CSS: Hover State images cache - css

when we define hover state of anything CSS... & on hover state we change the background:url('image path'); will this image be preloaded of will be download on the first hover of the element.. if that is so then how to preload it... i know the javascript to preload images.. is that going to work...

If you're trying to avoid having your hover state images only load they they're being hovered on, instead of preloading them, why not create sprites that hold both the normal and hover images ? That way you can be sure that all your hover state images will already be loaded, and at the same time drop the overhead for all the requests. The only thing that you would then need to do, is to set the value of the background-position attribute.
As for your first question, I suppose the best way of finding the answer is to use two large images (a couple of wallpapers would work) and test it yourself, although I suspect that the images will only be loaded when the mouse is over the original image, because that's when the code is being executed.
Hope this helps !

If you have a div of height 20px, say, and want a background image to change on hover, use an image with both the no-hover and hover graphics in it, with the no-hover at the top, and the hover image at the bottom. Both parts should be the hight of your div, in this case, 20px. Then, set your CSS background-position first to 0px 0px (top left). This is default (no hover).
When the user hovers over the div, set the background-position to 0px -20px (20px up). This will move the background image up by 20px, showing the bottom half of the sprite, which is the hover graphic. When the mouse is removed from the div, the sprite will fall back to it's original position.
.hoverDiv /* Normal state */
background: url('images/img.png');
background-position: 0px 0px;
.hoverDiv:hover /* Hover state */
background-position: 0px -20px; /* Move background up by 20px, hiding the top image */
If you have a div of different height, just change the 20px bits with the height of the div.
If your sprites are side by side as opposed to on top of each other, move the X axis by using background-position: -20px 0px; instead of 0px -20px;. Of course, you can move the background positively too.
Hope this helps,

you could use css sprites

The best thing to do is use CSS Sprites. A sprite sheet is a large image with lots of images inside it, which will be used on your site. What's the benefit? Well, it means that only one http request is sent to download all of your images. Therefore, making the site load slightly faster.
It will really work well with a hover effect!
It's much easier to use plus simple code. Not like JavaScript, with messy horrible code. It's very easy to learn. Based around the position of the image in the sprite. Here's a useful tutorial, on Flowdev. Here's an example on W3Schools


Background x-repeat negative margin for overlap

Actually my first question on stack:)
I'm trying to get a negative (right) margin on my repeating background, so there won't be a gap between the repeating images.
It seems there is no css syntax for this.
To make things clear, i added an image below. So i'm trying to get the repeating images of the cookie-like things to overlap so there's no gap between them.
screenshot of the page
You can apply multiple backgrounds to an element, so why not use this background image twice, with different horizontal offsets.
body {
url('http://i.stack.imgur.com/jKAKB.png') 0 100% repeat-x,
url('http://i.stack.imgur.com/jKAKB.png') 75px 100% repeat-x;
PS the cookie like things are called kruidnoten. Although everybody calls then pepernoten, which is not actually true.

Can CSS be used to change an image's color for active & hover?

I'm working with the Shape5.com Corporate Response Joomla template and been asked to make a change to the color of the four icons for social media in the upper right-hand corner. The demo of this template can be found here:
Their CSS for each icon looks like this from the template.css file. I'm just including the first icon to keep this brief, which is for RSS:
#s5_rss {
background:url(../images/rss.png) no-repeat top left;
#s5_rss:hover {
background:url(../images/rss.png) no-repeat bottom left;
The rss.png is here:
I've been asked to use CSS to change the active/hover color from what it is now to red. I'm not sure if this can be done with CSS or not. Can it? Or does this require a new .png file created with the image by the designer to be the desired red color?
I'd also like to understand why this rss.png file has two images of the icon inside of it at different shades and how does the CSS toggle between them to know which to use for hover? Is this a special .png file that allows this, perhaps in a different format than most .png files? Thanks!
The image is known as a sprite image: a single image file consisting of multiple sprites which you apply as a single background image, and position according to the constraints set by the width and height properties on an element. It's just a regular PNG image and is not intrinsically different from other PNG images.
As for actually changing the color of the image to red, that is not something you can do with CSS alone depending on what you mean by "changing the color" — the safest bet is to modify the image to add a new sprite with the desired color. Since it's just a regular PNG image it's a simple matter of extending the canvas another 23 pixels down, rendering the new sprite in the extra space that's created, and modifying your CSS so it looks like this:
#s5_rss:hover {
background:url(../images/rss.png) no-repeat center left;
#s5_rss:active {
background:url(../images/rss.png) no-repeat bottom left;
You can also replace the background:url(../images/rss.png) no-repeat portion with background-position: in your :hover and :active rules as you're really only modifying the background position when using a sprite in CSS:
#s5_rss:hover {
background-position:center left;
#s5_rss:active {
background-position:bottom left;
Experimental CSS filters are up around the horizon, but without good cross-browser support, you're basically out of luck on that front. If you can handle reduced browser support, go take a look at this overview of CSS filters.
Your current code shows only half the rss.png which conveniently is the exact height of just one of the sub-images within it. When you declare the background: you're telling it to stick the image from the top and hide the bottom half.
On hover, you're instructing it to draw just the bottom half of the image (the hovered state part). To make it a different color, you pretty much need to edit the file (short of having the background image partially transparent and showing a red background through it).
Overall, there's nothing magical going on, just well-documented magic that we all share and use every day.
Currently there is no way to change the colours within an image using css and likely there will either never be or a long way off. There is the potential to do a color overlay but this would not help unless the image you were dealing with was a block colour.
In order to change the color you will need a separate image to reference on the hover styling rule for that element.
The alternative way to do this is to use a sprite, where all the images are loaded as one image and css just focuses on a portion of it depending on the state ie hover, active etc. This is what you mentioned earlier. Have a look at the following links for information on using a sprite, but put simply if you have a 40*40px social icon. You would create a 40*80 image and then in css say use the top half for normal and the bottom for hover. This actually saves time when loading your page and you should always try and use sprites where ever possible, remember the faster the page the better for the user.
http://css-tricks.com/css-sprites/ (good guide on sprites)
http://spriteme.org/ (very handy and will do the work for you - recommended)

Fixed background image until bottom of page

I'm trying to get a background image to start and stay in a fixed position, but only until the rest of the 'content' of the page is finished, at which point the full image is displayed.
I'm working on a purely CSS solution. I should note that the image is larger than most (laptop) screens.
Specifically, here's the code that I've been using:
body {
background-position:0px 72px;
The image that I'm using is given in the url():
The effect that I'm looking for is basically the image will display only about the top 10% of the grass hill while you're looking at most of the page, but if you finally scroll all the way down past all the page content, the remaining 90% of the grass hill will be shown.
I couldn't find this anywhere, but I may have just been using poor search terms since I'm not so familiar with the lingo.
Well, this was one jiggy nut! I did come up with a not so stable trick to achieve this. I don't have time to develop it any more right now, but perhaps it might be a working concept.
Main contept
By providing a large and empty footer area that the user is likely to hover when reaching the bottom of the page, we use a sibling selector to change the position of its sibling element containing the background:
#footer:hover ~ #background {
background-position: center bottom;
Along with a few quirks (which ought to be improved) we can achieve a parallax effect.
Go Fiddle
Check out this JFiddle (in Chrome) to see and play with it.

Parallax image loads fine, but jumps to center when hovered over

I've got this peculiar bug I've been trying to fix today—-still no luck.
If you look at the example below,
Here's what happens. The full-width background image loads in the correct position, centered along the y axis. Then when we hover over the image, the whole image jumps over to the middle, and slowly adjusts itself back to it's normal desired position.
What's causing this is left: 50%; margin-left: -960px;. This allows us to center the image correctly to begin with. If we didn't have this CSS, the hover wouldn't jump, but the image would load anchoring itself on the top left of the browser.
In the link above, the red box is the content div. The blue box is some text that will be parallaxing with the background-image.
Here is what I am trying to achieve:
Make the background-image appear centered.
When the user hovers over the background-image, it would not jump to the middle of the page.
And lastly, decrease the width of which the user would be able to "parallax" on the x axis. The way it is now, is that the user can see from side to side of the image if patient enough. I want the parallax to be very subtle.
Also, I'm using jParallax, found here:
Thank you for your help!
Once you set the position via CSS for the background image, it seems jQuery Parallax plugin alters those settings. The solution then is to apply those settings after the jQuery Parallax has dealt with that parallax layer.
First, remove the margin-left and left from your .parallax-layer#background class.
.parallax-layer#background {
background-image: url('../images/bg.jpg');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center bottom;
width: 1920px;
height: 620px;
Ideally, center the blue box using the same method (unless you want it partially off screen). I've also removed non essential CSS based on your HTML.
.parallax-layer#tagline {
background-color: blue;
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
Finally, add the CSS rules that were removed from the background and tagline selectors so they are applied after jQuery Parallax has manipulated those items.
jQuery('#parallax .parallax-layer')
mouseport: jQuery('body')
jQuery('#background').css({marginLeft: "-960px", left: "50%", bottom: "0px"});
jQuery('#tagline').css({marginLeft: "-200px", left: "50%"});
You no longer will see the large white section (body background color) to the left of the background image when the mouse enters the viewport.
This jQuery Parallax plugin aligns everything top/left by design. If the mouse enters the
viewport from the right of the blue box, that box animates to that location correctly.
However, should the mouse enter from the left side of the blue box, that box will 'jump' to the cursors location. You might consider removing the last jQuery line above so the blue box is top/left upon browser load or use a lower percentage value like 25%.
For those that landed on this Question/Answer and wanted some real markup to work with, I have set up two jsFiddles. One jsFiddle duplicated the problem and the other has the solution as shown above.
Original Problem - jsFiddle
Fixed Applied - jsFiddle
Both jsFiddles are in full screen mode so the Parallax effects can be seen.
Instructions to view Original Problem:
1. Launch the above Original Problem jsFiddle Link.
2. Press the jsFiddle Play Button, being careful not to enter the viewport. If the blue box moves in any way... you've entered the viewport so press the play button again.
3. Enter from the top/left of the viewport and you will see the problem... the HTML Body (white color) is seen as the background image readjusts itself.
4. Press the Play Button at any time to reset the webpage.
To see the Fixed Applied, either launch the link above or at the Browsers Address Bar modify the URL so you see revision 1 of that jsFiddle. (i.e., http://jsfiddle.net/UG4Sq/1/embedded/result/ )
The blue box indicates via text which jsFiddle your viewing. Cheers!

div:hover positions swap image differently in different browsers

I've used the div:hover CSS rule to achieve the desired affect - an image "swap" when the mouse hovers over a navigation image: www.scottmccarthydesign.com/dev.index.html
My setup here, however, is not actually a "swap." The main navigation image is a flattened jpeg of the entire desk (for faster loading), and there are empty divs over each item on the desk to map the image with links. When these empty divs are moused over, the div:hover rule fills the div with a .png that is meant to be placed precisely over the main desk image to give the effect of an image swap.
It works nicely in Firefox, but I do not understand why Safari is positioning the :hover image over the desk differently than Firefox is - each :hover image is about 1 pixel off, making it look like the seperate images on the desk are actually shifting a bit when moused over. Any suggestions??
I've had trouble using the :hover pseudo-class on elements other than <a></a>. You could use (jquery/javascript) to alter the class of the said <div> using onmouseover and onmouseout events.
With onmouseover, add a class that defines a certain background image. With onmouseout remove that class.
Even easier, use jquery .hover()
reposition your links after adding this to your css:
a div {
line-height: 0;
I've come across this issue before and found that it had to do with the size of the image. When the image is an odd-number pixel size on one of its dimensions, the calculations done by Firefox and Chrome/Safari (particularly when using center) are slightly different. Essentially, it has to do with sub-pixel rounding.
Simply add or subtract a pixel to your images on the axis that has an odd number length, to make them an even number (ie - instead of 100x123, make it 100x124) and you should be golden.
No need to use Javascript, this can certainly be achieved using just CSS. In my opinion, your best bet is to use the technique discussed in this article on CSS Sprites: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/sprites.
Essentially, for each item on your desk, place the hovered and non-hovered image in same image, one on top of each other, so that the top area has the non-hover state, and the bottom area has the hover state. Your code will probably look like this modified:
div#keyboard2 {
position: absolute;
left: 89px;
top: 256px;
width: 67px;
height: 160px;
background: url(../images/keyboard.png) 0 0 no-repeat;
#keyboard2:hover { background-position: 0 100%; }
Your desk image will then be empty, and of your items will just be on top of it.
