Background x-repeat negative margin for overlap - css

Actually my first question on stack:)
I'm trying to get a negative (right) margin on my repeating background, so there won't be a gap between the repeating images.
It seems there is no css syntax for this.
To make things clear, i added an image below. So i'm trying to get the repeating images of the cookie-like things to overlap so there's no gap between them.
screenshot of the page

You can apply multiple backgrounds to an element, so why not use this background image twice, with different horizontal offsets.
body {
url('') 0 100% repeat-x,
url('') 75px 100% repeat-x;
PS the cookie like things are called kruidnoten. Although everybody calls then pepernoten, which is not actually true.


Added two backgrounds in my CSS, but only one shows up

I would like to have two background images for a fansite layout I made: one background should be repeated both horizontally and vertically, the other one only vertically and needs to have a specific position. I made some search on StackOverflow and I added the following to my CSS:
body {background: url(images/bg.png) 162px repeat-y, url(images/bg-all.png) top repeat;}
Clearly I'm doing something wrong though, because the only image showing up it's the second one, the bg-all.png file. I'd need the bg.png to be over bg-all.png because it's the content background.
In order to make things clear, even though it's far from being finished (in fact, there are several other issues but I think it's better to solve one problem at a time), I'm adding a link to the test version of the layout:
I don't know if it matters, but it's a Wordpress site.
I'm definitively not an expert and every suggestion is very much appreciated.
Thank you all in advance!
the second value of the background position is missing, try this and substitute the ??? with a value:
body {
background-image: url(images/bg.png), url(images/bg-all.png);
background-position: 162px ???, top ???;
background-repeat:repeat-y, repeat;
also note that the first declared background image is ON TOP of the second one.

background image surrounding content shifts with scrollbarr

I am trying to use a background that surround the content area (just a bit of shading on both sides) as seen here:
I left room in the middle for the fixed width layout which is 980px.
My body css is just this:
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background: url(../images/bg.jpg) center repeat-y;
It looks good on the homepage that has no content on it. But when I go to a test page that has a few paragraphs typed out and the scroll bars appear in my browser, there is a slight white line that appears to divide the background and the content area.
I tried shifting the background image shading by a pixel but then it does not work on the homepage..
Is there something else I can be doing in the css to prevent this?
I should say I am trying this in drupal with the zen theme and have not really changed anything else.
Made a jsfiddle for you:
Essentially I think you're looking at the browser trying to divine 1px in two, which it can never do. I don't really understand why it is an issue, though - the line appears inside the content area, which in the fiddle you can see as white next to red, but if your content area is white also, and has padding on both sides, which I assume it does... then having 1 more pixel shouldn't be too bad. Correct me if I'm assuming wrongly!

CSS - How to set gradient color background for different heights

I want to use a linear gradient background color for a website. For example the gradient color starts from header and ends to the footer. Now the problem is that, since different pages have different amount of content, so the height of the pages varies. So in that case how can I set ending point of the color? For example I want the gradient from #b68d4c to #f6e7cf.
Using an image:
You'll need to figure out the shortest height of content that you want to cover. Then, in your image editor, create your gradient. Since it's linear, you can create it something like 10px wide by 500px tall (if 500px is the shortest height) and repeat it along the x-axis. Once your image is created, you would then write in your CSS:
body {
background:#f6e7cf url(path/to/gradient.jpg) top left repeat-x;
Note: the #f6e7cf should be the finishing color of the gradient. What this does is if the page is taller than 500px, it will show the same color as the bottom of the gradient, giving it the illusion that it is continuing.
Using CSS3
As Ryan Casas pointed out, using the Colorzilla Gradient Editor is the most simple way to I've found (although, you don't learn as well because you aren't hand coding, but that's a different discussion). Essentially, you would put your two colors at 0% and 100%, ensure that it's going vertical, and copy the code into the body { } selector.
Use % on the gradients. Here you have a generator:

CSS: Hover State images cache

when we define hover state of anything CSS... & on hover state we change the background:url('image path'); will this image be preloaded of will be download on the first hover of the element.. if that is so then how to preload it... i know the javascript to preload images.. is that going to work...
If you're trying to avoid having your hover state images only load they they're being hovered on, instead of preloading them, why not create sprites that hold both the normal and hover images ? That way you can be sure that all your hover state images will already be loaded, and at the same time drop the overhead for all the requests. The only thing that you would then need to do, is to set the value of the background-position attribute.
As for your first question, I suppose the best way of finding the answer is to use two large images (a couple of wallpapers would work) and test it yourself, although I suspect that the images will only be loaded when the mouse is over the original image, because that's when the code is being executed.
Hope this helps !
If you have a div of height 20px, say, and want a background image to change on hover, use an image with both the no-hover and hover graphics in it, with the no-hover at the top, and the hover image at the bottom. Both parts should be the hight of your div, in this case, 20px. Then, set your CSS background-position first to 0px 0px (top left). This is default (no hover).
When the user hovers over the div, set the background-position to 0px -20px (20px up). This will move the background image up by 20px, showing the bottom half of the sprite, which is the hover graphic. When the mouse is removed from the div, the sprite will fall back to it's original position.
.hoverDiv /* Normal state */
background: url('images/img.png');
background-position: 0px 0px;
.hoverDiv:hover /* Hover state */
background-position: 0px -20px; /* Move background up by 20px, hiding the top image */
If you have a div of different height, just change the 20px bits with the height of the div.
If your sprites are side by side as opposed to on top of each other, move the X axis by using background-position: -20px 0px; instead of 0px -20px;. Of course, you can move the background positively too.
Hope this helps,
you could use css sprites
The best thing to do is use CSS Sprites. A sprite sheet is a large image with lots of images inside it, which will be used on your site. What's the benefit? Well, it means that only one http request is sent to download all of your images. Therefore, making the site load slightly faster.
It will really work well with a hover effect!
It's much easier to use plus simple code. Not like JavaScript, with messy horrible code. It's very easy to learn. Based around the position of the image in the sprite. Here's a useful tutorial, on Flowdev. Here's an example on W3Schools

Making a background-color repeat only horizontally using CSS

I'm specifying a color hex code as the background-color of a really long div. However, i'd like this color to be only repeated horizontally, from left to right, in the first part of the and not go down any further.
Can that be done using background-repeat:repeat-y or is there another method?
Colors have no height...they just exist, without dimensions. If you want a visual distinction between your background color and the rest of the document, you'll need to use a solid image as your background-image:
div.className {
background-position:left top;
background-repeat:repeat-x; // Causes repeat from left-to-right only
Do you mean repeating background color or an image? I assume an image becaues repeating a background color makes no sense. And yes this is the correct way:
#mydiv {
background-image: url(images/background.png);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
The background-repeat CSS property defines how background images are repeated. A background image can be repeated along the horizontal axis, the vertical axis, both, or not repeated at all. When the repetition of the image tiles doesn't let them exactly cover the background, the way adjustments are done can be controlled by the author: by default, the last image is clipped, but the different tiles can instead be re-sized, or space can be inserted between the tiles.
You can achieve this without a file when creating an 1px image and put it into your CSS encoded as base64, or by using multiple html elements and positioning. You can not specify a background size for a plain color defined in pure CSS (without using the image trick) at this time.
Also see Is embedding background image data into CSS as Base64 good or bad practice?
