Redirect Ecwid URLs with fragment identifiers to new Woocommerce URL - wordpress

I recently migrated a client's e-commerce site from Ecwid to WooCommerce. Ecwid's URL's use fragment identifiers which is now a problem as I can't set up a 301 redirect to the new URL using .htaccess. As I understand, everything past the # isn't accessible to .htaccess.
I'd like to try and preserve their SEO ranking as well as easily update all the old URLs to new.
There are dozens of Wordpress plugins which offer the ability to redirect pages, but I'm concerned I'll have the same issue. From what I've read Javascript redirects don't use the 301 response code, so search engines wouldn't know what the new URL is.
Is there any other way to redirect this:!/100-Cotton-Sash-Cord/p/19877065/category=4619310
to this?

As you mentioned, everything after the # isn't processed by the server.
However, if your old site was previously indexed completely by Google, you can presumably pick the "ugly" URLs for the snapshot pages and redirect those?


How can I redirect from a Permalink to a new permalink?

To add more detail, my current situation is that we are moving from Symfony2 to Wordpress (resources choice). Usually the redirect would require a relative link as source and a permalink as destination.
Let's call the domain
Users with old links such as[id] need to be redirected to the new urls which is something like
We have around 200 links that require redirecting and as you can see the new urls don't allow much for automating the process. My issue is if we set the .htaccess under the old installation and change the domain for it to, none of the users will ever stumble on it to be redirected.
Which leads me to ask if its possible to have a permalink on both ends of the redirect. I am open to any other suggestions to how to tackle the issue, except the old and new url formatting can't be changed in the current situation.
It might not be the most efficient way of doing it but, I get a list of all the links I need to redirect and a list of the new urls they are directing to and do a 301 redirect in the htaccess. This will change all indexes on google so they will show up without any issues.
Redirect 301 /article/1 /title

Drupal URLs migrated to new WordPress installation

We have an existing Drupal site. That is going to be replaced with a WordPress site on the existing URL. However, there has been a lot of SEO done on the drupal URLs so a google search will return those old URL's. We want to redirect to the new corresponding URL in the Wordpress site. However, since the drupal site is no longer live on the existing domain, the old URL's will just return 404 and cannot be redirected since they are not relative to the WordPress root. Is there a way to do this? Do I need to get those old drupal site URLs into WordPress somehow?
First of all you need to update your sitemap and add canonical's for permanent redirections. This wont directly redirect the page, but will let the search engines know that the url for the page has been changed and hence will avoid loosing your search engine rankings.
Then for actually redirecting the page you will need to update your htaccess
Redirect 301 /folder/oldpage
If there are lots of pages you should consider using a wordpress plugin called redirection. This way you dont have to update the htaccess manually, and it will also keep logs of all the 404 pages that users have found, so you can also keep an eye on logs for any missing pages and redirect them accordingly.

Redirect page traffic to new urls in appllication

I have a WordPress site. which is now moving to cms (Sitefinity). In this process my url structures are getting changed but I want to keep the traffic of previous urls on the new urls as well.
Old as the domain will be transferred to new site old pages will not be found (404)
Things making it complicated.
Old and new site has lots of Dynamic urls
Old site has different urls structure than new url
I do not wan't to put all these urls in web.config file.
Solutions I tried
I tried to write 301 redirect on Robot.txt as I can capture old and new url at the time of migration
I searched for solutions all over net but didn't got any straight forward solutions
One of the forums mentioned that we should not write 301 redirects on Robot.txt
Don't know what to follow or where to search. Please guide me to correct path.
Thank You
If you have an identifiable pattern between the two using the URL rewrite module would be your best bet. Or write some code to insert the old urls as multiple URLs on the content items.
Do you have an example of the old URL and what the new URL will look like? It is possible that if you know how the URL pattern will change you can create a redirect rule in your web.config.
Also, Sitefinity allows you to create redirects as well. This includes creating alternative urls for pages or creating redirecting pages.
The exact solution really depends on how much the URL is changing and how many redirect urls are needed.

Converting a static site to a Wordpress to transfer/convert SEO rankings?

I'm going to convert a client's static site, all hand coded HTML pages to Wordpress. They have a bunch of static pages that I'm going to keep as 'pages' in Wordpress. There will be some static content that I'm going to convert into blog entries (and back date them).
How do I transfer their search engine rankings to the new Wordpress site? Some will be a static page converted to a Wordpress 'page' and some will be a static page converted to a blog entry?
Use 301 redirects in your .htaccess in root. All search bots recognize 301 redirects as permanent redirects and don't drop the pages from indexes, but reassign the URL. Put them above the Wordpress rewrite block in .htaccess.
The format is:
Redirect 301 /myoldurl.html
Notice that the domain is not included in the first URL, only the page name with suffix, assuming it's in root.
Or use WordPress › Redirection « WordPress Plugins to manage redirects inside the WP admin area and log them, too.
You can usually create a permalink structure to match the client's old URL structure.
This is better than the htaccess approach since it is easier to maintain long term. The client won't have to adapt to a new URL structure, and you won't lose any SEO value as you would with 301s ( ).
For example if the old client URL was:
you can use the permalink structure of:
You would then create a page (or post) with the post slug of 'widgets' and categorize the page within the 'blue' category which would give you the exact same URL as they had before.
If the old site uses a variety of inconsistent URL formats, this approach is slightly less effective. But you can still do this with the most used URL format, then 301 the other URL formats.
Hope this helps!
In your destination server, you can customize the .htaccess file to redirect old pages URL to new ones. The old URL will still work and the page rank will be kept.
I would consider using Jekyll to do this. It will enable you to create exactly the same site with the same HTML structure. It will give you full control, and therefore not damage SEO. You can add CloudCannon as a CMS and make your site responsive using media queries, like this: Baby steps will avoid SEO disasters.

Migrating Wordpress Permalinks from postname to post_id/postname

My blog's been up for a year or so, and 90% of our traffic comes from Google, so I want to make sure that I'm handling this permalink change properly. I recently read on Wordpress' codex that including the numerical %post_id% at the beginning of your permalinks can greatly reduce the stress on your database, when a post or page is being fetched. So, I decided to change my permalink structure from /%postname%/ to /%post_id%/postname/.
Now, if I type in, or click on a link to my site in google that looks like this -, it seems to redirect to my new structure: without a hitch. I'm trying to figure out whether I need to use a 301 redirect plugin or not. I would like to think that search engines like Google will see the same "flawless" redirection that I'm seeing. There doesn't seem to be any broken links. Just looking to confirm that I'll be okay after this change.
WordPress handles canonical redirects for you by sending 301 Moved Permanently status codes appropriately. That status code ensures Google will only index your posts by the new URLs (i.e. with the post IDs in your permalinks). I've not used a redirection plugin for a while and my sites have been indexed similarly just fine.
