be fully printable so that the end user can keep a copy for there personal records. Does anyone know of any ASP.NET controls, free or otherwise, that I could use to complete this functionality? Or what would be the best technology to solve this problem?
Not sure I see a question. This is more of my opinion of what you should do:
Im working on something similar. My form generator had a LOT of complicated fields and data to handle and I decided to go with silverlight. I very happy now, despite the learning curve, and the madness async api, because it would have just been hairy to do it with, pure with postbacks would just be bad UX and then putting ajax in between would've just been scary.
If you have great Ajax/ experience go with it, but if not, Id suggest silverlight. I got up to speed pretty quick.

Drupal module development examples

I'm new to Drupal, but I want to create an add-on. The add-on requires some sort of multi-page form with advanced jQuery (I already looked at the jQuery module).
The add-on requires details of the current logged in user and will also communicate with an external database.
I've been looking at tutorials concerning Module creation etc. But they mostly cover creation of simple forms, where as what I want to create is more of a plugin.
Multi page forms are a total drag. Pro Drupal Development, has a very good section on this topic, and I highly recommend that book if you are doing any Drupal development.
Online I found the following article pretty useful too (though I ultimately went with my own system).
There's a decent example here:
To make the most out of this, you're going to want to get pretty friendly with the Form API:
Sadly seems to be missing a Drupal 6.x explanation (though plenty exist for 5.x and 4.7 oddly enough).
Multi step forms are complex by nature, but there are some methods to make it easier. I recommend that you have a look at the multistep form tools offered by the Ctools module. This blog post by Nick Lewis explains how you can use it.
I think you should think twice before going with javascript/jQuery to create your forms. Javascript is a great way to improve the user interface, but it can be easily manipulated because it's client side technology. You shouldn't rely on javascript alone for things like input validation, temporary storage of form values and controlling the flow between different steps of the form.
I feel odd saying this, but I don't think you want to use the Drupal Forms API.
The Forms API provides a lot of security features (unique token, rebuilds form after submit to compare to ensure correct form is processed, etc.) and allows other modules to modify your forms, but I think a lot of those features will get in the way of your jEditable form. Multi-page forms are not that challenging using the Forms API, but jEditable elements will be.
Your module could simply add a menu item with a page callback function that puts together your jEditable form for you. That is about as close to the world of a 'normal PHP' script as Drupal will let you get.

Any Free source code for captcha images for

i am creating a registration form for that i want to implement the captcha image.can i get the source code or any reference.Thanking you
Your best bet is to use reCAPTCHA. It's free, widely used, and well documented. And by using it you'll be helping the project along digitizing old books.
They have code samples for HERE
Take a look at this article (first result of search string captcha).

ASP.NET - user-controls repeater

I am building a Web Application for shopping cart using ASP.NET and I am new to ASP.NET.
One of my close associate suggested me to use the user controls, repeater and master page for faster development of pages.
Can you suggest me reading materials to quickly grasp its usage.
Thanks to All.
Justin Samuel.
See the following videos / texts which should give you some further guidance on the specifics you require;
Official ASP.NET Learn: Master Pages
Official ASP.NET Learn: Custom User Controls
w3c - Repeater Control
Master Pages: Really simple concept and easy to implement. Do the bare minimum of reading then just create one and use it with a couple of pages - you really can't go too far wrong with these. Maybe check something like this out:
Repeaters: Little bit more involved - more to learn (data binding, basic info on the page life cycle) but still very easy to learn.
simple example can be found on w3c schools:
if you are binding to info from a DB, best to use a datareader rather than a dataset:
Good luck fella
For repeaters:
And there are a whole slew of videos covering almost anything you want to learn here:
and more beginner-based learning here:
All of the above are good answers and links. I would like to add the following since you mentioned you are new with ASP.NET. There is a learning program called Ramp-up from Microsoft, it is basically free community-based online learning, it is great for beginners and developers of all levels:
