The person responsible for a Google Analytics property has left our company and we have no way to contact them.
We know the UA code for the property identifier, but we don't know the email used to login to google.
Is there any way anyone is familiar with to get access to a GA property in this scenario?
Contact a local Google Analytics Certified Partner and if they are nice will put in a ticket for you to claim the GA account back. You'll need to upload a text file to the website with some text showing it is yours.
I use google calendar, but I send emails from an alias email there. When I send out calendar invites, it says it comes from my google email address. Is there any way to have this sent out "coming from" the alias email address?
Unfortunately, Google Calendar does not have a way to edit the email from where the invites are being sent. The invitation will only come from the primary email address.
It is a feature that has been requested for years as I was able to find a thread about the matter. Check How to use aliases in Google Calendar?
I always suggest to submit a feature idea through the Google Workspace if you have: Feature idea!
Make sure you have shared the calendar from the alias google account with your main google account so that both calendars show up on the main.
When creating a new event, there you should see a calendar icon. It should have a list of the "Shared Calendars". From here select the one you want the invite sent from and it will be sent on behalf of that alias account.
When querying events via the Google Calendar API (V3), I am unable to see the display name of the organizer of the event. The email field is populated however there is no display name.
From previous research I can only find mentions that in order to get the display name to populate, the GSuite user must also activate Google+ on the user's account. Is this seriously the only way to do it? Or are there any other API calls I can use to maybe retrieve this data?
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks!
You can check Daimto's answer from this SO post.
Display name is only added via the web view if it is a gmail account
and google has some way of knowing what the users name is. This might
also work if the user organizer has said user in their google contacts
google might be able to grab it that way as well.
I have a company domain google site and enabled google analytics account. Could somebody advice if it is possible to view same domain site visitors by name?
I want to track who of my colleagues visited my site and what is the frequency.
In order to connect a user in Google Analytics to a person, you'd need some sort of system to make the connection. This could be a login, a form, a url parameter, or something like that, where at a certain point you know who they actually are. At that point, you can assign them an ID (in a custom dimension) and make reports tracking their behavior.
It is worth noting (as above) that you can't store personal info in Google Analytics - so the ID would have to be non-identifying, like a GUID or random, numerical ID.
Some strategies for connecting website users to individuals include:
Email Marketing - Many email marketing companies allow you to pass a unique identifier in the URL of anything they click. You could then read this url parameter with javascript and assign it to a custom dimension in Google Analytics.
Login/SignUp - You might have some content behind a login-wall. For example, in order to download a document, you make the user fill out some personal information (like an email and their name), then email a link to the document to them. Once you have the user's information in your system (via the form submission), you can grab the user's ID from the submission.
Manual Parameter - Similar to the "Email" one, you could just email your colleagues a link to the website with a custom ID on each link. Just read that parameter from the URL with javascript and assign it to a custom dimension.
Having trouble linking separate accounts from GA to Adwords. They are different emails, both tracking the same site. The main GA email works with a lot of different sites, so I don't want the Adwords to have access to all of it.
The Adwords account seems to have created its own analytics site --but it's not the one I've been working with.
If I understood correctly, the possible solution to your problem is setting the cross-account conversion tracking by creating the My Client Center (MCC) account:
This account is actually an AdWords account that lets you easily view and manage all of your AdWords accounts (including other MCC manager accounts) from a single location.
For additional information, please refer to:
Hope I helped.
How can i use without button..
I need it for customers, to track visits on their subdomain, and I have my analytics code on page, so they can't use button to authorize, need without it, automatically.
Any example?
Your question isn't very clear it is hard to understand what you mean by Button.
I think you mean that you would like to select data from YOUR Google Analytics account and display it on YOUR website.
To do this you will need to use a service account as apposed to Oauth2 (Oauth2 would popup with a new window requesting access). When you create the service account in the Google developer console take the service account email address. Give it access at the ACCOUNT level in the Google analytics admin section. It must be the account level this will then give the service account access to read your Google analytics data.
Quota: I am not sure what you are extending to do here but remember you can only make 10000 requests per day against your Google Analytics profile. After that you are cut off there is no way to extend this number. So I advice you to save the data in the database someplace you shouldn't request the same data more then once.
I suggest that you look for an example in what ever programing language you are intending to use. Again your question doesn't state anything about what language you will be using. Hello analytics API might be a good place to start but it depends upon the language the PHP one is way out of date I wouldn't bother with it. Also you cant use a service account with JavaScript so that one is out to.
Update figured out button
Embded api I think I have finally figured out what you mean by button. is used in the Google analytics embedded api. Which is JavaScript which it is not possible to use with a Service account. So the final answer to your question is
Answer: You cant remove the button from the Google Analytics Embded api the only way to login with JavaScript is to use Oauth2.
Advice: switch to PHP and use a service account to request data yourself. Or give each of your customers access to your Google analytics so they can login themselves.