Is there any simple way to style people's conversation? - css

Sometimes we may have such content in our web page:
A: How's everything going on?
B: Fine, thank you!
When the sentence is longer, it will be like:
A: How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a
long time. I missed you so much.
B: Fine, thank you!
But the desired style is:
A: How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a
long time. I missed you so much.
B: Fine, thank you!
Is it possible to do this with:
do not use a <pre> tag.
can fit any width.

plenty of ways to do that, my preferred way is using a definition list like so:
<dt>How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a
long time. I missed you so much.</dt>
<dd>Fine, thank you!</dd>
<dt>How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a
long time. I missed you so much.</dt>
<dd>Fine, thank you!</dd>
<dt>How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a
long time. I missed you so much.</dt>
<dd>Fine, thank you!</dd>

So many ways :)
width: 200px;
font-family: sans-serif;
padding: 0 5px;
<div class="parent">
How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a long time. I missed you so much.


What's the effect of ui-g-nopad?

I would like to know what's the effect of "ui-g-nopad".
I see it a lot in the code of an application and I can't understand what it does exactly, cause the result is always the same if I put it or not.
<div class="ui-g ui-g-nopad">
I read doc ( but it's not really explicit neither...
Thank you for your help.
from the primeng.css file:
.ui-g-nopad {
padding: 0;
This means it uses CSS to set padding to zero.

Double google translate showing up. No clue why. Just started happening randomly

You can see it here. Does anybody have any ideas why this might be happening?
You can see it at the top.
I found the answer, you have the code twice in your html, delete one and you'll be fine ;-)
I mean this one: <img src="" class="goog-te-gadget-icon" style="background-image: url(; background-position: -65px 0px;">
Hope I helped!

Why is this element overlapping the one before (sorry, again)?

This is the code:
<form id="the_form" action="">ev
<!-- final pay_block -->
<div class="linea"/>
<div class="spacer"/>
the linea is overlapping the buy button, now is in the middle because there is margin-bottom: 15px aplied.
This is the site:
also what I want is to display the pay button in the same position. I left space enough to product description, and I fixed a height to the diferents divs before. Is this the right thing? I want to make it in the most minimalism way. Tips are very welcome, as Im using this project to learn.
Thanks in advance. At first I was afraid of posting things here because I didnĀ“t want to mess, and Im quite ashame Im so nob. But I found a very warm welcome. Dont want to abuse, just know why this little things happen.
Now define min-height
#pay_block {
min-height: 78px; // add this line
height:78px; // remove this line
Line No :- 612 in this css file tienda1.css
Result is this

How to fix validation error: There is no attribute "sid" or, Element "iframe" undefined?

i am trying to validate someone else's code here and they are using the xhtml1-strict DOCTYPE.
i am almost there; except for few erors...
There is no attribute "sid"
Element "iframe" undefined
For the SID attribute issue, this is what they have:
<li class="drop" sid="nav_products"> <span class="head">Our Products</span>
<ul id="nav_products" style="display: none;">
And because of the IFRAME error, i am also getting 2 more errors:
there is no attribute "src"
there is no attribute "style"
<h2>Read The Latest News</h2>
<iframe src="" style="width:100%; height:4350px; border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:10px 0 0"></iframe>
Can anyone PLEASE help me fix these errors? I am not an expert in this area, so you will have to explain a bit the solutions. Thanks a lot in advance for your time and help!!!
The question to ask is probably why the previous developer was using "sid" in the first place. As far as I know, attribute "sid" will never validate in any XHTML doctype, so it's a good idea to change it to "class" or "id", and then change the code that relies on "sid" accordingly.
Okay, so I was googling for solutions and found this site that kind of answered my questions on iframe
So I ended up changing the DOCTYPE for that one page to "XHTML 1.0 Transitional" from "XHTML 1.0 Strict" and that fixed all 3 errors I was getting for using iframe. Hope this info helps someone :)
however, i am still stuck with the error for sid, any help will be greatly appreciated!
This answer is almost 6 yrs old, and looks like since then few things have changed :P As Davide Andrea had pointed out, the above link doesn't work anymore, some of you might find this answer helpful:

why width not working here?

Hello how are you
Hello how are you
Why it's not rendering like this I need like this.
how to achieve output like this without changing in HTML?
<p style="width:165px;height:80px;border:1px solid red">
Hello how are you
See live example here
i need link like this
<a style="width:40px;display:inline-block;">
If you're going to render a list, then make it a list. Even if it means repeating the link for each item.
<ul style="list-style:none;">
The advantage of this is that you can also at any time make it a sentence, by making all li elements display:inline.
you can get that using this :
a { white-space:normal;}
Adding display:block;width:40px;white-space:normal works for me.
