Facebook App Submission Optimized Sharing to Messenger - facebook-sdk-4.0

I'm attempting to submit my app to Facebook for review but it was rejected because I don't have a Facebook login.
My app uses Facebook Messenger to share content with friends so I have no need for a Facebook login. I need to submit for review because the attachment I'm sending through Messenger will be unavailable until the app has been approved. I've considered submitting "Optimized Sharing to Messenger" but I do know know if it'll make the Messenger attachments available.


Linkedin oAuth login failure with error "Your LinkedIn Network Will Be Back Soon"

[Here's a link to the screen recording of the issue.] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vebV3izUTfP1o7NyXUP9irPM_oc89phi/view?usp=sharing).
The problem is not, in general, with accessing or logging into LinkedIn. I'm working on an app that uses the LinkedIn OAuth client to allow users to add their LinkedIn accounts.
My app https://notionsocial.web.app/ redirects the user to https://www.linkedin.com/oauth/v2/authorization?response_type=code&client_id=77hkxxkjkqzq2n&redirect_uri=https://notionsocial.web.app/auth/callback/linkedin&state=state&scope=r_basicprofile%20w_member_social%20rw_organization_admin%20w_organization_social%20r_organization_social, It opens the LinkedIn authentication screen and was working fine a few days ago.
But now, when a user enters his credentials and clicks "sign in," it does not redirect to my website, with or without an error message. But show this page.
It is not related to my LinkedIn personal account; I have tried with different accounts and different browsers. Even a user of my app has encountered this issue on his computer
I have even tried other social scheduling websites and logged on to them using LinkedIn successfully.
But when I tried creating a new LinkedIn developer app and went to the access URL with the new client ID, the same issue occurred.

DeepLinks URL with firebase email verification. In firebase Console

I am trying to customize the email verification template of firebase in such a way that when the user subscribe, the email verificaton is sent to him and when he click on the verification link,the app is opened and it handle the end of the verification process. I am using firebase for my backend. So when i change the default verification URL by this :
firebase generate an error and the modifications are not saved.
Custom schemes are not supported for email verification. Firebase Auth uses FDL (Firebase Dynamic Links) to send verification links directly to a mobile application. These use more secure mechanisms for app redirects including universal links in iOS, Android verified links and Google play verified links, etc. Please use these as they are more secure than custom schemes which anyone can claim and are particularly vulnerable in Android which is not as regulated as Apple via the app store review process.

One messenger bot on many pages

Currently I can use messenger bot on my pages only, but is it possible to create such a bot which can be installed on other's pages?
At this moment I only see my pages on app subscription page.
Yes, you can use your application on many pages.
You need to subscribe your app to another Page via POST me/subscribed_apps. (with Page access token)
After subscribing, your application will receive messages sent to other Page and you'll be able to send back message.
Check out fb documentation about Webhook subscription.

ios login process - without external links

When a user presses on the login button via google or facebook, in ios it transfers the user to a
link in safari where the user should complete the login process.
is there a way to complete the login process with google\facebook within the app,
and not send the user to a safari page?
My ios app was rejected saying the login process should be completed within the app and should not transfer the user to a webpage in safari.
is there a way to open the google/facebook login page in the app itself using gitkit?
I assume login from an external webpage in Safari meaning e.g. the default Facebook fallback option for when a user doesn't have Facebook app installed and/or Facebook account logged in, in the Settings app.
We had the same problem with Apple for one of our app. We sent them a response saying "This is how Facebook's iOS SDK works, here's the link to the Facebook iOS SDK documentation explicitly stating the Facebook uses Safari as a fallback option by doing a quick app switch".
Next day, app was approved. I think the reviewer wasn't familiar with the authentication technology, so I think it's worth mentioning to the reviewer, hopefully it's the same case for you.
To login to Facebook without extra UI, you'd need to expect the user to have Facebook logged in, in the Settings app. From our own experience, this wasn't favourable, a number of users had the actual Facebook app installed on their device but didn't know how to login and at the time, we only offered login via the Social Framework (Facebook/Twitter through the Settings App).

Facebook/Twitter login in my application

I am developing my site and in my site I want users to login through their
social network credentials like Facebook and Twitter.
How should I track these users whenever they do any event on my site? Suppose a user logs in with Facebook username & password, and now he is redirected to the next page. On that page, we are doing some activity like 'add something'. How to track this?
Is there any procedure for working with this?
The common practice is to associate user's Facebook or Twitter account with your internal account and then track all user activity via your internal account id. If the newly logged in user doesn't have an internal account, then silently create it from Facebook/Twitter data and auto-associate.
Btw, integrating your ASP.Net app with Facebook and Twitter will be easier using Facebook C# SDK for Facebook and Twitterizer for Twitter.
Have a look a the OAuth C# Library
