Drupal URLs migrated to new WordPress installation - wordpress

We have an existing Drupal site. That is going to be replaced with a WordPress site on the existing URL. However, there has been a lot of SEO done on the drupal URLs so a google search will return those old URL's. We want to redirect to the new corresponding URL in the Wordpress site. However, since the drupal site is no longer live on the existing domain, the old URL's will just return 404 and cannot be redirected since they are not relative to the WordPress root. Is there a way to do this? Do I need to get those old drupal site URLs into WordPress somehow?

First of all you need to update your sitemap and add canonical's for permanent redirections. This wont directly redirect the page, but will let the search engines know that the url for the page has been changed and hence will avoid loosing your search engine rankings.
Then for actually redirecting the page you will need to update your htaccess
Redirect 301 /folder/oldpage http://www.example.org/newpage
If there are lots of pages you should consider using a wordpress plugin called redirection. This way you dont have to update the htaccess manually, and it will also keep logs of all the 404 pages that users have found, so you can also keep an eye on logs for any missing pages and redirect them accordingly.


How to Redirect Dynamic URLS in Wordpress

I have a WordPress website and I installed wordfence plugin which caused duplicate URLs in google, I deleted the plugin but those URLs are still there and working. so I want to redirect them to eliminate duplicate page issues. there are multiple URLs that need to be redirected.
how can I redirect those workforce URLs via htaccess? below are some examples
I want to redirect this
to this
there are multiple URLs but they all have ?wordfence_lh=1&hid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I tried multiple solution found on internet but they didn't work

How to redirect (or bring back) /services/ pages after migrating from Wordpress to Shopify?

My problem is that my client has migrated from Wordpress to Shopify, and there were some important pages on the site under the /services/ folder. I wanted to redirect them to their new pages after the migration, which are /pages/ pages.
Shopify has reserved /services/ URLs, however. Therefore I cannot redirect mydomain.com/services/some-services-page to mydomain.com/pages/some-services-page.
Additionally, I cannot change the URLs of the /pages/ pages to /services/ pages.
What would be the next best step here? It seems like a significant limitation of Shopify, as any pages you want to migrate from another CMS that have /services/, apparently can't be redirected, and you lose the SEO value. Those pages are now returning 404 and there doesn't seem to be anything I can do about it, or am I missing something?
I've had some back and forth with Shopify support, which ultimately ends with them saying its a limitation of Shopify and I should submit a feature request. I appreciate any advice you might have.
You can manually create redirects from old relative urls to new ones on shopify by going to [yourstore].myshopify.com/admin/redirects
If you want to track which pages customers are exactly hitting and getting 404's, you can use app Transportr:
It tracks which pages are getting 404, and you can also create redirects directly from an app

How can I redirect from a Permalink to a new permalink?

To add more detail, my current situation is that we are moving from Symfony2 to Wordpress (resources choice). Usually the redirect would require a relative link as source and a permalink as destination.
Let's call the domain http://example.com
Users with old links such as http://example.com/article/[id] need to be redirected to the new urls which is something like http://example.com/title
We have around 200 links that require redirecting and as you can see the new urls don't allow much for automating the process. My issue is if we set the .htaccess under the old installation and change the domain for it to example2.com, none of the users will ever stumble on it to be redirected.
Which leads me to ask if its possible to have a permalink on both ends of the redirect. I am open to any other suggestions to how to tackle the issue, except the old and new url formatting can't be changed in the current situation.
It might not be the most efficient way of doing it but, I get a list of all the links I need to redirect and a list of the new urls they are directing to and do a 301 redirect in the htaccess. This will change all indexes on google so they will show up without any issues.
Redirect 301 /article/1 /title

Redirect Ecwid URLs with fragment identifiers to new Woocommerce URL

I recently migrated a client's e-commerce site from Ecwid to WooCommerce. Ecwid's URL's use fragment identifiers which is now a problem as I can't set up a 301 redirect to the new URL using .htaccess. As I understand, everything past the # isn't accessible to .htaccess.
I'd like to try and preserve their SEO ranking as well as easily update all the old URLs to new.
There are dozens of Wordpress plugins which offer the ability to redirect pages, but I'm concerned I'll have the same issue. From what I've read Javascript redirects don't use the 301 response code, so search engines wouldn't know what the new URL is.
Is there any other way to redirect this:
to this?
As you mentioned, everything after the # isn't processed by the server.
However, if your old site was previously indexed completely by Google, you can presumably pick the "ugly" URLs for the snapshot pages and redirect those?

Issues with redirect from .html pages to wordpress pages

here is my issue:
I have a static html site and under blog I have wordpress installed. Now I added a new database and installed a second wordpress that works perfectly, but I want to 301 redirect old .html pages to new ones so I can keep the links and rankings, but every time I try to change the .htaccess file my wordpress totally crashes and I have to re-install.
I just want to redirect dozen .html pages to new wp versions, example, I want to redirect www.site.com/page.html to www.site.com/page/
Can someone point me in the right direction?
The easiest way to do this, is to use the redirection plugin for wordpress.
We used it when we converted an old static site and it works well and tracks the number of hit's etc.
