Double google translate showing up. No clue why. Just started happening randomly - google-translate

You can see it here. Does anybody have any ideas why this might be happening?
You can see it at the top.

I found the answer, you have the code twice in your html, delete one and you'll be fine ;-)
I mean this one: <img src="" class="goog-te-gadget-icon" style="background-image: url(; background-position: -65px 0px;">
Hope I helped!


How to refer a background-image in a div's style attribution?

Rest Api http://localhost:8091/zine/admin/index leads to this page src\main\resources\templates\admin\index.html.
Here is the code in Thymeleaf , admin/index.html:
<div class="card__header card__header--img" style="background-image: url("#{/admin/demo/img/note.png}"); height: 250px;"></div>
Resources folders:
It's absolute path which you can see : src\main\resources\static\admin\demo\img\note.png
But seems won't work with this code :
style="background-image: url("#{/admin/demo/img/note.png}"); height: 250px;"
Can anyone help me with this?
Good Now.
<div class="card__header card__header--img" th:style="'background-image:url('+#{/admin/demo/img/note.png}+'); height: 250px;'"></div>
A warning came out:
Just ignore it.
Probably someone has even better solution, please share.

Is there any simple way to style people's conversation?

Sometimes we may have such content in our web page:
A: How's everything going on?
B: Fine, thank you!
When the sentence is longer, it will be like:
A: How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a
long time. I missed you so much.
B: Fine, thank you!
But the desired style is:
A: How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a
long time. I missed you so much.
B: Fine, thank you!
Is it possible to do this with:
do not use a <pre> tag.
can fit any width.
plenty of ways to do that, my preferred way is using a definition list like so:
<dt>How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a
long time. I missed you so much.</dt>
<dd>Fine, thank you!</dd>
<dt>How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a
long time. I missed you so much.</dt>
<dd>Fine, thank you!</dd>
<dt>How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a
long time. I missed you so much.</dt>
<dd>Fine, thank you!</dd>
So many ways :)
width: 200px;
font-family: sans-serif;
padding: 0 5px;
<div class="parent">
How's everything going on? I haven't heard from you for a long time. I missed you so much.

Why is this element overlapping the one before (sorry, again)?

This is the code:
<form id="the_form" action="">ev
<!-- final pay_block -->
<div class="linea"/>
<div class="spacer"/>
the linea is overlapping the buy button, now is in the middle because there is margin-bottom: 15px aplied.
This is the site:
also what I want is to display the pay button in the same position. I left space enough to product description, and I fixed a height to the diferents divs before. Is this the right thing? I want to make it in the most minimalism way. Tips are very welcome, as Im using this project to learn.
Thanks in advance. At first I was afraid of posting things here because I didnĀ“t want to mess, and Im quite ashame Im so nob. But I found a very warm welcome. Dont want to abuse, just know why this little things happen.
Now define min-height
#pay_block {
min-height: 78px; // add this line
height:78px; // remove this line
Line No :- 612 in this css file tienda1.css
Result is this

css error on popup appearing

I have a gallery plugin. If I click on another image, or in a arrow, a popup will appear.
The problem is that whem the popup is opened, the plugin gallery moves down on the page.
What is the css problem?
How can I fix it?
here my plugin:
Thanks a lot.
There's quite a lot going on here, so I'll try and simplify the steps you need to take.
<div id="box">...
Needs to be a child of
<div id="gallery-1">....
So you would have:
<div id="gallery-1">
<div id="box"></div>
Add position:relative; to gallery-1.
Your #box styles are really, really messy. You need to delete left: and top: instructions from the CSS for #box.
I have added top property on pop-up appearing, and removed it when is closed:
I can't use GeorgeBuckingham solutions, because the plugin don't not allow it. Thanks anyway.

How to fix validation error: There is no attribute "sid" or, Element "iframe" undefined?

i am trying to validate someone else's code here and they are using the xhtml1-strict DOCTYPE.
i am almost there; except for few erors...
There is no attribute "sid"
Element "iframe" undefined
For the SID attribute issue, this is what they have:
<li class="drop" sid="nav_products"> <span class="head">Our Products</span>
<ul id="nav_products" style="display: none;">
And because of the IFRAME error, i am also getting 2 more errors:
there is no attribute "src"
there is no attribute "style"
<h2>Read The Latest News</h2>
<iframe src="" style="width:100%; height:4350px; border-collapse:collapse; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:10px 0 0"></iframe>
Can anyone PLEASE help me fix these errors? I am not an expert in this area, so you will have to explain a bit the solutions. Thanks a lot in advance for your time and help!!!
The question to ask is probably why the previous developer was using "sid" in the first place. As far as I know, attribute "sid" will never validate in any XHTML doctype, so it's a good idea to change it to "class" or "id", and then change the code that relies on "sid" accordingly.
Okay, so I was googling for solutions and found this site that kind of answered my questions on iframe
So I ended up changing the DOCTYPE for that one page to "XHTML 1.0 Transitional" from "XHTML 1.0 Strict" and that fixed all 3 errors I was getting for using iframe. Hope this info helps someone :)
however, i am still stuck with the error for sid, any help will be greatly appreciated!
This answer is almost 6 yrs old, and looks like since then few things have changed :P As Davide Andrea had pointed out, the above link doesn't work anymore, some of you might find this answer helpful:
