Link Realm within a dynamic library ends in "ld: framework not found Realm for architecture i386" - realm

I've created a custom dynamic library (let's call in LogLibrary.framework) in Swift 2.1. No I'd like to link the Realm.framework and RealmSwift.framework with it.
I did follow the installation instructions provided on
These steps are:
Link Binary with Libraries (Realm.framework and RealmSwift.framework added)
Build Phase -> Add copy files Phase -> Destination "Frameworks"
Run Script Phase -> bash "${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/Realm.framework/"
Unfortionally, if l link the LogLibrary.framework in my sample Application, I always get the following compile error:
ld: framework not found Realm for architecture i386
I did not set any additional linker flags in the sample Application.
However, It works if I also link the Realm.framework and RealmSwift.framework in the sample Application - but that's not what I want, because they are already linked within the LogLibrary.framework
Any Ideas how I can get rid of the compile error?
Sample Project:

You should link Realm and RealmSwift.framework to PhotoApp target too. Because those frameworks are not static libraries. They are linked dynamically. So they are still specified to link app's target and included in app bundle.


java.lang.module.FindException: Module test not foundIntellidea

I am have this Exception please help me!
"Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.Find Exception: Module test not found"
But i write VM option "--module-path "D:\UT java\javafx-sdk-17.0.1\lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml"
and i have "
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.controls;
requires java.sql;
requires java.desktop;
requires jdk.jfr;"
i add my sdk. And if i create javafx demo project and execute him it work. and if i start change fxml file and change controller i have this exception.
I have IntellIJIdea 2021, javafx-sdk-17.0.1, jdbc jr 8,11,16
Steps to fix:
Delete the JavaFX sdk (you don’t need it).
Delete old Java versions (they are obsolete).
Update your IntelliJ IDE and IDE plugins to the most recent release, 2021.3.2+.
Create a new JavaFX project using JDK and JavaFX 17.0.2+.
Select Maven for the build system unless you know and prefer Gradle.
Do not set VM arguments, you don’t need them.
Adding modules via the --add-modules VM arguments is unnecessary when you have a valid file.
The --module-path is still required so that the modules can be found, but Idea will provide the correct path for your modules automatically when it recognizes the modules through your Maven dependencies.
So you don't need to explicitly define the --module-path VM argument yourself for a Maven based build (that would be difficult to do anyway because the modules are all downloaded to different directories in your local maven repository).
Test it works following the Idea create new JavaFX project execution instructions.
Add additional modules one at a time by adding their maven dependency to pom.xml and the requires clause to
Ensure you synchronize the Maven and Idea projects between each
See, for example, this question on correctly adding the module.
Adding other modules such as javafx.web, javafx.fxml or javafx.swing follows a similar pattern.
Test between each addition by building and running the project, to ensure you haven’t broken anything.
Copy your original source code into the appropriate package directories under the new project source directory:
Place resources in:
following the Eden resource location guide.
Fix any errors, ensure everything compiles and runs, then test it.

Cannot find c:\Users\qt\work\install\lib\Qt5Widgetsd.lib when compiling QtWebEngine examples

I downloaded Qt5.6 VS2013 32bit and try to run the official example of QtWebEngine.
I just followed the instruction but
When linking it gives out an error of
LNK1104 file not found c:\Users\qt\work\install\lib\Qt5Widgetsd.lib.
However, I have no idea of where this path c:\Users\qt\work\install\lib\ comes from.
I did text search in all directories of example folder and no hits other than generated files(makefiles and pdbs).
I also checked system environment variables but no hits.
Furthermore, I checked Qt Creator'r Projects panel and its Build Environment and still no hits.
Did I miss something?
P.S. this error was given out by linking DemoBrowser example of QtWebEngineWidgets pro
The link is generated by qmake when it generates the build scrip from the qt project file (*.pro). It is based from the qmake application path that is generaly installed together with the libraries (check you qt kit setup to change it if needed: Jst browse to qmake.exe application).
Then try regenerate the build script. It should fix the issue.
You may also have issue with installation not being in debug mode; you are trying to use Qt5Widgetsd.lib library instead of the non-debug one Qt5Widgets.lib

Qt generates multiple .so files - which one to use?

I am learning about shared objects (.so) / dynamic link libraries (.dll). Since I'm on Linux only .so files are relevant. Anyway, when I compile a shared library, I get multiple .so files - most of which are only links. Here is a screenshot:
Then I created another Qt console application project to test this SO. I had set up all the header files, copied every .so file from previous screenshot to this new project and added
LIBS += ""
to project settings. If I compile the project it goes through OK. But when running my test app I get this error:
./DLLTester: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Where is the problem and why do I get so many .so files?
Just do:
LIBS += -lAritmeticnoKodiranjeDLL
The specifics of the libraries prefix ("lib") and suffix (".so") will be taken care of by the linker.
Note how all except one are just symbolic links, and the actual file is the one with most precise version. This is to support different versions of the library, the symbolic links determine which exact version is used when version is not fully defined. If you are installing libs to system library folders, this is kind of important, but if you are just distributing one non-shared version along with your application, then you can use the name without version number.
When running application with custom libraries, you need to add the directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, so runtime linker finds them. See . For troubleshooting, you can run ldd yourprogram to see what shared libraries are actually loaded, and echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH will let you make sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH is what you think it is.
I can definitely confirm from my current experience that QtCreator 4.0.3 with Qt 5.7 under Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) when building a shared library (using TEMPLATE = lib) then resulting target is (when CONFIG += unversioned_libname) or (when CONFIG unchanged). However an application built with the very same environment links correctly against that library (LIBS += -Lfolder -lNAME) during linking but unfortunately during run-time it requests for because "Application Output" says error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (I can see in the generated binary of the app but NOWHERE else - not in Make files). I have spent 2 working days to figure this all out. The only way is to manually change the name of generated .so file to fit what application requests.

Build Kobold2d project from command line

I posted this on the Kobold2d forums but haven't received any replies yet. I'm hoping the larger audience here at SO can help.
I'm trying to get our Kobold2d project working with our Hudson CI server. I'd like to have a script that executes the proper command line build instructions using xcodebuild, but I'm running into a problem with any Kobold2d project.
As a test I created a Orthogonal-Tilemap template project and built/ran it in the xcode 4.4.1 gui successfully. Building the projects individually from the command line the Kobold2D-Libraries.xcodeproj reports a successful build (though I have no idea where any products are stored), but the tilemap project fails with the message:
ld: file not found: <path>/Kobold2D/Kobold2D-2.0.3/BuildTest/build/Release-iphoneos/libkobold2d-ios.a
The only information I can find on this message talks about errors from building in the xcode gui, which is not the problem.
I also tried having xcodebuild build the workspace file but that failed with multiple dependency errors.
Has anyone found a way to successfully build Kobold2d projects from the command line?
Actually I use Hudson to automate Kobold2D builds. Here's the build script for Hudson.
I can see from your path that you changed Xcode's default build locations (Advanced, next to Derived Data in Preferences -> Locations). There's one setting (legacy) that doesn't work at all with Kobold2D, and should actually open a browser window explaining the issue should you have used that setting.
I think your setting is "relative to project" or something similar. Try changing the build location to Xcode default (Unique) and try again. You can use a custom location for derived data if you want to.
In any case, if the output location path of build products ends up being somewhere in the app project folder (in this case: BuildTest) then ld won't be able to find dependencies because they're not all in the same folder. If you do require this you could add a pre-link step that copies the .a files to the correct location. But it's best to avoid this because it'll be prone to breaking.
My script includes
xcodebuild -workspace Bulge.xcworkspace -scheme Bulge-iOS -sdk ${sdk} archive || die "Archive failed"

PLCrashReporter in XCode 4 - won't compile in Simulator

I must be doing something totally stupid here, but I can't get the PLCrashReporter framework included in my project. Here are the steps I took to get the framework:
Downloaded the .dmg file from the official project site on google code
Copied the CrashReporter.framework folder to the root directory of my project
Added the framework by going to my project, selecting the target, going to the Build Phases tab, opening the Link Binary With Libraries section, clicking the plus sign, and adding the CrashReporter.framework folder
I am pulling in the framework in my class file by using
#import <CrashReporter/CrashReporter.h>
When I try to compile under 4.3 simulator, I get the following errors:
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_PLCrashReporter", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate+CrashReporting.o
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_PLCrashReport", referenced from:
objc-class-ref in AppDelegate+CrashReporting.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
When I compile under the device, everything is fine. Is there some sort of header or library search path I need to include?
The app compiles under XCode 3 without issues under all configurations.
I had the same issue and was able to resolve it. Here are the steps I completed...
Download the PLCrashReporter source release and unzip.
Open the PLCrashReporter xcode project. This project is setup to use an old SDK, update all the required SDKs for each target to get rid of the warnings. This is also required to compile in the next step.
Navigate to the CrashReporter-iPhoneSimulator Target. Under the Build Settings: a) set "Perform Single-Object Prelink" to "No", b) set "Mach-O Type" to "Static Library".
Select CrashReport-iPhoneSimulator : [IOS simulation (ie iPhone 4.3 Simulator)] and click build.
Navigate to your build directory for the PLCrashReporter. For me, it was /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CrashReporter-(random characters)/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator
Copy the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a from the build directory in step 5 to the iphone application project directory you want to add the crash reporter to.
Open the your iphone application project in xcode.
Download the PLCrashReporter binary release and extract the framework to a local directory.
Add the CrashReporter framework to your project using this SO post.
Following the same procedure as step 9, add the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a static library to the "Link Binary with Libraries" section of the build phases. No *.framework directory is needed when adding a static library.
Review the "Link Binary with Libraries" in the Target. Make sure the libCrashReporter-iphonesimulator.a is listed above the CrashReporter framework. You can drag and drop to reorder.
I hope this helps.
For anyone else looking for this information:
I followed the same steps given above however I was getting errors. I deleted the static library and only included the framework (which you can get from their dmg).
It worked perfectly for me. I think the process of creating static library by building the project was old (before they created a framework).
Don't forget to include
in "Link Binary With Libraries".
